Wednesday, January 31, 2001 鉛筆のかりこり走る音だけが教室にある希有と言うべし It is the rarest moment when only the running pencils Can be heard in a classroom 

Tuesday, January 30, 2001 店終い明日に控えたレストラン賑わいの底給仕目を伏せ The day before closure, at busy lunch time Waiters keep working quietly in the restaurant 

Monday, January 29, 2001 雪解けの水に飛び込む光の子笑いさざめく春の幻 Children of light jump into the water Born from dissolved snow, the illusory spring 

Sunday, January 28, 2001 人の手の働きぶりに感嘆し指先そっと肌に走らす Impressed with the hardworking hands I let my fingers run softly on the skin 

Saturday, January 27, 2001 降り積もる雪踏み行けば目も覚める小径開けて白銀の野に I was stepping on the snow of a lane Suddenly I found myself in an silver open field 

Friday, January 26, 2001 指先は時止めよとせわしなく白髪一筋追い詰めていく Fingertips run down a gray hair To stop time passage meticulously

Thursday, January 25, 2001 踏み惑う電子回路の迷宮に曖昧巣くう領域不在 In the electronic maze I wander There is no domain for ambiguity

Wednesday, January 24, 2001 渡るたび川風に酔う橋の上痛み流して一人見送る Everytime I cross I feel dizzy on the bridge I look after the pain I dropped on the water

Tuesday, January 23, 2001 神田川水面静かに滑空のカモメは白く街に海寄せ A gull is gliding over the quiet water of River Kanda The white fellow reminds me of the sea in town

Monday, January 22, 2001 与えうるさいわいがあり与えらるさいわいもあるいのちいとしき Happiness to give and happiness to be given Life is precious

Sunday, January 21, 2001 大地渇き潤い求め雪の下癒されたかと氷結を剥ぐ Thirst of the earth called for moisture in snow I scrape the frozen snow to see its satisfaction

Saturday, January 20, 2001 寒梅に降り積む雪を膨らんだ期待封じる使者と眺める Snow is falling upon the January plum flowers Like an ambassador to ban the bulging hopes

Friday, January 19, 2001 道化振り染みつく化粧人前にことば繰り出す習い性かな Makeup of a fool's role cannot be cleansed T'is my habit to keep talking before people

Thursday, January 18, 2001 邪心とは無縁の若き学究の眼覗けば湖は揺れ Looking in the eyes of a young scholoar free from evil I saw the lake water wavering in depth

Wednesday, January 17, 2001 街中の人の心にことばあり声なきことば我が心にも Everyone in town has words in heart Voiceless words are in mine as well

Tuesday, January 16, 2001 湧き水を汲む器なく掌を結び掬い放てば飛沫きらめく I have no bowl to fulfill but palms to scoop springwater Drops sprinkled in the air glisten

Monday, January 15, 2001 冬雲を穿つ光は地に届き『天使の階段』仰ぐ恍惚 Shafts of light shoot from winter clouds to the earth I watch "the Angel's Stairway" in an ecstasy

Sunday, January 14, 2001 金星を凌ぐ光度に人工の宇宙ステーション鉄道で行け Surpassing Venus in luminosity is the man-made space station Go there by the Galaxy Railway

Saturday, January 13, 2001 突っ伏して泣くかと肩に手をかけた我を見返す蒼白の人 I touched the shoulders bent down seemingly crying A pale face turned up to watch me alertly

Friday, January 12, 2001 棄てられた木馬の眼残雪を見据えて静か騎手の影消え An abandoned rocking-horse watches the lingering snow Quietness governs after its rider disappeared

Thursday, January 11, 2001 小穴から乾いた砂はこぼれ落ち空のガラスは尽きた時の巣 Dry sand runs out of a small hole To leave the vacant glass tube, a nest of the time lost

Wednesday, January 10, 2001 ときめきを振り払うのは雪の日にセーターを脱ぐ火の気なき部屋 In a heatless room you take your sweater off and know It's the feeling of letting your heart cease to leap up

Tuesday, January 9, 2001 空しさを塞ぐ術なき悲しさの母を咎めて共に傷負う To blame my mother for having no tactics to fill her vacancy Is to injur both of us together

Monday, January 8, 2001 看る人にことば重ねて尋ねてもただ遠き日を眺めるばかり To the person who nurses my friend I ask questions Just to feel her glance at far distant days ahead

Sunday, January 7, 2001 粉雪の降り積もる夜は音立てぬ調べに乗せて心を放つ At night when powder snow is falling thick I let my heart fly along the soundless melody

Saturday, January 6, 2001 隣席は異国語話す二人連れ蕎麦啜る間のことばやさしき At the next table was a couple speaking in a foreign language They talked softly while eating soba noodle

Friday, January 5, 2001 憧れは雑木林の背景に影富士遠く銀輪で追う My adoration is the shadowed Mt. Fuji far away I run after it beyond woods on a bicycle

Thursday, January 4, 2001 名付け得ぬ焦燥滲みその訳を幾度か問われ答造りぬ Asked the reason for my nameless irritation several times I improvided an answer

Wednesday, January 3, 2001 大願をかけるつもりの参道も柏手に消す小心者よ Heart full of grand wishes on the way A coward forgets all with handclaps at the shrine

Tuesday, January 2, 2001 片道が三十分の郷里にも身仕舞い正す正月帰省 A 30 minuite journey brings me back to my parents' house Formality prevails in "New Year's Homecoming"

Monday, January 1, 2001 枝を分け宙を掴みに飛翔する鳥の力を地の葉憧れ Birds soar through branches to grasp the sky How leaves on earth adore them!

「光のたわむれ」"Playing Light" (12/1 to 12/31, 2000)
「ことばのはなかご」"Flowerpots for Words" (11/1 to 11/30, 2000)
「路地のおもいで」"Memories of Alley" (10/1 to 10/31, 2000)
「森のかたらい」"Talking of the Woods" (9/1 to 9/30, 2000)
「街のゆらめき」"Towns in Illusion" (8/1 to 8/31, 2000)
「空のうつろい」"The Everchanging Sky" (7/1 to 7/31, 2000)
「雨のあしおと」"Listening to Raindrops" (6/1 to 6/30, 2000)
「水辺のいざない」"Calling to the Waterside " (5/1 to 5/31, 2000)
「木陰のささやき」"A Green Thought in a Green Shade " (4/1 to 4/30, 2000)
「春のまなざし」"Watching the Early Spring" (2/26 to 3/31, 2000)
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