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歌集・詩集表題/ titles of the colleted poems 制作日時/ date of writing
「関東平野にて」 / In the Kanto Plain January--, 2006
「むさしのすけっち」/ Musashino Setch February-December, 2005

「はなのこよみうたのこよみ」 / Calendar in Flowers and Poems"

January-December, 2004
「水辺」"Waterside" 10/20 to 11/5, 2003
「街に刻む」"Writing in Towns" 7/26 to 8/31, 2003
「エイジング」"Aging" 2/14 to 7/15, 2003
「記憶」 "Memory" 12/23, 2002
「春 花集」 "Collected Spring Flowers" 3/1 to 4/12, 2002
「しずかなところしずかなこころ」 "peaceful space" 1/1 to 3/12, 2002
「花のなごり」"The Rest of Flowers" 12/1 to 12/31, 2001
「水の畔へ」"Steps to Water"

11/1 to 11/30, 2001

「風の行方」"As the Wind Blows" 10/1 to 10/31, 2001
「鍵を探して」"Looking for Keys" 9/1 to 9/30, 2001
「ことばの森の奥深く」"Deep in the Forest" 8/1 to 8/31, 2001
「角を曲がれば」"Just Around the Corner" 7/1 to 7/31, 2001
"Welcome to a Penthouse"
6/1 to 6/30, 2001
「風に託すことば」"Words in the Wind" 5/1 to 5/31, 2001
「ミモザの樹下に」"Under the Shade of Mimoza" 4/1 to 4/30, 2001
「振り向きもせず何思う」"You Never Watch Me" 3/1 to 3/31, 2001
「さきがけの声」"A Forerunner's Voice" 2/1 to 12/28, 2001
「宙をきりとる」"A Patch of the Sky" 1/1 to 1/31, 2001
「光のたわむれ」"Playing Light" 12/1 to 12/31, 2000
「ことばのはなかご」"Flowerpots for Words" 11/1 to 11/30, 2000
「路地のおもいで」"Memories of Alley" 10/1 to 10/31, 2000
「森のかたらい」"Talking of the Woods" 9/1 to 9/30, 2000
「街のゆらめき」"Towns in Illusion" 8/1 to 8/31, 2000
「空のうつろい」"The Everchanging Sky" 7/1 to 7/31, 2000
「雨のあしおと」"Listening to Raindrops" 6/1 to 6/30, 2000
「水辺のいざない」"Calling to the Waterside " 5/1 to 5/31, 2000
"A Green Thought in a Green Shade "
4/1 to 4/30, 2000
「春のまなざし」"Watching the Early Spring" 2/26 to 3/31, 2000

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