Saturday, March 31, 2001 淡雪に氷花と変じ散りもせぬ夜桜の枝を君に見せたき The frozen flowers never fall in the spring snow Let me show you the branches of cherry at night

Friday, March 30, 2001 手に重き詩集繙く北限の情景照らす言語結晶 I open a heavy book of poetry Crystalized is the language illuminating the norhternmost scenes

Thursday, March 29, 2001 短信は刻一刻が貴重だと散りゆく花の雨に霞む日 A short mail writes the preciousness of every moment On the rainy day the falling flowers look dim

Wednesday, March 28, 2001 ティールーム街の人波遮断するガラスの向こう泳ぐ魚ら The glass of a tearoom shut off the crowd in town Beyond them are fishes swimming

Tuesday, March 27, 2001 花盛りミモザの木陰異国にて人待つ如く佇んでおり Under the shade of a mimoza tree in full bloom I stand for a while as if waiting for somebody in a foreign country

Monday, March 26, 2001 睫毛までくすぐる風に身を反らし春よ春よと空見て歌う I set my body toward the wind which tickles me even to eyelashe And sing "Oh, spring! Oh, spring!" watching the sky

Sunday, March 25, 2001 雨足を突いて銀輪並列に弟と行く弥生の暮色 In the rain we go by bicycle side by side At twilight in March my brother and I

Saturday, March 24, 2001 昨日よりひらく辛夷はうっすらと純白ならぬ色帯び初める Flowers of kobushi are open more widely than yesterday Starting to have the tint not of pure white

Friday, March 23, 2001 沈黙の約束守る片側の疼き埋めて冬去りにけり The pain of one-sided promise to keep silence Is burried in winter, which has long gone

Thursday, March 22, 2001 三月の雪に埋もれた婚礼を振り返る日に指輪を回す I turn the ring around my finger on the day When I remember the snowy wedding in March

Wednesday, March 21, 2001 用水にきらめき流れ川岸の紫大根菜の花映す In the waterway twinkle is streaming down Flowers purple and yellow on the bank are reflected

Tuesday, March 20, 2001 早咲きの桜匂える枝に寄り眼閉ざして花にくちづけ The early cherry blossom calls me with its pale color I run to the tree and close my eyes to kiss flowers

Monday, March 19, 2001 人気無き山路辿ればホケキョウと筋書き通り使者が迎える I walked in a monutain alone to meet an ambassador As in a script, the clear song of a bush warbler

Sunday, March 18, 2001 ありありと夢にて語る人の様心のありか証して消えぬ The way a person talked vividly in my dream Has proved the state of my mind and vanished

Saturday, March 17, 2001 喪失に命はあると慰める川端に立つ愚者の妄言 To the fatal loss delusive is the consolation of a fool Who points out life, securing its safety on the bank

Friday, March 16, 2001 さざ波が海へと運ぶ陽光に包まれて尚何を悲しむ Wrapped in sunlight carried to the sea by wavelets I don't know why I still feel sad

Thursday, March 15, 2001 春嵐哮る虚空の彼方からことば放てり再びの生 Beyond the spring storm raging in the air Words were shot from the revived life

Wednesday, March 14, 2001 菜の花で絨毯織り初む土手流れ春また巡りまた去りゆくか Weaving the carpet of nano-hana on the bank Spring is coming again and will go again soon enough

Tuesday, March 13, 2001 青豆と米は離反し研ぐ水の表と底で別々に触れ Green peas and rice separate in the washing water They touch my hand on the bottom and the surface

Monday, March 12, 2001 開封のときめき送るこころばせ掌に受け暫し黙想 It's the heart of the thrill-sender I appreciate At the moment of opening an envelope on my palm

Sunday, March 11, 2001 花に代え贈ることばをキーに打つ「オカエリナサイ」後は続かず Instead of sending flowers I type gift of words "Welcome back" but no more follows

Saturday, March 10, 2001 星形に花弁広げるミニ水仙かがんで主張聴くも楽しき Mini daffodils open their petals in the shape of stars T'is joyful to listen stooping to their spring statements

Friday, March 9, 2001 銀の月薄雲払いしずしずと空襲の夜も斯くやと問う友 The silver moon sails away from thin clouds My friend asks if it was like this at the night of Tokyo Air Raid

Thursday, March 8, 2001 弥生にも影絵のままの桜の樹蕾の粒は枝に眠れる Cherry trees are still all in silhuette in March Tiny buds are still fast asleep on twigs

Wednesday, March 7, 2001 険のあることば交わした戦慄が消え残る間に笑みで納める While the shivers remain after the exchange of shrewd words Smiles intrude to close the confrontation in peace

Tuesday, March 6, 2001 象牙塔扉閉ざせば昂然と一人歩める道の泥濘 Doors of the ivory tower are all closed A man keeps walking alone aloof the sludgy road

Monday, March 5, 2001 わだかまる心に注ぐ清冽な月の光は春に冷たき To my weary mind streams in the clear moonlight It is ice-cold in early spring night

Sunday, March 4, 2001 沈丁花咲き初める朝一滴の香水まとい街は目覚める Sweet smelling daphne starts blooming first The town awakes with a drop of the fragrance

Saturday, March 3, 2001 菜の花と桃の二枝瓶に挿す媼の御手を物語る朝 Twigs of peach tree and nano-hana arranged in a vase The morning tells the work of an old woman's hands

Friday, March 2, 2001 さいわいは地べたに座り膝に抱く憮然たる野良撫でる少年に Happiness is of the boy sitting on the ground To hold carressing an indifferent alley cat on his lap

Thursday, March 1, 2001 痩せ猫は振り向きもせず何思う両手揃えてかしこまりつつ You never watch me but what do you think? A skinny cat with its paws put together politely

「さきがけの声」"A Forerunner's Voice" (2/1 to 2/28, 2001)
「宙をきりとる」"A Patch of the Sky" (1/1 to 1/31, 2001)
「光のたわむれ」"Playing Light" (12/1 to 12/31, 2000)
「ことばのはなかご」"Flowerpots for Words" (11/1 to 11/30, 2000)
「路地のおもいで」"Memories of Alley" (10/1 to 10/31, 2000)
「森のかたらい」"Talking of the Woods" (9/1 to 9/30, 2000)
「街のゆらめき」"Towns in Illusion" (8/1 to 8/31, 2000)
「空のうつろい」"The Everchanging Sky" (7/1 to 7/31, 2000)
「雨のあしおと」"Listening to Raindrops" (6/1 to 6/30, 2000)
「水辺のいざない」"Calling to the Waterside " (5/1 to 5/31, 2000)
「木陰のささやき」"A Green Thought in a Green Shade " (4/1 to 4/30, 2000)
「春のまなざし」"Watching the Early Spring" (2/26 to 3/31, 2000)
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