Friday, November 30, 2001 武蔵野の紅き欅は腕広げある限りの葉空に放てり Keyaki, a treen flaming in reed, opens its hands Leaves all its leaves up into the sky

Thursday, November 29, 2001 新調の靴に食われる足先で外回りする街路延々 New shoes hurt my feet when I visit my cliants Streets of unknown towns stretch far in front

Wednesday, November 28, 2001 記念日は様々にあり遠き人とことば交わせり祝福と知る On a memorial day of a kind we exchanged words far apart I know it's nothing but a blessing!

Tuesday, November 27, 2001 解放は束の間にせよ歩み出す衝動止めず流れる小川 If it's the momentary liberation Nobody stops the impulse of walking along the stream

Monday, November 26, 2001 燃え上がる銀杏太古の形して人を鼓舞する脈動のあり Flaming ginko trees in an ancient shape Inspiring people with their pulses deep

Sunday, November 25, 2001 後ずさり踏み込む小路目隠しの塀に囲まれ愕然と立つ I go backwards into the maze-like back alleys And find myself surrounded by blind walls to my dismay

Saturday, November 24, 2001 ヒマラヤの稜線染める落日の写真料理の間を継ぐ店屋 Photos of sunset coloring Himarayan ridgelines Fill the waiting time in the restaurant

Friday, November 23, 2001 ためらいつ電子の海に投げ入れた言の葉を飲む渦をみつめる Hesitatingly I threw my words in the cyber sea I glare at the whirlpool they are engulfed

Thursday, November 22, 2001 残り火を煽る木枯らし振り返る刹那の笑みの殊にうつくし Fire left unquenched is stirred up again by the cold wind Special beauty is in the smile looking back for a moment

Wednesday, November 21, 2001 自転車で豚肉届け弟は大事にしろよと夜道へ消える My brother brought me loafs of pork and went home By bicycle telling me to take care into the darkness

Tuesday, November 20, 2001 特急券コーヒーカップ鞄二個走るホームの背に響くベル With an express ticket, a coffee cup, and two bags I run the departure plathome hearing the bell behind me

Monday, November 19, 2001 黄金に燃える銀杏を窓枠に瞬間見せてバス遠ざかる The firing gold of ginko trees are shown momentarily In a window frame of a bus, which goes away and away

Sunday, November 18, 2001 書くほどにことば連ねて淋しきは返らぬことを承知の便り Sorrow is in written words so many When I know there will be no response

Saturday, November 17, 2001 冬将軍暫し待たれよ咳をするか弱きものに慈悲賜らん Stop and wait, Winter-General, for the coughing! We appreicate your gift of charity to the weak

Friday, November 16, 2001 手短なことば交わせり忙中に霜降る月の淡いときめき Brief words were exchaned in a busy moment Subtle excitement in a month of the first frost

Thursday, November 15, 2001 経巡りの季節の詩の烈風は枯れ葉舞い上げ国境を越す The wind blows in a poem of changing seasons Fallen leaves dance wildly to go over border lines

Wednessday, November 14, 2001 中学の長い廊下を歩み寄り十三の影薄明に消ゆ Walking down the long corridor of a junior high school A shadow of a thirteen-year-old passed by in twilight

Tuesday, November 13, 2001 順を待つ無表情なる人群れに埋もれて溶ける自意識の角 Waiting in expressionless crowd are melting Pointed angles of my selfconsciousness

Monday, November 12, 2001 黄落の道浸す雨遠景に紗幕をかける笑みはかりそめ Yellow leaves are soaked in rain on the road It veils distant views in pseudo smiles

Sunday, November 11, 2001 静けさと不気味さ混じる平穏に卵攪拌しつつ逆らう Peacefullness in silence mixed with eeriness I revolt it while beating an egg

Saturday, November 10, 2001 文明の十字路という要堺に消える女を追う熱嵐 To the crossroad of cultures, a bastion Follow women desappearing in a passionate storm

Friday, November 9, 2001 印刷の文字立ち上がり息をのむ意味を付与する咎我にあり Printed letters remarkably capture my eyes I should be blamed of my egocentric interpretation

Thursday, November 8, 2001 哀しくも寂しくもなしひたすらに夢見た後の残照に醒め No sadness nor loneliness remain I wake in the last light of my long dreams

Wednesday, November 7, 2001 かろやかに飛び行くこころとどめ得ず我の錨をほどく潮時 How can a heart be detained when it wishes to fly? Let the anchor of my feet be relased as well

Tuesday, November 6, 2001 さやさやと吹き寄せられる山茶花に染まる敷石踏む百万歩 Millions of steps go on the pavement Tinted with the frail petals of sasanqua drifted together

Monday, November 5, 2001 洋梨を煮詰めて残る透明な果肉僅かに延命叶う La france is stewed to be transparent The fruit is allowed to survive a little longer

Sunday, November 4, 2001 仕立屋に上着誂ふたまさかの贅沢の果て秋風に出る The rare luxary of ordering a jacket at a tailor We walk out into the wind of autumn

Saturday, November 3, 2001 降りしきる雨音被り構えなく午後の過ぎゆく霜月の無為 In the heavy rainfall with no intentions Afternoon passes leisurely in a November day

Friday, November 2, 2001 草むらを菊花に変える心ばせとりどりの色野趣に任せて Someone turns a patch of weed into chrysanthemums With various colors in wild mixture

Thursday, November 1, 2001 木の葉踏み水の畔へ降りて行く空へと至る階梯と知り I take steps to water stamping on fallen leaves I know they are steps to the sky

ホームに戻る (Back to Home)
「風の行方」"As the Wind Blows" (10/1 to 10/31, 2001)
「鍵を探して」"Looking for Keys" (9/1 to 9/30, 2001)
「ことばの森の奥深く」"Deep in the Forest" (8/1 to 8/31, 2001)
「角を曲がれば」"Just Around the Corner" (7/1 to 7/31, 2001)
「ペントハウスへようこそ」"Welcome to a Penthouse" (6/1 to 6/30, 2001)
「風に託すことば」"Words in the Wind" (5/1 to 5/31, 2001)
「ミモザの樹下に」"Under the Shade of Mimoza" (4/1 to 4/30, 2001)
「振り向きもせず何思う」"You Never Watch Me" (3/1 to 3/31, 2001)
「さきがけの声」"A Forerunner's Voice" (2/1 to 2/28, 2001)
「宙をきりとる」"A Patch of the Sky" (1/1 to 1/31, 2001)
「光のたわむれ」"Playing Light" (12/1 to 12/31, 2000)
「ことばのはなかご」"Flowerpots for Words" (11/1 to 11/30, 2000)
「路地のおもいで」"Memories of Alley" (10/1 to 10/31, 2000)
「森のかたらい」"Talking of the Woods" (9/1 to 9/30, 2000)
「街のゆらめき」"Towns in Illusion" (8/1 to 8/31, 2000)
「空のうつろい」"The Everchanging Sky" (7/1 to 7/31, 2000)
「雨のあしおと」"Listening to Raindrops" (6/1 to 6/30, 2000)
「水辺のいざない」"Calling to the Waterside " (5/1 to 5/31, 2000)
「木陰のささやき」"A Green Thought in a Green Shade " (4/1 to 4/30, 2000)
「春のまなざし」"Watching the Early Spring" (2/26 to 3/31, 2000)