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February 13, 2025


Sometimes markets are held in Koganei Park. This time “All Japan Pottery Market” was held. In front of the Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum, two rows of tents were built to cover numerous tiny pottery shops along both sides of a huge square. I held my backpack in my chest to oversee the goods carefully. In our family, we’ve decided not to increase materials of any kind as much as possible, so I had to be very deliberate. It was hard to find the right ones among the numerous goods. I walked all around the market to pick up a set of medium-sized bowls. They were not expensive, but heavy enough in my backpack, wrapped in newspaper. Observing the full blossom of Japanese plum, I took a good walk in the park. Today’s update: the photo on the cover page Keyaki(Japanese zelkova), on a bank of Sayama-Sakai Scenic Road, Nishi-Tokyo City, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (blossom of Japanese white plum). Previous ones are in Photo Calendar. Thank you for your visit.

February 9, 2025


It’s ice-cold under the clear sky in Kanto District. What should I say to those struggling with the weighty snow in northern districts? After one month from the previous visit, I went to see my mother in a group home and took her out in her wheelchair. We enjoyed the sunshine and the bliss of the blue sky. The weight of the chair was the weight of her life. Although we had few words to share, we appreciated the comfort of outdoor air with joy. Today’s update: a photo page of the trip to Itou in January. How fast time passes! The photo on the index page is of a lane in the field in Kokubunji City, Tokyo, and the one here on this page is of a bare crape myrtle with its tiny berries all crackled out. Previous ones are in Photo Calendar. Thank you for your visit.

February 4, 2025


Now that it’s February, in our traditional calendar, February 2 is considered “the close of winter” and 3” the first day of spring.” However, it will become colder and bring heavy snow in many districts of Japan. Despite the harsh season, we become happy when we hear from our friends and feel the warmth of spring at heart. We can hardly survive just with pessimism, but we know the benefit of exchanging words; in that way, we make sure we are living all right. Words are powerless among those who fight in wars. How could we find a way to lead the world from violence to peace? I know it’s useless to grumble something like this. In an old saying in Japanese, they say, “dried sardines gnash their teeth.” Today’s update: an essay entitled “Schrodinger's Cat” (only in Japanese). Also the photo on the index page (Library of Keio University at Mita, Minato Ward in Tokyo) and the photo on this page (blooming wintersweet at Higashimurayama Central Park). Previous ones are in Photo Calendar. Thank you for your visit.

January 29, 2025


Already one month has passed since he beginning of a new year. How fast time passes! It’s impossible to stop the passage of time and life. While I was young, I used to try hard to cling to stability of whatever I wanted; but now perhaps I’ve learned a little to give up gradually. On the other hand, something unexpected may happen suddenly. You may meet someone you never knew. On these occasions I fearfully imagine the vague future. However old you may be, future is always an unexplored field. That is where we can dream of hope. Disregarding the chaotic world at large, individuals are free to think by themselves, writing and recording their wishes and prayers as a humble strategy to survive. I won’t stop writing either, like what I’m doing in this webpage. Today’s update: the photo on the index page (Tokyo Tower in the evening, viewed from Akabanebashi Crossig, Minato Ward, Tokyo) and the one here on this page (an azure-winged magpie I found at River Karabori Gawa, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo). Previous photos are in Photo Calendar. Thank you for your visit.

January 20, 2025


The ocean in winter viewed from Izu Jogasaki Beach was just calm and warm. The view was more precious as I was with a friend of mine who came for sunshine from the heavy snow in Aomori City. We walked along Jogasaki Picnical Course / Nature Study Course for a while. It was my first walk along the seaside in 2025. I really appreciated the sunshine and its energy. Today’s update: the photo in the index page (Oshima Island in a distance viewed from Jogasaki Beach) and the one here in this page (a blossom of camellia I found while walking). Previous photos are in Photo Calendar. Thank you for your visit.

January 15, 2025

年が明けてから益々寒さが募るようになった。北国での豪雪の報道が相次ぐ。かと思えば、アメリカ西海岸カリフォルニア州南部の森林火災に端を発した火事が街を焼き尽くす映像に戦慄を覚えている。1月7日以来燃え盛るLos Angeles近郊(とりわけEaton Fireの地区)は私たちが1984年に滞在していた地域に近く、凄まじいニュース映像には唖然とするばかりだ。CALTECのサイトでは火事への対応がコミュニティーに向けて日々更新されていく。地震、雷、火事...というのはどこにいても脅威である。戦場にも劣らない惨禍が襲う様をまたしても年の始めから目にすることになろうとは!


It has been very cold since the beginning of the new year. Heavy snow in the northern areas of Japan has been reported repeatedly. On the other hand, I’m appalled to see on TV and net news “Cal Fire” burning towns in the southern California near Los Angeles. Particularly, the area of Eaton Fire is very close to Pasadena where we stayed in 1984. CALTEC releases daily notices on the fire to its community people. Earthquakes, thunders, fires and … have always been the great threats to all kinds of lives. At the beginning of a new year, we have to face the devastating news (not only of wars but also of natural disasters) again and again.

BTW, noisy birds were swarming on the electric lines in front of our house. I guess they were brown-eared bulbuls. Seemingly they were looking for nuts in a bevy. Recently I often see lots of red Pyracantha growing here and there. Animals and plants are appealing themselves in such a withering season of a year. Although they are not very noticeable, flowers of loquat are in full bloom now. Today’s update: The photo in the inex page (brown-eared bulbuls swarming on the electric lines, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (flowers of loquat, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo). Previous photos are in Photo Calendar. Thank you for your visit.

January 9, 2025

我ながら数字の覚えや理解があまりにも不得手なのに呆れている。子どもの頃から今日まで、暗算は苦手だし大きな数をパッと見て読むのも危うい。ましてや数値の並ぶ書類を見ながらその示すところを理解するのは絶望的だ。それでよく社会人をやってこられたものだと思うが、あちこちで躓いている。大雑把で済まないのが数字。数字は自然科学への入口の一つだと思う。苦手だからと言って逃げ回っていると貴重な世界への扉を逃す。目の前で閉ざされた扉のいかに多いことか。今更悔やんでも始まらないけれど、今年は努めて少しでも数字と仲良くなりたいものだ。(アメリカの新大統領就任後に世界経済がどう変化してゆくかを見定めるのに数字を読めなくてどうすると思ったのが自覚のきっかけ。)本日の更新は表紙の写真(新設された所沢 Emi Terraceの4Fテラスから遠望する富士山)とこのページの写真(東村山市の雑木林)です。前回までの掲載写真は写真カレンダーに。ご訪問ありがとうございます。

I am disappointe to think of myself awfully bad with numbers. Since my childhood, I have been poor at mental calculation, and needless to say, at grasping big numbers at a glance. Furthermore, I’m hopeless with figuring out what a document with lists of numbers. How could I live as a member of a society? Frankly, I’ve stumbled in various occasions. We are not allowed to be ambiguous with numbers. I guess understanding numbers is one of the entrances into natural science. If we are trying to escape from our weaknesses, we are apt to lose important opportunities to step into valuable worlds. How many doors have I missed so far? It must be too late to repent but I would like to be friends with numbers in 2025. (I believe reading numbers is essential to watch and understand how world economy is going to change now that a new president of the United States is about to take office.) Today’s update: a photo in the index page (Mt. Fuji viewed from Tokorozawa Emi Terrace, Tokorozawa, Saitama) and the one here in this page (woods in a park, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo) Previous photos are in Photo Calendar. Thank you for your visit.

January 7, 2025


I walked pushing the wheel chair of my mother, who is 96 years old now, along a lane in a field to a small wooden shrine. It’s been wrecking but new sacred white pieces of paper were hanging. It showed the pious mind of the land owner. “Let’s pray for our health and happiness, Mother” I said, and she said, ”Yes, let’s.” We stood still for a moment. Only once in a while I can take her out for the sun, the wind, and the sky. I sincerely appreciate the bliss that we could be together. I wish this shrine won’t disappear while we can visit it. Today’s update: the photo  in the index page (a small shrine in a field, Kokubunji City, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (Melia azedarach by the overpass of Yasaka Station of Seibu Tamako Railway Line, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo). Previous photos are in Photo Calendar. Thank you for your visit.

January 2, 2025


本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都東村山市中央公園広場)とこのページの写真(同所雑木林)です。2024年の「更新 短信」は下記の過去の記録一覧に。前回までの掲載写真は「写真カレンダー2024」に。ご訪問ありがとうございます。2025年が良い年となりますように!

I wonder if a short poem <Something like a stick penetrates last year and this year> written by Takahama Kyoshi expresses a state of philosophical mind, tough and quiet. It might blow out a feeble spirit all at once. How about a thin stream? Can’t it penetrate our soul and body no matter how feeble we are? Looking up at the tree tops whose leaves are now stripped off, I can’t help thinking of green buds sprouting soon.

Today’s update: a photo in the index page (the ground of Higashimurayama Central Park, Higashimurayama City, Tokyo) and the one here in this page (woods in the park). The Latest Notes in 2024 are in the list of past notes below. Previous photos are in Photo Calendar 2024. Thank you for your visit. I wish you a very happy new year!  

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The Latest Notes 23 (1/3/2024-12/30/2024)

The Latest Notes 12 (1/1/2008-29/12/2008)

The Latest Notes 22 (1/2/2023-12/31/2023)

The Latest Notes 11 (1/1/2007-23/12/2007)
The Latest Notes 21 (3/1/2022-12/29/2022) The Latest Notes 10 (1/1/2006-27/12/2006)
The Latest Notes 20 (1/1/2021-2/28/2022) The Latest Notes 9 (4/1/2005 - 30/12/2005)
The Latest Notes 19 (2/1/2020-12/19/2020) The Latest Notes 8 (1/9/2004 - 31/12/2004)
The Latest Notes 18 (6/11/2018-12/11/2019) The Latest Notes 7 (1/5/2004 - 31/8/2004)
The latest Notes 17 (6/28/2013-8/18/2013) The Latest Notes 6 (2/1/2004 - 25/4/2004)
The latest Notes 17 (6/28/2013-8/18/2013) The Latest Notes 5 (1/9/2003 - 29/12/2003)
The Latest Notes 16 (1/3/2012-12/4/2012) The Latest Notes 4 (1/1/2003 - 8/31/2003)
The Latest Notes 15 (2/25/2011-10/26/2011) The Latest Notes 3 (9/22/ 2002 - 12/23/2002)
The Latest Notes 14 (1/3/2010-10/11/2010) The Latest Notes 2 (4/14/ 2002 - 9/5/2002)
The Latest Notes 13 (1/1/2009-12/11/2009) The Latest Notes 1 (11/1/ 2001 - 4/13/2002)