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December 11, 2019


It's already December. I've just finished writing the series of essays on our trip to Denmark in this summer. Summer is far away. It took me more than 3 months to complete the series. I wrote nothing complicated but what I wrote was just so simple and plane, like a student's composition. But I wrote the essays only to remember, not to forget the precious days in the country although I'm not very sure how consciously I appreciated the chance I had. To travel is to live. To write is to memorize. I would really like to go abroad again with somebody or just on my own. To travel abroad is to learn about the world and to recognize the reality of my own country. Today's update: "Copenhagen Revisited" in New Essays. Sorry, the essays are only in Japanese for now. I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a while. Thank you very much for your visit!

November 26, 2019

霜月も終わりに近付いた。ローマ教皇の訪日が報じられている。ニュースで僅かにスピーチの一部を聞いた。カトリック信者にとって、キリスト教世界にとってどんな要人も足元にも及ばない存在であるといわれるにもかかわらず、我が国の賓客としての扱いが通り一遍のものであるように思えてならない。核兵器廃絶に対しての強い信念を表明する教皇に政治家がありきたりな挨拶をするばかりというのは寒々しい。本日の更新は先日に引き続いて新作エッセイページ「デンマーク探索」シリーズ 7 (グレーネンへの道)です。今回は特別に画像付きとなっている。早く旅行のアルバムをアップしたいと思いながら、文章が先行した。予告編として。 猫ブログ「にっきとはっか」も更新中。ご訪問に感謝いたします。

We've already come to the end of November. The visit of Pope is informed every day. I heard parts of his speeches. For the Roman Cathoric world, and for Christian people as well, Pope is the supreme existence, more important than anyone else.However, it seems our country welcomes him with very little enthusiasm. I wonder how much impact his powerful conviction on the total abolishment of nuclear weapons gives Japanese politicians. It is a matter of essential significance to all nations. Well, today's update: another essay on our trip to Denmark, "A walk to Grenen" in the essay page. Sorry, it's only in Japanese for now. I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a while. Thank you very much for your visit!

November 19, 2019

このところ、弁解や釈明ばかりでこの欄を書き始めているので、我ながら情けない。本日は久しぶりに新作エッセイのページを大幅に更新した。書き溜めて少しずつ田崎清忠主催Writers Studiosに寄稿していた「デンマーク探索」を5回分まとめてアップ。このような紀行文を書くのは、放っておくとあっという間に忘却の淵に流れ落ちてゆく頼りない記憶を、無理にも手元に留めておくためだ。尽きない「漂泊の思い」を胸に、目の前の課題にほぼ自縄自縛というべき執念でしがみ付いていた長い歳月。どのようなめぐりあわせか再び旅に出られるようになり(とはいってもそうそう出られるものでもないが)ひとたび外へ出れば、見るもの聞くものが心をとらえて離さない。例の「書かずにいられない」気持ちに駆られて色々書くが、誰かに「読んでください」といって迷惑をかけることもないのが、この自前のウェブサイトだ。(そのために作ったようなもの!)通りすがりの方の御目に触れることがあれば、これにすぎる幸いはない。お読みくださってもし何かお言葉がいただけるものなら、どうぞ一筆<keiko@kitada.com>へお送りください。Denmarkとの縁も長い。既に最初の訪問から32年経つ。また行きたい。長くない人生の中で巡り合える人、巡り合える国はそう多くはないのを実感している。という次第で、本日の更新は新作エッセイページに「デンマーク探索」シリーズ1, 2, 3, 4, 5です。(最低あと2編は続く予定。) 猫ブログ「にっきとはっか」も細々と、更新中。ご訪問に感謝いたします。

Recently I'm sorry to say I've been writing apologies and excuses repeatedly here for my delayed updates. Fortunately, I can say I updated the contents of essay pages. Although they are written only in Japanese for the moment, please let me say I'm writing about my journey to Denmark in August, 2019. Just in order to prevent my feeble memory from falling down into the depth of oblivion, I write my essays. For a long time, I had been stuck to the duties in front of me at home, being unable to go out for a journey of any kind; however, now that I'm released form the restrictions, I travel and see the world again. I'm impressed with a lot of things I see and experience wherever I go. I feel the urge to write. That's why I write essays here. As long as I write in my own website, I hope I won't bother anybody. (This is the main reason for building this website.) But just in case you might be interested in anything I write, please let me know what you think. Thanks for sending it to<keiko@kitada.com>. I'll greatly appreciate your message. Denmark is a special country for me now. I traveled to Denmark for the first time in 1987. Ever since, I would really like to visit the country again. I feel strongly now people and country as well that we really can meet in our lifetime are not so many. How precious each encounter is! Today's update: "To Denmark 1-5" (at least 2 more will come soon). I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a while these days. Thanks for your visit!

October 24, 2019


It seems I can update this website only once a month now. Why time passes so quickly? Am I too slow to catch up? Somehow, I've come to sort the numerous photos I took in Denmark. Starting with Copenhagen, we traveled to Helsingør, Odense and then to Aahus, Aalborg, Skagen, and finally to Copenhagen again. Just to show a part of our trip, I upload some photos in advance. The cover page presents the colorful buildings at Nyhaven in Copenhagen, and the photo in this page presents "Black Diamond," the Royal Library in Copenhagen. Architecture in Denmark are really stylish and beautiful. I'm planning to upload my travel journey soon. The places wrapped in glorious sunshine in summer might be already in autumnal colors. Soon the severe winter will come. Our country has been attacked by typhoons and is now still suffering from the aftermath. The turn of seasons makes us realize how rapidly time passes. Today's update: the photo in the top page, and the one here. I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a while recently. Thanks for your visit!

September 28, 2019

ついこの前旅行から帰り、新学期が始まったと思ったら、もう9月が尽きようとしている。このページを書き続けようと思っているにもかかわらず、いささかアプリが言うことを聞かず、大変原始的なレベルで躓いている。やはりコンスタントに使っていないとさび付くものらしい。(まさか、まさか!)しかし、ちょっと離れていただけで、コードが読めなくなり、書き換えようとするとスタイルが崩れたりして、頭を抱えている。これはアプリの問題ではなく私のアタマの問題であることは歴然としている。とまれ、この間に書き溜めていたエッセイのアップからしてみたい。「新作エッセイ」のページに散策思索10, 11, 12と喫茶去02です。ゆっくり書いたので、時間のおありの時コーヒーでも片手にゆっくり読んでいただければ幸いです。うまくアップ出来たら、「デンマーク紀行」も載せ始める予定です。ご訪問に深く感謝いたします。

Seemingly it was only yesterday when I came home from a trip and started a new semester, but look, September is already coming to the end. As I finally made up my mind to return to this website seriously, the application for web-building won't act as I wish. Certainly it's not the responsibility of the software but it's due to my brain. Anyway, I try to start uploading the essays I published online a few months ago. If they work, I will launch uploadng my essays on Denmark. The latest update is essays 10, 11, and 12 for Essays since 2018. (Only in Japanese,)I wrote them taking time, so I hope you will check them when you have time long enough with a cup of coffee. I greatly appreciate your visit to this website. Thank YOU.

September 27, 2019


More than 4 months have passed since I wrote last. I meant to but my poor skills related to the web designing and various demands in life prevented me from approaching my "homepage." I'd like to stop uploading photos of New Zealand and go on to ones of Denmark. This summer I revisited Denmark after 32 years. I've started writing esays on traveling in Denmark. When I went to NZ, I was fascinated with its marvelous natural landscapes; this time I was overwhelmed by the long history and culture of Denmark starting with Viking. Let me upload photos of Denmark very soon. However, website building in the way I've been doing is now completely out of fashion. I know I'm far behind all the trends of Internet culture today. I really want to innovate myself. (I'm learning something but very slowly.) Today's update: the cover page and this page. Both of the photos were taken in Copenhagen, in August, 2019. I'm writing about my cats on the blog once a week recently. Thanks for your visit.

May 04, 2019


"A bolt out of the blue" was what we experienced in the afternoon today. It was not a bad weather this morning, but suddenly after lunch the air condition changed in Kanto Area. The heavy rain with thunder started and big noise rattled the roof and windows. I jumped out of the door to find it was hailing! The hailstones were quite large, which I had never seen before. I picked one up to observe it closely. Wow! The hailing lasted longer than 20 minutes. I took photos of the scene. The bad weather in Kanto Area must have troubled people who expected a comfortable sunny day at the end of the Golden Week. The hailing was like a shower in summer. Today's update: photos on the cover page and here. Both were taken in Auckland in 2018. I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a few days recently. Thanks for your visit.

May 03, 2019


Fresh deep green foliage is brilliant. We have a lot of rain on "The Golden Week" this year in Kanto Area, which is not very encouraging. For many people the holidays last as long as for 10 days! Throughout the period, a lot of information related to the enthronement of the new Japanese Emperor and Empress is released. We are free to celebrate and get crazy about the events, but when I think of the persons actually engaged in the ceremonies, I wonder how grave their responsibilities are. How are they really feeling? Isn't it something like writing letters in the air to be "the symbol" of his/her people? As one of the common people, I think it's time for us to consider seriously of the system in which we entrust individual persons to work as "the symbol" for all. Can "the tradition" keep the living individuals' safety, mental and physical? Today's update:a new essay. Sorry it's only in Japanese. I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a few days recently. Thanks for your visit.

April 17, 2019 一気に一か月ジャンプしてしまった。暇さえあれば机にかじりついているか、外をほっつき歩いているかのどちらかなのは以前とあまり変わらない。ただ、現役時代と違うのは、教室にいる時間が非常に短くなったこと。一週間のうち、二日・合計4コマだけ-90min.X4-授業に出る。あとはフリーという夢のような日々。だが小心者なので、準備や事後処理(?)に費やす時間は長い。贅沢だと思う。それでも自由時間は以前より圧倒的に多い。どんな風に使うかで、これからの道筋が決まるような気がする。(怖い!)はてさて、桜のあとは新緑だ。これまた夢のように美しい。(夢ばっかり見ているな!)猫日記は相変わらずアメブロの 「にっきとはっか」にこのところ数日に一回更新しています。ご訪問、どうもありがとうございます。蛇足(あいかわらずftpでてこずった。度し難し。)

I've jumped from March to April without writing anything here. My daily life is as usual: I sit at my desk or walk around here and there. The biggest difference from the days I was full-time is that I have a lot of freedom. I teach only twice a week-four 90 min. classes. I need to prepare and work before and after each class for quite a long time as I'm still intimidated with being in front of students (alas!). But I can do a lot of things I want to do in my spare time. What I do then will make my life different! (well, well.) After the cherry blossoms, the fresh green leaves are beautiful like a dream. I'm writing about my cats on the blog once in a few days recently. Thanks for your visit.

March 16-02, 2019

迷子になっていてサイトの更新が出来なかった間に書いたものを、まとめてアップしておこう。「新作エッセイ」のコーナーに、Writers Studios配信の07「横丁から」(本郷界隈その一)08「Dublinに憧れて」。また、Short Essaysのコーナーに01 Kazuo Ishiguroを読むために。(これは以前から表示されていたが、念のため。)以上、ご笑覧いただければ光栄です。

Let me add a few more lines: here are the latest essays (sorry, only in Japanese!)Thanks for clicking and reading the essays linked above. Cats' blog is entertaining if you like to see photos of cats.

March 16-01, 2019

またしても迷子になっていた。一度は更新できたのに、所用が嵩んで少しこのサイトを離れていたら、 ftpの手順が不明になり、いや正確に言うとローカルフォルダの中の必要ファイルを、ホストコンピューターの所定のフォルダにアップするのがうまくいかず、いくら試みても更新ファイルがブラウザに表示できない状態が続いた。ああかこうかと闇雲に試行を繰り返すうち余計に混乱して、勝手知ったる道筋だったはずのサイバー空間で、自分がどこにいてどこを目指しているのか分からなくなった。先ほどようやく明かりが見え、手探りで再度試みたら、うまくいった。なんだ、そうだったのかと今なら言えるけれど、迷っている最中には単純なことが見えなくなる。かくて、前回の更新から優に一か月以上経ってしまった。(3/8分は、手元では更新したけれど、ftp出来ずにいた。)やっと見つけた通路を今度は見失わず、更新していきたい。一か月もあると、様々なことに遭遇する。昨年旅行したニュージーランドで、昨日は50人近くの人々がテロリストの銃弾に倒れたというニュース。事件のあったChristchurhでは地震から復興途上の街を感慨深く歩いたのを思い出す。不寛容が招く暴力をどのような言葉で糾弾しても失われた命は戻らない。多様性を深く受け止める国だと実感して旅行しただけに、そのような場所ですらテロの照準になることの意味をかみしめる時だろう。かの国に深く思いを馳せながら。本日の更新はこのページのみです。猫日記は相変わらずアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に(ほぼ)毎日更新しています。ご訪問、どうもありがとうございます。

I had been lost in the cyberspace again; that's why I was unable to update this website for more than one month or more. The process of file transfer was something I had known very well but somehow or other I was away from it for a while and couldn't handle it well enough. I tried in vain so many times uploading revised files to a wrong folder; thus, unable to see any browsers show the updated page, naturally. Today, putting all other jobs away I tired once again to find the right path. Eventually, fortunately, I did it! Here you are. This is all I could do today but I'm very happy to do so. I hope I will be able to keep writing for my website constantly now that I know where I am. One month contained a lot of things in and out of my daily life. Yesterday, the horrible news of the terrorism in New Zealand was informed. In Christchurch where we traveled only a year ago was attacked by an extremist, killing nearly 50 Muslims. Intolerance intruded in the country which respects diversity. No words can condemn the crime sufficiently and effectively. I believe it's the time to ponder the cause of the intolerance. My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily in the blog "Hakka and Nikki." Thanks again for your visit to this website.

March 08, 2019


Since I came home (I mean here at my website) I've been away mostly. Avtually i'ts one year ago when I traveled to New Zealand. In my NZ photo album, I'm stuck at Auckland, where I sailed out to the sea for whale watching. Although I hanged photos for advertisement on the cover page and here in this page, I 've been unable to secure time for the album: partly because I've been engaged with a supportive work of translation. I've never been very familiar with this type of work so far. As a young publisher and a translator is trying to publish an ambitious book on US today, I agreed to help him. When the work is finished and he can successfully publish it, I'll surely advertise it here. Today's update: I repaired an old link in an old file. I've found that this website is truely like an old haunting house. A lot of maintenance is necessary. Thanks for being torelate! I'll fix holes and other damages as soon as possible. My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily in the blog "Hakka and Nikki." Thanks again for your visit to this website.

February 12, 2019

ようやく帰宅(home-coming)することができた。昨年の大晦日、突然長年愛用していたPCが起動しなくなった。(文字通り)押しても引いても叩いても引っ繰り返してもうんともすんとも言わない。 何としても復活させなくては、仕事も趣味も全部お手上げ。未だ試験問題も出来ていなかった。僅かに慰めとなったのは、数週間前に嫌な予感がして、外付けハードディスクを買ってきて、必要なデータを移しておいたことか。迂闊な私としては、一応よくやったと言っておこう。しかし、ハードディスクでは何の作業もできない。大晦日にPCを買いに走ることになるとは!そこからは思い出すのも恐ろしい、様々な修復作業が待っていた。本当に迂闊な私は、いろいろな設定を全部忘れている。パスワードなど書いたノートが見つからない。何より難儀したのが、このホームページ関連だった。レンタルサーバの会社に電話して、メールして、押し入れをひっかきまわして、遂にメモ帳が出てきたときには体の力が全部抜けた。ftpのアプリをダウンロードして、パスが通った時には、残っていた気力は全部消えた。様々な用事を済ませて、ようやくようやくここまでたどり着いた。機械に疎く、メカに弱い人間がそもそもこんなことをやろうという方が間違っているのかもしれない。昨年せっかくCSSを勉強したのだから、サイトのスタイルを変えようと思っていたのが、とんでもないことに。まずは原状復帰だけでも二か月。ああ情けない。猫ブログだけはスマホからアップし続けていたので、かろうじてネットにつながっていた。まったくお恥ずかしい。再び、このサイトを改訂・更新してまいります。消えたデータのことはもう未練がましく考えないで、前進することにいたします。ご訪問くださって、どうもありがとうございます。猫日記は相変わらずアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に(ほぼ)毎日更新しています。

Let me explain very briefly what happened to me on December 31, 2018. My old PC stopped working suddenly. I could hardly reboot it although I tried to do my best. I decided to go out to purchase a new one on the last day of the year! Fortunately I had done a sort of backup with an external hard disk a few weeks before. A good job for an electoronical idiot like me! I found out that all my important info concerning the PC business was lost or "out of order." I had to spend time and energy to look for notebooks in which I thought I had writeen the details. I called the rental server company, wrote emails to them and tried to find out paths to access, especially, to my website. When I found the key, I lost all my strength (mental and physical) to go forward any more. Finally, I stood up again to challenge taking care of my website. Here am I! Thanks for visiting it again.

December 26, 2018


I've been away from this page for a while again. Compared to the days when I was busy taking care of my family, I'm unbelievably free now. Why then am I not stable in writing here? I assume I'm not good at handling small things well enough; that is to say I am not efficient at all at this age! It's still a long way to approach an ideal life of the senior people. In fact I'm occupied with various tiny requirements. In spite that I often feel I should be responsible and should not accept what's beyond my capacity, I cannot help challenging new things. Curiosity kills a cat, they say. I know I must not be killed by my foolish curiosity. Today's update: a new essay entitled "From a corner of an Alley" (Letters from Hongo-Ohyokochou). I told myself to write an essay a month, which has not been t achieved recently. I have a lot to write, but when I think of whether it's worth writing、I'm not sure. One must write what really matters. My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily in the blog "Hakka and Nikki." Thanks for your visit to this website.

December 06, 2018

霜月には結局何も記載することなく、師走に入った。ウェブとご無沙汰していたわけではなく、連日なにやかやとPCの前で作業をしていたのだけれど、自分のサイトに落ち着く暇がなかった。性懲りもなく毎日「猫日記」にかまけているのも原因の一つだ。スマホで撮ったその日の写真を並べて簡単な短い観察日記を書く。はっきりした読者を想定しているわけではないが、商用ブログには所謂「いいね」スタンプの機能があるので、常連の読者になって下さる方を知ることが出来る。双方向にはしていない。だから、コメントがついたり返信したりということはない。中に放った言葉と画像がどこかの誰かに受け止められたことを知るだけで、ささやかな喜びを感じる。だが、落とし穴は読む人を意識するあまり、書けというプレッシャーを自分に課して「日課」ならまだしも「義務」のようになってしまうこと。そうなると、書かなくてもいいことまで並べ始める。例え猫にまつわる記事とはいえ、エッセイを書くつもりで「書けない時には控える」という潔さを持たねばと自戒している。本日の更新は表紙の写真(Aucklandのハーバー)と同所海洋博物館に展示された木製のボート。3月のNZ旅行写真の整理も大詰め。(今頃!)いよいよ最終日のクルーズと、その前の博物館訪問の巻。改めて写真を見ていると、海外へ出ていくという心躍る体験を再び!という気持ちが湧き上がるが、「猫はどうするの?」という声が聞こえてくる。先立つものの心配はもちろんのこと。もたもたしながらも本日は私の誕生日。自分に向かって「オメデトー。」 結局、猫日記は相変わらずアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に(ほぼ)毎日更新しています。

I found I didn't add anything new in my website in November. It's already December. It doesn't mean I've been away from PC but contrarily, I've been stuck on my PC for various purposes actually, and did not have time enough to relax at my homepage. Frankly, I also spent time and energy for the blog "Cats at Home" day after day. With photos of cats, I write brief and simple journal on my cats. Knowing not to whom I write it, I see the SNS has "my favorite" stamp. It's a sheer pleasure to me. I haven't made my blog interactive: no commenting system or my responsibility to reply. However, I have to be careful not to feel any obligation of writing; otherwise, I tend to write things I shouldn't because of a sort of obsession for writing. Although it's just a journal on cats, I tell myself to write mini essays. When there is nothing special to write, I have to refrain from writing. Today's update: the photo on the cover page (a harbor in Auckland, NZ) and the one in this page, a Maori wooden boat in the Marine Museum. My photo pages of the journey to NZ are coming to the final stage. How long will it take me to finalize it?! I wish I could go abroad again but I don’t know what I should do with cats while I'm away. Also think of the traveling expenses! Anyway it's my birthday today. "Congratulations!" to myself. My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily in the blog"Hakka and Nikki."

October 30, 2018

神無月も尽きる。あっという間に霜月、師走と続き、年が明けていくのだろう。いや、そんなに急いで先を見るのはよしておこう。スケジュールを詰められるだけ詰め、睡眠時間を削ってまであくせくと過ごした日々とはもうおさらばだ。本日の更新は新作エッセイのページに、最近雑誌に掲載された書籍の紹介文をひとつ。大修館書店『英語教育』2018年10月号<リレー連載>私の本棚 55 p.93 「Kazuo Ishiguroを読むために」をそのまま転載した。(既に先月号なので、書店にはもうないと思う。)印刷されたページ半分の本当に短い記事である。記録のために。猫日記は相変わらずアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に(ほぼ)毎日更新しています。

We've come to the end of October. Then November will follow and it will turn to December very quickly. Oh, let's not foresee the time to come. I've said farewell to the days when I packed my schedule with to-do lists. Today's update: a very short essay (an introduction of a book written by Kazuo Ishiguro, My Twentieth Century Evening and Other Small Breakthroughs, only in Japanese). It was in a journal English Education published by Taishukan in September. (It's not in bookstores any longer.) The essay is very short, half a page of the journal. I upload it here just to record my small activity. My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily in the blog "Hakka and Nikki."

October 27, 2018


I can hardly make a smooth progress in my study of CSS. Although I think I'm following the textbook all right, there doesn't come out the expected results. Is it because I take a little time here and there for the study of it? Or am I not smart enough for this kind of field? I get back to the basics again and again following the textbook. Sometimes, I feel I should go to a sort of PC school to learn the skill from the beginning; however, I know I shouldn't. I'm not aiming at getting any professional skills in web designing, but just to improve my own website. To grow old seems to prevent myself from learning anything quickly. Relax! Today's update: I rewrote the site map. I had long been conscious of the necessity of rewriting it. It should be improved much nicer. Let me continue it. My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily in the blog"Hakka and Nikki."

October 23, 2018

このところ、CSSの書き方を勉強している。これまで全くの自己流で単純素朴なHTMLに直接スタイルをくっつける(それも背景色とかフォントサイズとか、はたまたテーブル仕立てのアルバム作成とか、初期に学んだことを踏襲する)ことしかしていなかったので、流石に十年ならぬ二十年一日の如く進歩のないのもいかがなものかと思い、初心に帰ってウェブページデザインを勉強してみようかと思った次第。退職後、これまで「やってみたかったこと」を実行するチャンス到来といくつかのことに手を染めている。積んでおいた本を読むこと、書きたかったことを書いてみること、猫と暮らすこと、旧友に会いにいくこと...等など。どれもささやかなものではあるけれど、これまで時間に追われるばかりで出来なかったこと。自分がまごうかたなきシニアであることを認めると、「若いつもりで(いつでもできるさと)」うっちゃっておいたことが大切に感じられる。終わりの時を意識するというよりは、「今」が貴い。その路線でこのサイトも少しずつ作り替えていきたい。(でもまだ勉強途中なので、今しばらくは古い枠組みのまま中身だけ更新を続けていきます。) 本日の更新は表紙の写真(Auckland, NZのハーバー近くの大通りの風景)とこのページの写真(波止場のカモメ)です。猫日記は相変わらずアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に(ほぼ)毎日更新しています。

I've been studying how to write the CSS (cascade style sheet) recently. For a long time, (for nearly 20 years) I've been building my website just with the first primitive HTML which I learned at the beginning of "my web-life." I didn't know anything about how to make styles to web pages but just to change background colors, font-size, and to make use of table tags etc. Although I wanted to improve my skills, I didn't have time enough to do so. I know it was just an excuse of my laziness. Now that I'm retired from my full-time job, I've got to do whatever I wanted to do, such as reading books from the pile which I hadn't touched; to write whatever I wanted to, to live with cats, to go to meet my old friends and so on. I recognize myself as a senior person; I'm not ashamed of it any more. I can hardly postpone what I just ignored saying, "I'll soon do it but not now yet." I feel I have to do all those things now. It doesn't mean I'm conscious of the end of my life, but I feel them so precious. That's how I've come to think of reconstructing this website in more orthodox ways. (However, I'm still learning the basic things now so that for the moment I'll continue updating only the contents a little longer in the old construction.) Today's update: the photo of the cover page (a scene in Auckland city near the bay) and the one in this page (a seagull I found in an Auckland pier. My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily in the blog "Hakka and Nikki."

October 11, 2018

前回に引き続き、「築地」エッセイをアップした。今回はWriters Studiosへの投稿の転載である。内容には共通する部分もあるが、「喫茶古」より長い。 前記の変奏としてお読みいただければ有難い。執拗に同じ街について書くのは、私がこの街といつの間にか(望みはしないのに)深い縁が出来ているからだろう。縁とは不思議なもので、結びたくて結べるものでなし、厭うても絡まれば振りほどけるものでもない。さすがにこの歳になると、運命に抗うより従って見られる限りを見てみようと肝が据わってくる。とはいえ、容易く今生に別れを告げる気はさらさらないので、どこかでは無我夢中で逃走に転じるかも知れない。もっとも縁というやつは愚かな人間の力の及ばぬもの故、逃げおおせるわけもないのだが。穏やかな秋の一日、築地の命運にしばし思いを馳せてみるとするか。本日の更新は新作エッセイのページに散策思索6 「築地によせて」です。猫日記は相変わらずアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に(ほぼ)毎日更新しています。

I uploaded another essay on Tsukiji, a town of fish and vegetable market, conducted by TOKYO municipal government. The original essay was published by the online organization Writers Studios. Its topic was already covered by the previous mini essay for a newsletter of the NPO Roudoku-bunka-Kenkyujyo. I sincerely hope it will be considered as a variation of the same topic. Due to a fatal relationship with the town of Tsukiji, I can hardly get away from it: not running away, I would rather stay and watch it as much as I could. Yet, I might be terrified one day and start trying to run away although I know the fate won't let me go. On a peaceful day in autumn like today, I would like to be calm and remember what I've seen of Tsukiji so far. Today's update: To Tsukiji, a Contemplation. (Sorry, only in Japanese.) . My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily in the blog "Hakka and Nikki."

October 03, 2018



 本日の更新は新作エッセイページに「喫茶古」01 築地です。NPO法人「朗読文化研究所」に顧問として関わっている。同研究所通信「朗ら朗ら」No.36に不定期連載コーナー「喫茶古」を頂戴した。一年間に4回の発行で、しかも記事に余裕のあるときだけの掲載なので、次がいつになるかは分からない。のんびりとつづるエッセイになりそうだ。件の猫ブログも鋭意更新中。

We have weekly typhoons recently. Last Sunday we were visited by the 24th typhoon (of 2018). Reportedly the 25th will attack Japan next Sunday. I pray it won't come seriously. However earnestly we may pray, the weather won't pay attention to such individual wishes of human beings, for sure. But we have been expecting the weather to change by praying, making paper doll to invite fine weather, looking up at the sky. If ever our wishes had been answered by the heaven, how happy this world would have been.

BTW, in September I was not diligent in updating this website, because of cats again. As a matter of fact, when I write the blog diligently, no more time and energy are left for this website. What a shame! However, thanks through the blog, I've found interesting aspects of the activities on the Internet first hand. There are really great amount of people who are writing blogs, based on their tremendous variety of interests. They take photos, make movies, and write short essays day after day. People love to visit blogs of their favorite topics. "My favorite" stamps are counted and decide the popularity of the blogs. It doesn't matter at all if the information in the articles have any universal values or not. What matters is they write because they want to. They show their photos just because they want them to be seen by others. Blogs are linked with Twitter, Instagram and many other SNS. Now that I've become one of the bloggers via Cats, I've come to know how things are going on the net. I would really like to write about it soon.

Today's update: a new essay entitled "Tsukiji" (only in Japanese). First it was published in a newsletter of the NPO Roudoku-bunka-Kenkyujyo (an institute of oral reading in Tokyo) . The essay page is called "Kissako" (literally meaning "Please have a cup of tea," an expression in the art of the tea seremony. My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily on the blog "Hakka and Nikki."

September 21, 2018

雨が降る。秋雨は急に気温を下げる。あの熱気はどこへ行ったのだろうと戸惑っている。涼しくなって体は楽だ。だが熱に伴う高揚感も消えていくとなると、夏が恋しい。(勝手なことを言っている。)夏の終わりに友人・知人たちと長瀞に小旅行をした。個人旅行に慣れた身には躊躇するところもあったのだけれど、思い切って身を投じてみると新しい発見や交友の輪が広がり、楽しむことができた。荒川上流を和船で川下りするのがクライマックスだった。一度は乗ってみたいと思っていた。乗船予約など、団体ならではのサポートを受けてスムーズに旅程をこなし、往路の蒸気機関車乗車体験も含め、仲間との旅もまんざらではないと気付いた次第。NZの写真ページを終えたら、長瀞の記録もアップしなくては。(いつになることやら。とほほ。)本日の更新は新作エッセイのページに散策思索5 「疾走する人々」です。Writers Studioへの投稿は9月3日だった。少しこのサイトへのアップが遅れた。それというのも猫にかまけているからだ(と、反省しきり)。その猫日記はアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に(ほぼ)毎日更新しています。

It rains a lot recently. The autumn rain brings the temperature down. I'm bewildered to think where the heat of the summer has gone. It's comfortable to feel cool but at the same time I am disappointed to notice that the excitement of summer has already gone. (How selfish I am!) I went on a short trip to Nagaroto at the end of summer with a group of friends. Being accustomed to travel individually, I was a little reluctant to be with other people; but soon I realized it was nice to be in a group to experience new things together. The best part of the trip was to sail down in a traditional small Japanese boat the stream of the River Arakawa. I had always wanted to try the sailing. Thanks to the group all the reservations for entertainments were made all right, so that we were able to enjoy the day fully enough without having any messy troubles. Thanks! I discovered the group trip was not bad at all, including the riding of a steam locomotive. When I finish editing the photo pages of New Zealand, I'd liike to make a small album page for this short trip. (When will it be anyway?) Today's update: a new essay (only in Japanese) on an American senior road-movie entitled "Treasure Seeker." Although I wrote it at the beginning of September, I didn't have a chance to upload it earlier because of cats. (I'm too inclined to write about them.) My cats' diary with photos is uploaded (almost) daily on the blog "Hakka and Nikki."

September 18, 2018

秋学期が始まった。今では私は3クラスしか教えていないけれど、学期初めはいつものように緊張する。使用している英語の教科書に『クマのプーさん』冒頭の有名な文章の引用がある。それは登場人物の少年クリストファー・ロビンがぬいぐるみのクマに「ウィニー・ザ・プー」と名付けたので、「ウィニー」を女性の名前だと思っている父親(物語の語り手)が「あれ、プーは男の子じゃなかったっけ?」と息子のクリストファーに質すところ。少年はtheをtherと言い、父親に向かってtherって言葉知らないの?」と反撃する。理屈ではなく、クリストファーは全部一繋がりの音として認識しているので、大人の常識は通じない。そこのところが日本ではどうやって解釈されてきたのだったか確認しようと思ったのだが、あると思っていた『クマのプーさん』の本は自宅で見つけられなかった。(大学の図書館に行く機会がなかったので)何軒か本屋を回ってようやく原書と日本語版を手に入れた。果たして、石井桃子訳ではその部分はばっさりカットされていた。(当然だ。日本の子供にそんな言葉遊びは通じない。)どう解釈するか、金曜日までもう数日考えよう。同時にこの言葉をめぐる オンライン上のディスカッションスレッドを見つけた。英語話者の間でも、論争は続いているのかと面白かった。本日の更新は表紙ページの写真(ニュージーランドのオークランドハーバーの一角)と、このページの写真(岸壁近くのフードトラック)です。猫日記はアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に毎日更新しています。

The fall semester has started. Although I have only three classes to teach, I've been feeling the pressure of the "Back-to-School" as ever. A brief passage from Winnie-the-Pooh (by A.A. Milne) was quoted in the textbook we're using in one of the classes. There is a famous line, "He's Winnie-ther-Pooh. Don't you know what 'ther' means?" I was stuck with "ther" as a typical adult reader. I wanted to rush back to the original text, which I thought I had in my bookshelf. No, it seems I didn't. I searched it at several bookstores in vain. I didn't have a chance to go to the library in campus. At the last moment, I found a copy in a large bookstore, where I found a copy of Japanese translation, too. Evidently, the wise translator skipped the word for the Japanese version. On Friday, I've got to say something about it in class. Today, personal pronouns indicating genders are very delicate issue. Let me think of "ther" a few more days. I read a thread of an interesting discussion concerning "ther" from Pooh. It seems even among English speaking people, it is a focus of disputation. Today's update: The photo in the cover page (a corner of the harbor in Auckland, New Zealand) and a food truck nearby in this page.

September 05, 2018

昨日は猛烈な台風に襲われ、大阪地区が中心となって風と雨にやられた。関西国際空港の滑走路が水没し、海中に建設された空港と陸地を結ぶ橋が、風に煽られて衝突したタンカーによって一部破壊され、交通が途絶えた。3000人以上が空港内に閉じ込められ、今朝になってようやく救出された。この国は実際に海に囲まれていることを痛感させられる。津波、地震、台風にいつ襲われても仕方がない。(普段は余りにも無自覚に暮らしているけれど。)本日の更新はニュージーランド旅行の写真ページ、10 ウィローバンク野生動物公園です。Ko Taneと呼ばれるマオリ族の文化紹介パフォーマンスとハンギ料理の夕食が素晴らしかった。それから表紙の写真とこのページの写真も。(両方とも同写真ページから。)既に旅をして半年が過ぎるが、ゆっくり写真整理をしていると、あの体験を生き生きと思い出す。お楽しみいただければ嬉しいです。猫日記はアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に毎日更新しています。

We had a heavy typhoon yesterday. Osaka areas were devastatingly damaged by the wind and the rain. The main runway of Kansai International Airport was soaked by the rain, and the bridge connecting the airport (constructed in the sea) and the land was partly destroyed by a tanker drifted by the wind against it. More than 3000 people were left inside of the airport, who were finally rescued in the next morning. We ARE surrounded by the sea: it is a deniable fact. Tsunami, earthquakes, and typhoons are attacking this country anytime although we are quite carefree in our daily life. Today's update: a new page of the trip in New Zealand, "10 Willowbank Wildlife Reserve." The best part of this was Ko Tane," the Maori experience. Hangi dinner was excellent. Also the photos in the front page and in this page were updated. (Both are from the latest album.) It was already a half a year ago, but still very vivid in mind. I hope you will enjoy watching the photos.

September 02, 2018

本当にゆったりとした、長い夏休みだった。猛烈な暑さだったために、日中は屋内で過ごすことが多かったが、毎日夕方になると雑木林から遊歩道へという例年変わらない散歩をした。心楽しく自然観察をしながら歩き回った屈託のない時代、その散歩だけが家の内での私の「任務」からの開放だった時代、そして散歩することでかろうじて外とつながっていることの確認できる時代。いずれにしろ、贅沢は言わない。歩きながら思索してささやかな運動をして、最後は少し買い物をして家に戻る。気が付けばそのような歩き方をしている人々がたくさんいる。いつの間にか私自身がそのような人々の仲間入りしていたということかもしれない。緩やかに、確実に、スローライフに入っているのを感じる。抵抗はしない。ここからどんな展開があるのか、むしろ楽しみだ。本日の更新は新作エッセイのページ散策思索04 「猫と暮らす」です。また猫の話?と言われそう。ブログではなく、エッセイにまとめてみた。(犬派の読者の方からご批判も頂いた。)公開されたのは8月初旬だったのに、このサイトにアップするのを怠っていた。確かに猫まみれの一ヶ月だったと言える。秋には新規巻直しで。猫日記はアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に毎日更新しています。

I had really a relaxing, long summer holiday. Because of the extremely hot weather, I spent most of the daytime indoors, but almost every day, I took a walk in the evening. I walked through the thicket nearby as usual. In the past when I enjoyed watching natural environments light heartedly with no serious problems; also when taking a walk was the only break from my duties at home; and at present when I take a walk just to find the connection between the world and myself.... Anyway, taking a walk has helped me keep my sanity and health. Now I've found there are people like me, taking a walk in the evening. Perhaps I've just joined them myself. I feel I've come to spend a slow and quiet life. I won't resist it. I'm looking forward to seeing what will become of this life. Today's update: a new essay entitled "Life with Cats." You might say, "Cats again?" Yes, it's an essay I wrote at the beginning of August, but didn't upload here. I have to admit that I was absorbed in the magic of cats for over a month. Let me get out of it in autumn!

August 26, 2018


Summer is coming to the end (at least by calendar). What have I done during this summer? Anything more than the life with cats? Well, nothing more than that! Last week I visited a public employment office to apply for unemployment insurance benefit. Why now? To be honest, I've been thinking I was not qualified to apply for it so far. After asking some of my colleagues, I’ve found out that I am qualified. I usually feel a little hesitant to go to public offices. Making several careless mistakes (as usual), I finally succeeded in handing in the required documents all right. I need to go the office again in two weeks time. Be careful not to lose any chance for survival! Today's update: a revised page for my cats' blog: Nikki and Hakka. Let me awake from the reverie of CATS!

August 22, 2018

このサイトを10日も更新できずにいた。先ず不要なファイルをPCから削除することから始め、CドライブのフォルダーをDドライブに移すことで、作業容量を増やした。自分のPCのことくらいもっとよく理解して作業しなくてはならないのに、これではデジタル世界で生き延びていけそうにない。(本当に度し難い!)でもとにかく、ニュージーランドの写真ページを先に進めることができた。夏休みのおかげでまだ自分のどうしようもない趣味に費やす時間がある。どうかしているとは思うけれど、3月の旅行の写真を8月になってもまだ整理している!なんといっても今年の夏は暑い。こんな時に知的な仕事や頭を使う仕事を出来る人が居るのだろうか。(多分私以外の人はできるのだろう。)猫たちは楽しく暮らしている。本日の更新はニュージーランド旅行写真ページ「9 クライストチャーチ」 です。そしてこのページの写真(クライストチャーチ「ハグレー公園」)。正直のところ、まだ万全ではない。特に植物の写真に正しい名前を入れることができずにいる。引き続き調べます。猫日記はアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に毎日更新しています。

More than 10 days have passed since I updated this website. First I deleted unnecessary data from my PC and transferred several folders from D drive to C drive. That made some more space for work. I should have known about my PC much better to survive in this digital world. (How foolish of me!) Anyway, I managed to go on with my NZ photo pages. Thanks to summer holiday, I still have time to spend time for my silly hobby. I know I'm quite crazy. I'm still working with my photos I took in March! It has been extremely hot recently. Who could do anything intelligent or smart? Not me. Cats are enjoying themselves all right! Today's update: NZ photo page “9 Christchurch”. and the photo above: "Hagley Park" in the morning, in Christchurch. I added the date for each photo page, which I should have done from the beginning. I have to confess the info of my latest photo page is imperfect, particularly concerning the names of plants. I will try to improve the pages gradually. Cats are as usual at Nikki and Hakka.

August 09, 2018

「メモリー不足です。不要なデータを削除してください」という警告発令。分かりました!このPC、何とかしましょう。猫にかまけている場合ではない。従って、 猫日記「猫と暮らす」の更新は中止する。猫に関してはアメブロの「にっきとはっか」一本で。NZ旅行の写真ページを完結させるために、PCクリーンアップ作戦に取り掛かろう。そんなことできるのだろうか?なんとしてもやらなくては。誰も助けてくれないのだから、PCに関しても自立すべし、だ。

I've got a warning: "NO MORE MEMORY IN THIS PC. DELETE UNNECESSARY DATA." All right, I need to take care of the machine. Forget about cats! Consequently, I stop updating "Cats at Homet." I'll continue Nikki and Hakka at Abema Blog. In order to go on with my NZ pyhoto pages, I'll clean up my PC drastically. Will I be able to manage such a job? I need to doit by all means. I'll take care of it by myself somehow now that there's none to help me. Let me try!

August 06, 2018

やっとのことで新しいNZの写真ページを完成することができた。前のページを作成してからずいぶん時間がかかった。一つには私が体調を崩したことがあり、授業に出ていく他、何かをする気力が残っていなかった。そのあとで猫騒動が始まった。小さないたいけな動物。でもよううやく、定期的にサイトを更新することができるようになってきた。長い長い空白の後でこれは本当のカムバックのように思う。あまりにもいろいろなことが起こった。今度こそなんとか自分を保ち、ホームページの更新を続けている。あり難い。本日の更新は8 「トランスアルパイン鉄道」です。「ギャラリー余白」からも目次を辿れます。ご訪問に心よりの感謝を申し上げます。

Eventually a new page of my NZ tour has been completed. It took me a long time since I finished the previous one. i was quite sick for a few weeks, and was not full of energy to do anything more than to do my work for classes. Then came cats, such small and feeble animals! But now I've come back to my routine of building my website regularly. I should say after the long years of my silence, this is the real come back. A lot has happened and now here I am, somehow all right. Thanks! Today's update: 8 The TranzAlpine Railway in my NZ photo gallery. You can check it in The Gallery in Margin as well. Thank you so much for coming to my website.

August 05, 2018

習慣を形作るまでにはある程度時間がかかる。容易いことでも困難なことでも「軌道に乗れば」自動的に動いていくような気がしてくる。ときどきその軌道を外れて、慌てることにもなるが。習練が習慣になり、習慣が生活の形になる。これまでいろいろなことに自分を慣らしてきた。精神的な安定が日常を回していくのは承知している。それを逸脱してまで挑戦したいことに出会うと、恐ろしくもあり期待もあり、平坦だった日常にアクセントが付く。要するに、逃げるなということか。 本日の更新は、猫日記「猫と暮らす」です。アメブロの「にっきとはっか」も同様です。

It takes time to form a habit of life. No matter how easy or difficult the habit may be, once you get in the orbit or just accustomed to it, life goes on quite smoothly. Sometimes, however, we tend to stray from "the orbi.t" Practice makes the habit and the habit forms one's life style. So far, I've made myself accustomed to various habits. I know peace of mind runs the daily life. When I encounter something which makes me stray from the peacefulness, I get scared and excited as well because it stimulates the monotonous life. Don't run away from new things. Today's update:"Cats at Home," here and Nikki and Hakka, in the blog.

August 04, 2018

採点が終わり、成績登録が終わり、春学期が終わった。随分縮小した私の仕事。だのに、体調不良に襲われたり、猫の世話を始めたり、結局いつでもぎりぎりの精一杯。もちろんいろいろな希望や期待もあるけれど、年齢相応の自分と向き合い、出来ることをやり続けよう。さすがに次の目標へ向かってスタートだ。 これまで先送りしてきたことに待ったなし。 本日の更新は、猫日記「猫と暮らす」です。アメブロの「にっきとはっか」も同様です。

I've finished marking the exam paper, registering the grades of students, and all other duties of the spring semester. Compared to the past, my work has decreased remarkably, but I'm always pressed with deadlines and new duties emerged with the appearance of cats. Certainly I have hopes and expectations a lot: however, I need to face myself as I grow old. Let me do what I can for now. I need to make a fresh start for new goals anyway. No more delay for what I have postponed. Today's update:"Cats at Home," here and Nikki and Hakka, in the blog

August 01, 2018


Marking the exam-paper all day long. The work seems endless. Sudents' words strike me as severe and clear criticism to my class management. All right, I'm sure I will improve my class next semester! How long have I been teaching in class and still not satisfactorily? This semester I had only 3 classes as a whole. (Don't be so negative! Nobody will be happy with it.) Well, what shall I do next? Summer is short. So is life. Let's not hesitate doing what I want to. Shall I go to the beach or to the mountain? At the beginning of August, anything seems possible. Both of them look attractive. Particularly to where? Let me decide when I finish working with my exam paper! Today's update:"Cats at Home," here and Nikki and Hakka, in the blog. (Nothing else to do?)

July 31, 2018


I finished writing a book review for a magazine. The review was a very short one but the magazine itself has numerous readers. I edited it again and again ; eventually I decided to press the "send key." Fortunately, I received a positive response from the publisher. Thanks! The magazine will be published in September. They will give me a copy of it. However short order of the article is, I'm sure I will accept to write anything. It doesn't mean anything as long as I'm twittering to myself like this at home only. I have to "go out" to announce I'm writing. Regarding the cats' diary, I'm glad there are almost 30 readers constantly. The number of "good!" is recorded. Although it is just talking about cats casually, it's great to have readers. So today's update: "Cats at Home," here and Nikki and Hakka, in the blog.

July 30, 2018

夏休み前にやらなくてはならないことがいっぱいある。試験の採点、原稿書き、部屋の整理整頓などなど。にも関わらず、 夏はいろいろなことをきちんと仕分けるに相応しい 季節とは言い難い。夏は緩む時だ。明日でもいいことを今日やることなんかない...こんな言い回しがあったかどうか?私の偽らざる心境だ。本日の更新は、猫日記「猫と暮らす」です。アメブロの「にっきとはっか」も同様です。

I have a lot to do before the summer break starts. Marking the test, writing some essays, cleaning rooms at home, etc. However, summer is not the right season for sorting out everything neatly. It's the time to relax. Don't do today what you can do tomorrow. I'm not sure this is an authentic saying in English but this is how I'm feeling now. (Quite lazy!) Today's update: "Cats at Home".

July 27, 2018

ニュージーランド旅行から4ヶ月経過。旅の写真アルバム完成までにどのくらいかかることか?集中して作業する時間が確保できずにいる。必ずやるつもりなのだが。いずれにせよ、クライストチャーチ・グレイマウス間を往復する「トランスアルパイン号」の鉄道旅行までは来た。手始めに、表紙ページの写真(渓谷)とこのページの写真(羊たち)をアップしておこう。(昨日猫日記「猫と暮らす」 とアメブロの「にっきとはっか」に「静と動」を掲載しました。どちらも内容は同じです。

4 months have passed since our trip to New Zealand. How long do I have to take to complete my album of the trip? So far I've not had time yet to concentrate on the work, unfortunately. In summer holiday, I'm sure I'll do it! Anyway I've come to the train journey by the TranzAlpine from Christchurch to Greymouth and back. To start with, I uploaded a photo in the cover page and one of the close up photo of sheep along the railway. More to come soon! (Yesterday, I updated Nikki and Hakka, and "Cats at Home." )

July 25, 2018

炎暑、猛暑、酷暑...どう表現しても「言うまいと思えど今日の暑さかな」に帰り着く。だがすぐに、この暑さは残暑と呼ばれるようになる。 儚いものだ。以前からチャレンジしてみようと思っていた商用ブログを始めた。保護猫カフェ Boni's House 主催者ボニータさんとの約束で、 Ameba Blog(アメブロ)というのに「にっきとはっか」というタイトルで登録してみた。(よかったら、ちょっとクリックしてみてください。)自分のサイトとは勝手が違うけれど、 同好の士に読んでもらえるというメリットは測り知れない。自分のホームページにはその「ミラーサイト」を保持しておく。 本日の更新は猫日記、「猫と暮らす」です。

How can I describe the hot weather we've been suffering from? Is it the outrageous heat, the scorching heat, or the fierce heat? No matter what I say, I cannot help coming back to an ancient Japanese short poem says, "I try not to say it / But how can I refrain from / Cursing today's hotness?" However, soon the heat will be described as "the remains of the summer days." Everything is passing. I've started writing about our cats in " a ready-made blog." As I promised Ms Bonita, the owner of a cats' cafe for protected alley cats, I chose Ameba Blog. You can be read by cats' lovers/owners. The title of the blog is Nikki and Hakka. (If you please, click and have a look at it!) I still keep a mirror site of the blog here. Today's update: "Cats at Home."

July 24, 2018


Extremely hot every day. When I make mistakes in my daily life, I say it's because of the terrible heat for excuse. No way! Today's update: "Cats at Home." only because of the heat!

July 23, 2018

ようやく通常ページに復帰。猫騒動で、しばらく前に書いたエッセイのことをすっかり忘れていた。これはWriters Studios を通じて配信された途端に文章の不明瞭な箇所が読者の方から指摘され、急遽改訂版を出すといういわくつきのものとなった。ご指摘くださったのは文章のプロで、曖昧さや冗長さ、無駄な韜晦を許さないライターの先達。さて書き直してみると、シンプルに書けばよほど伝わりやすいし、余分な情報を詰め込みすぎていた自分の文章の未熟さが際立った。間髪を入れずこの御指摘を伝達してくださった田崎氏にも感謝している。今もこうしてビシバシと指導していただける我が身の幸いを思う。今回のテーマは短いエッセイに終わらせることなく、本格的論考を目指すべきハードなテーマだと認識している。本日の更新は『新作エッセイ』に散策思索03「英国映画へ」です。Kazuo Ishiguroシリーズの始まりとしたい。更新 おまけ。やっぱり今日も猫日記、「猫と暮らす」です。

I've just come back to the normal page, not the cats' page! I've completely forgotten about the essay I wrote almost 3 weeks ago. Soon after it was released via Writers Studios, a curt and precise claim came that pointed out the ambiguity of my longish dangling sentence in it. Immediately I revised the essay. The person who pointed out my ambiguous sentence was a professional writer who had been checking drafts and manuscripts for broadcasting and publishing. It was really true that my sentence should have been simpler and shorter for better understanding. I found I was packing too much miscellaneous information in one sentence. I was grateful to Prof. Tazaki for sending me the message in no time. My fortune is to have such wonderful teachers still now. I should develop this passage into an essay in full length. Today's update: "Going to see a British Movie, The Remains of the Day," in New Essays since 2018. (Japanese only) Plus "Cats at Home."

July 19, 2018

とうとう猫ページは古いやり方ではダメだと思い知らされた。スマホだと、表示が崩れる。どうあってもスマホで見られるページに改変しなくてはダメだ。これは猫ページだけに限った事ではない。現在一般のインターネットユーザーの大方が、 スマホを使って(多彩な目的で)ブラウジングしていることを考慮に入れると、私のような古いやり方では意味がなくなってきている。専門家のためのページは別だ。私のサイトのように学術的なものでもなく、ごく一般的なものの場合、従来の方法に固執すべき理由はない。本日何度もスマホにアジャストできないか試した挙句白旗を上げる次第。でも、本来は自分の記録のためのサイトなのだから、特に人に見てもらいたいページ以外はこのままで。(ああ、なんて頑固なのであろうか、私は。)ともかく、新しいやり方に移行するまでは古い方法にて、本日の更新は「猫と暮らす」です。

At last I seem to accept to give up my old-fashioned blog for cats. By smart-phones, the page display is out of order. I need to accept the latest concept of "blog-making for smart phone." I know it's not only the matter of cats' page but also to many more pages. The majority of Internet users in general is using smart phone for browsing for multiple purposes. If your page is only for specialists, you can go ahead with your traditional method, but non-specialists' website like mine has no reasoning for sticking to the old method. After plural tests today I came to accept the fact. But I will go on with other pages anyway. As I wrote yesterday, this website is for recording for myself. What a stubborn old woman I am! Today's update: "Cats at Home." (It’s still in an old way until I find the new one.)

July 18, 2018


For those who are not interested in cats, my new page might not be very attractive. Sorry, but as a novice of a cats'owner, I'm learning about cats day by day. My initial plan was to start a blog (like the one many people are conducting, with photos and short comments), but I haven't found a free blog service suitable for my taste. What I'm doing is quite old-fashioned and not easy to make access to; however, my intention is not to increase "followers" but to keep a place for recording. Therefore, I will keep going with this website including my cats. Soon I'll get back to other topics, too. For the moment, thanks for understanding my "cat fever." Today's update: "Cats at Home."

July 17, 2018


Ten days have passed since I uploaded the latest note last time. Actually I was busy preparing for cats to come to our house. Seriously and joyfully, we've decided to live with cats. Yes, with 2 catS! Nobody know the real relationship of them but probably they seem to be sisters or a mother-and-daughter. They were rescued and protected by volunteer cats' shelter for almost 4 months. Meanwhile, both of them gave birth to plural kittens. According to the owner of the private cats' shelter, they made great efforts to bring their kittens up, giving milk and licking them all over day by day. Now it's time for these cats to pursue their own life. When we visited the shelter, we were introduced to these two young female cats. They were not wild and were very well going along with each other. They were expected to live together. We agreed to accept them both together. Thus, Hakka and Nikki came to our house. I cannot resist opening a new page for cats. Today's update: a new page: "Cats at Home ."Thanks for checking it!

July 7, 2018

猛烈な豪雨が関西から九州にかけた広い地域を襲い、町でも村でも大変な被害が出ている。2011年の東日本大震災を思い出す。周囲を濁流に取り囲まれて屋根の上から救助を求める人々が居る。関東地方では今夜マグニチュード6の地震が起きた。自然災害はいつも突然やってくる。今夜もまだ豪雨が続く地域もある。雨よ去れ!本日の更新は「ギャラリ−余白」にニュージーランド旅行の写真ページ「7. テカポ」。マウントクック国立公園からクライストチャーチに向かうバス移動の短いページです。

In Japan, mainly in the western part of the islands, an extremely heavy rain attacked villages and towns to destroy people's life. We can't help remembering the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake in 2011. People are seeking rescue staying on roofs surrounded by muddy water. In Kanto region, we were attacked by an earthquake (M. 6.0) at night. Natural disasters happen so abruptly. The heavy rain is still falling in certain areas tonight. Rain, rain go away! Today's update: A new page of New Zealand tour, 7 Tekapo, a short page.

July 3, 2018

なんとか、タスマンバレーの氷河の写真ページを編集するところまで来た。ここまで来るのに3ヶ月もかかってしまった。途中で病気になったりしたから動けなかったこともあるけれど、ようやくまあまあの状態にまで回復したので、氷河のページを仕上げられた。まだまだ何ページも残っているが。昨日職場でニュージーランド人の同僚と話す機会があり、かの国のことをあれこれ語り合うことができて大いに励まされた。ありがたい。氷河湖探索は今回の旅のハイライトの一つだった。本日の更新は「ギャラリ−余白」にニュージーランド旅行の写真ページ6. アオラキ マウントクック国立公園タスマン氷河です。ここは本当に素晴らしい。

Somehow I've come to edit the web page for Tasman Valley Glacier. It took me more than three months to do so. Meanwhile I got sick and couldn't go on at all. Now that I'm feeling almost all right, I'm glad to finalize the page anyway. I still have several more pages to go indeed! Yesterday I met a Kiwi at my workplace and was very much encouraged by him talking over New Zealand. Great! Glacier exploration was a one of the highlights of this tour. Today's update: A new page of New Zealand tour, 6.Tasman Glacier in Aoraki Mt. Cook National Park. I do love it here!

July 01, 2018


The rainy season is over. We're at the beginning of real summer. While I was working fulltime, summer break was the supreme bliss in a whole year. How will it be now? Well, summer is summer. It's a special season. Any miracle may happen. Today' update: the cover photo: another shot of the lake, Tasman Valley Glacier. (We're approaching the face of the glacier by a jet boat; and the photo above: an iceberg in the lake. A small present for summer.

June 27, 2018

再び、回復に努めて、休養中。(家にじっとしていると調子が悪くなるのではないかと思う。)本日の更新は「ギャラリ−余白」にニュージーランド旅行の写真ページ5 マウントクックへ(バスで移動)です。短い間奏曲代わりに。

Taking a rest to recover. Staying home. (Probably it makes me sick.) Anyway, today's update: A new page of New Zealand tour, 5 To Mt. Cook (a bus tour) , a very short photo noe. An interude.An interlude, please.

June 26, 2018


When I was running by bicycle along the stream of "Nobidome-Yousui," flowers of nokanzou (Hemerocallis fulva var. longituba) were in full bloom here and there. It was very hot like in a real summer day. These flowers are nothing special in this area, but I was very happy to see them in green banks of the stream. Flowers inspire us a lot when we're not in shape particularly. Thanks to flowers, we are consoled and empowered as well. A good rest will help. I think I need more rest and flowers. Today's update: this note with the photo only.

June 23, 2018

書くペースがだいぶ定まってきたので、そろそろこのウェブサイトを積極的に公開する方向へ向かわなくては。著名な学者であり教育者でもある田崎清忠氏に場を与えられたおかげで、私は定期的に書く習慣を得た。田崎氏の監修で出版社の月刊メールマガジンに英語教育にまつわるエッセイを書き続けて5年以上が経った。この春そのメルマガが終了した後、田崎氏がWriters Studiosというエッセイ配信方式を考案し、6人の執筆陣が随時投稿する。エッセイは厳正な論理構築や論拠は求められない代わり、 文体とコンテンツには常に独創性が求められる。新鮮な切り口で、とらえた物事を読むに耐える文章で表すというのは挑みがいのある営為だ。自分の内面や個人的な事情に踏み込んで書かなくてはならないので、勇気がいる。当然、批判も受け止める必要がある。それでも書くのか?書かずにいられないから、書くしかない。本日の更新は『新作エッセイ』に「散策思索01鳥の声」と「02 人の声」の2編です。

Now that my writing rhythm has been settled, I think I should go on to publicize this website. Thanks to an eminent scholar and educator Prof. Kiyotada Tazaki, I was given a chance to write. Under his supervision, I had been writing essays on English education for a web-magazine of a publisher for more than 5 years. As the magazine was terminated in March 2018, Prof. Tazaki initiated a distribution system of essays with 6 writers. We the essayists are not supposed to be so meticulous about logical construction nor evidence for our writing, but we always need to present our original view points and contents. it's a very challenging activity to write something through a fresh approach and express our observation and discoveries in our original styles. We have to be brave enough to write about ourselves. In fact, we need to be prepared to face severe criticisms. Yet, do I dare write? Yes, I do. I write because I cannot help writing. Today's update: Thoughts in Wander 01 Bird's Cry and 02 People's Voice, in New Essays since 2018. (Japanese only)

June 21, 2018


Was it in 2002 when FIFA World Cup was held in Japan and Korea? 16 years have passed already! Wow, time flies. A lot of things have happened in my life; too many to write in a short note. Have I changed? Partly, Yes. Partly, No. How about you? I wish things have been going all right with everybody. I'm all right. Surviving somehow as this website shows. Aging cannot be stopped. I accept it humbly. I'm learning the concept of "aging" through my own body and soul. It's not bad to know that. Today's update: this note only.

June 20, 2018


It rains of course in a rainy season in Japan. I stayed home all day, reading, writing, and listening to music. I remembered I took a photo when I went to the Ginza last week. This is a shot of a florist at a corner. It was too far away for me to buy a bunch of flowers and bring it back home safely. Unfortunately flowers easily wither in a few days. Better just to look t them in a distance. it might be true to anything else. Better just to watch in a distance. Flowers and mountains, too. Unfortunately, really. Today' update: this note with the shot only.

June 19, 2018


Taking a rest to recover. Doing nothing particular. Reading books and scribbling. Today's update: the cover photo: Tasman Glacier in Aoraki Mt. Cook National Park, New Zealand; a photo in this page, a wild hare I saw in the yard of Harmitage Hotel, Mt. Cook. I'm still getting energy from the trip to New Zealand 3 months ago!

June 18, 2018

生まれてこの方目眩を経験したことがなかった。それが突然目眩に襲われ、街中で二進も三進も行かなくなった。救急車で病院に搬送され、すぐさま脳のMRI検査を。結果は「異常なし」だった。一体何が起こったのだろう?3つのクラスを休講にせざるを得なかった。これから健康状態チェックが続く。今週は家でおとなしくして自分観察だ。静かにしていなくては。本日の更新は「ギャラリ−余白」にニュージーランド旅行の写真「その4 クイーンズタウン・ガーデンズ」です。PCを長い時間見つめているのも良くないのだろう、きっと。(日本語の文章は全部主語抜きでも通じるから不思議・・・だが、そんなことに感心している場合か?)

Since I was born I had not experienced a physical phenomenon like "dizziness."It abruptly attacked me and I was completely helpless in the middle of a busy town. I was rescued by an ambulance and taken to a hospital. A brain check by MRI was done on my brain immediately. The result was "No particular illness discovered." What happended? I had to cancell 3 classes. Health check will go on. I'll stay home this week to wach myself. Be a good girl. Today's update: A new page of New Zealand tour, 4 Queenstown Gardens. It may not be good to watch PC for a long time.

June 17, 2018

昨日は築地市場見物に出かけ、隅田川べりを散策してきた。目下勤務先の大学を東京でのサマーセッションのために訪問中の、Sam Houston State University (USA)のグループを、日本人の学生たち(赤いポロシャツ組)とともに案内した。私はガイドとして同行を同僚にリクエストされての参加。場内市場は早朝のセリを終え、既にひっそりしていたが、場外市場の方は海外から来た観光客で押すな押すなの大賑わい。天気もなんとか持った。雨が降らなかったのはもっけの幸い。この地域は私の最も好きな散策コースの一つだけに、案内するのは楽しかった。本日の更新はこの写真付き短信のみにて。

We made a short trip to Tsukiji Market and walked along the River Sumida yesterday. A group of students at Sam Houston State University (USA) is visiting Toyo Gakuen University for a summer session in TOKYO. Requested by one of my colleagues, with Japanese students (in red shirts) I attended the group as a tour guide. The inner market was already quiet after the early morning auctions, but the outer market was bustling with visitors from abroad. The weather was not so bad. We were lucky it didn't rain while we were walking. This area is one of my most favorite walking courses. I enjoyed the walking myself a lot! Today's update: this note with the small shot only.

June 13, 2018

ニュージーランド旅行記「光を観に行く」を掲載し終えた。全6編各2ページづつになっている。わざわざこれをお読み下さる方(がおいでになるとして)には心よりの感謝を!自国から遠く離れた国について書くにしては、表層的で洞察に欠ける素朴すぎるものと思われたかもしれない。私がニュージーランドに魅了された訳は、一つにはこの国が観光ビジネスを確立していることに感嘆したからであり、もう一つには国家として若いから。ビジネスは重要だと思う。海外からの訪問客を招致するには歓迎精神を涵養するだけでなく、国のインフラをそのために整備しなくてはならない。整備する必要があるのは施設のことだけではない。それ以上に自然環境という豊かな資源を現在と未来のために手厚く保善することが重要だろう。ニュージーランドはこの天然資源を非常に大切にしている。だから多くの訪問者たちが何度でもまたニュージーランドに行きたいという気持ちになるはずだ。本日の更新はニュージーランド旅行記「光を観に行く」6 海へ行くもの(1) (2)です。写真ページにはまだ続編があります。

A series of essays on my journey to New Zealand in 2018 has been all uploaded. There are 6 of them each in 2 pages. I really appreciate it very much to those who would take time to read them. They might find it too superficial or naive with small insight into a country far away from mine. I've been fascinated with New Zealand partly because it is a well-established country in sightseeing business, and partly because it is a historically young country. Business matters. In order to make a country a place open to foreign visitors, it is required to build up its infrastructure as well as to foster the spirit of hospitality. Infrastructure is not limited only to man-made facilities; moreover it needs to preserve its natural nevironments for the present and for the future. I felt New Zealand is very much conscious about the preciousness of its natural resources. I'm sure visitors would feel like returning to NZ again and again. Today's update: an essay on my Journey to New Zealand, Going out for Lights "6 Out into the Ocean (1) (2)." Photos will follow.

June 12, 2018

映像以上に音楽はネット上に溢れている。今日は「Vitaly Pisarenkoが演奏するラヴェル - 海原の小舟(『鏡』より)」から聴き始めた。曲名をブラウザーの検索ボックスに書き込めば即座にこれと出会える。なんという世界だろう。それからYouTube上で列挙されている作品が自動的に次々と演奏されるのを延々と聴き続けた。バックグラウンドで聴きながらほかの仕事もできる。こんなことは今更言うまでもなく、誰だって知っている。自分で選んだわけではなくコンピュータプログラムが勝手に届けてくるラインアップで、ラヴェル、サティ、リストと次々に聴くうち、思わず知らず魅了されている事に驚く。素敵で意外で、同時に恐ろしくもある。昔は音楽になかなか手が届かなかった。今日の問題は「どれにするか」だけだ。特定の作曲家、演奏家の作品をもっと聴きたければ、ネットから即座に情報が届く。CDを注文するも、曲をダウンロードするも自由。カードや電子マネーでお支払い。だが、実際の演奏を聴くにはコンサートに行かなくては。それもまたお好み次第。その意味では先月の「ラ・フォル・ジュルネTOKYO 2018」は良い催しだった。ふらりと出かけて、本物がいろいろ聴ける。空気を震わせる実際の音の波には全身が反応する。本日の更新は短信のみにて。

More than movies numerous music files are uploaded on line. Today I started with Vitaly Pisarenko plays Ravel - Une barque sur l'ocean. You put the name of the music in a research box of your browser, and you will immediately ready to listen to it. What a world! Then I continued listening to a chain of music listed on YouTube automatically. You can do other tasks while the music playing in your background. It's nothing to be mentioned today; everybody knows it. I was mysteriously involved in and affected with music which I never chose but came to me by the choice of computer programs. Ravel, Satie, Liszt, and many more repeatedly appeared. The experience is Fantastic and thrilling but terrible at the same time. When I was young, music was hard to reach. A problem today is what to choose. If you want to listen to more of a particular composer or a musician, the information about them are immediately at hand via the Internet. You can order CDs or music files to download quite easily, paying by credit cards/ e-money. But if you really listen to the actual sound, you need to go to concerts in the real world,. Which would you choose? By the way, “La Folle Journee Tokyo 2018” was a wonderful event. You could go and choose your favorite orchestra on the spot. The real wave of the music affects your whole body.Today(s update: this note only.

June 11, 2018


I was listening to an audiobook for a while at YouTube. Perhaps someone in US (or somewhere else) had uploaded the sound file of the audiobook (CD). Evidently it's the violation of copy right. It's exactly like the production, the sales company and the narrator (an actor) are all plundered of their rights Because I knew this, I felt guilty while listening to the narration for free. If I listen to the whole work, it would take me 7 hours 41minutes and 47 seconds. I stopped at the point of 30 minutes. Then I thought of buying the audiobook, and went to Amazon. Looking around I found that the imported book was rather expensive. There were several choices. While I was watching, wondering what I should do, I found underneath a long list of books which I might be interested in. Words could read "People who buy this book also order these books." No thanks for such a temptation! If I pay the slightest attention to something, similar things immediately follow me. I feel a stranger is talking to me, "I know your taste well." It's really eerie. Yet, I often visit Amazon because it's so convenient all the same. That's how bookstores are perished. If we lose the joy of visiting bookstores, towns will be desert. I curse myself for being so easily tempted. Today's update: this note only.

June 9, 2018

人は結局好きなことをして生きるだけだ。信条としてどんな理想を掲げていても人は出来ることしかしない。これが今のところの私の自己正当化。(なんて単細胞なんだろう!)だが同時に思うのは少なくともやりたいことがあるのは幸せではないかと。公のキャリアだとか業績だとかが人の生きた証だろうか。優れた人は優れたなりに、普通の人は普通に。私も!(おっと、このセリフはこんなところで使うものか?)気にしない。これはただの独り言。いいとか悪いとか判断されるべきものでなし。本日の更新は「ギャラリ−余白」にニュージーランド旅行の写真「その3 ワカティプ湖」です。助走期間続行中。

People live and do what they want after all. Whatever they may have as an ideal in principle, they do what they can. This is my self-justification so far. (How simpleminded am I!) But at the same time, it's fortunate they have something they like to do at least. Should public careers and achievements the proof of their life? Excellent people are all right as they are, but ordinary people are good as they are. Me too! (Is this the phrase I should use in such a context?) Never mind. I just talk to myself here. This is nothing for judgement. Thanks! Today's update: a new photo page: 3 Lake Wakatipu in Gallery in Margin. This website remains private yet.

June 8, 2018

この分だと一年間ニュージーランドのことばかりを振り返って過ごしそうだ。長い間じっとしていた後ようやく出かけた海外での体験だったので、自分にとっては振り返る価値のある出来事と言える。とても若かった頃アイルランドを旅行した。これら二カ国は私の人生にとって特別な場所になった。本日の更新は表紙の写真(ワカティプ湖をボブズヒルから見下ろして撮った写真。ありふれたアングルではあるが。)それとこのページの写真(クイーンズタウンのKiwi and Birdlife Parkで撮った、ニュージーランドにしかいない希少な爬虫類Tuatara)です。

It seems I will spend a whole year just reviewing my journey to New Zealand. For me it's worth doing so because it was an experience abroad after a long “immobile period.” I can't express how I got from the country. When I was very young, I traveled to Ireland. These two countries have become special places for my life. Today's update: a photo in the cover page (Lake Wakatipu observed from Bob's Hill in a sunny day, which is in a very popular angle) and one in this page (a Tuatara, a very rare reptile found only in New Zealand; I took the photo in Kiwi and Birdlife Park in Queenstown.).

June 7, 2018

昨日書いた某紙へのエッセイは編集意図に沿わないとのことでボツになった。それも見込んで早めに打診したので問題はないけれど。ウグイスとメジロとホトトギスについてもっと丹念に調べることにしよう。鳥の声について書き始め、そこから文学散歩に繋げたつもりだった。構想を 練り直さなくては。里ではウグイスが鳴くのは早春だけのような気がしている。山間では初夏はおろか秋近くまで「ホーホケキョ」と聞こえるように思うのだが、どうだろう。あの鳴き声は番を探すためのものであり、敵から身を守る警告でもあると認識している。そうだとするなら抱卵時期が過ぎるともう鳴く必要はないのだろうか。これみよがしに美しい歌声を森に響かせているわけではあるまい。どこをどう調べたら分かるのだろう。鳥類辞典かな?また、ウグイスとメジロは混同しやすい。ホトトギスはそもそも種が違う。カッコウの仲間のようだ。姿の美しい鳥、歌声の美しい鳥。古来文人たちに愛でられ情念を仮託されてきた生き物について私は無知だった。本日の更新はNZ紀行「光を観に行く 5 よみがえる街角 (1) (2) 」です。

My essay which I wrote yesterday was declined to be published by a small paper because it was not on a right track. It was OK because I asked for their opinion much in advance for making sure if what I had in mind was of their intention. I've decided to study more carefully about birds such as Japanese warbler, Japanese white-eye, and little cuckoo. I started with writing about the voices of birds and tried to connect them with literature. I have to switch my design. By the way I have a notion that Japanese warblers cry mainly in early spring in town. Whereas, I understand they cry longer from spring to late autumn in mountains. Is my notion correct? Do they cry for finding partners and protecting themselves from enemies? If it is correct, do they have to cry after they finish breeding? I wonder if they cry for the sake of demonstrating their beautiful voice. How can I learn the truth of their crying habit. Should I check encyclopedias of birds? We definitely need to know the actual classification of these birds. We amateurs tend to mix them all up and don't pay attention to the detailed differences. There are birds of beautiful appearance, and those of beautiful voices. I'm so ignorant about creatures which have been loved by poets and other writers for a long time. Today's update: an essay on my Journey to New Zealand, Going out for Lights "A Resurrecting Town (1) (2).

June 6, 2018

昨日はEU Film Days 2018でイギリスからの出品作Kazuo Ishiguro原作の『日の名残り』が上演されたので、京橋にある国立映画アーカイブへ見に行った。この映画はDVDで過去に二回見ているが、スクリーン上で見たことはなかった。ノーベル賞受賞以前からIshiguroについては関心を抱き、作品もずっと読み続けているので、あらためて見たいと思った。しかも監督はJames Ivoryである。(先日この欄にも記した『君の名前で僕を呼んで』の脚本を担当してアカデミー賞を受賞した89歳の監督。)どの作品でも映画は原作の細部をカットし、その分を視覚情報に置き換えてドラマ(やドキュメンタリー)の全体像を二時間程度に要約して提示する。『日の名残り』も大いなる省略があるし、思いがけない部分の強調もある。稀代のプレーボーイ、ヒュー・グラントに堅物老執事が主人の命令とは言え「生命の神秘」を解いて聞かせるというシーンの設定には思わず会場から失笑が漏れた。(監督にではなく、執事スティーブンス役のアンソニー・ホプキンスに対してである。)第二次大戦中のドイツに対するイギリスの立場を貴族が主催する私的な「国際会議」の場で方向付けようとする試みの危うさを、執事の滅私奉公の立場から描くこの作品には、スティーブンスとともに働いた女中頭(旧姓)ミス・ケントン(エマ・トンプソン)との再会と決別という「ロマンス」の行方が通奏低音として響いている。重層的に作品の表現するものを享受するには(DVDより)大スクリーンのほうが圧倒的に勝るが、やはり映画では情緒に訴える面が強調される。一度見ただけでは読み解けないヒントの数々。そうなると原作に勝るものはないという凡庸な結論に至らざるを得ない。それでも映画の魅力は否定できない。作品が目の前に視覚化され立ち現れるスリルを拒否できるわけがない(少なくとも私は)。長くなるので、これも続きは別稿にて。(空手形に終わりませんように。)本日の更新はこの短信のみにて。

EU Film Days 2018 is now held at National Film Archive of Japan in Tokyo. I went to the Archive in Kyobashi in oreder to see The Remains of the Day, as the movie presented from the Great Britain, originally written by Kazuo Ishigro and directed by James Ivory (who adopted and wrote the screen senario for Call Me by Your Name recently, a 89 year-old director). I've been constantly interested in Kazuo Ishigro long before he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017. I've seen the movie by DVD twice before, but wanted to see it in a theater. In any movies, details in the original works are cut shourt but on the other hand, unexpected details are emphasized. For example, a scene where Lord Darlington's nephew (a young jyounalist acted by Hue Grant, an extremely popular actor famous for the roles of playboys) is instructed by the old serious butler on the mystery of life, aroused the lauhter of audience. The laughter was not of course amied at the director but the butler acted by Anthony Hopkins.In this movie, the amatureistic international conferences conducted by the aristocratic personality like Lord Darlington is severely criticised. His pro-Germany (accordingly pro-Nazi) attitudes during the World War II is the issue. The butler was not able to escape from the crime of his masteer because of his blind royalty. Along with the political theme, a secretive, unspoken, romance between Stevens and Miss Kenton is the point. A movie overwhelms the audience giving the influence to their sentiment. I should write more about this movei/novel somewhere else in a different title. (I wish my words won't be an empty promise!) Today's uptade: this note only.

June 5, 2018

ちょっと一休み。写真を仕分けして、ウエブアルバム用に適性サイズに修正するには時間とエネルギーが要る。 私のやり方では非効率的だというのはよく分かっている。とはいえ、作業自体を楽しんでいるのも事実。いっそのことサイズのことなど何も考えずにインスタグラムにまとめて放り込んでしまえばよいのでは?という考え方もあり。余計な心配はいらない。毎日のように他の人たちが難なくFacebookに画像をアップするのを目にしている。どうして私はあのように出来ないのだろう?アタマ固すぎ。それに引き替えエッセイをアップするのは楽だ。原稿があれば、の話だが。 本日の更新はエッセイの最新ページ「光を観に行く  4 カーヴする鉄路 (1) (2) 」です。それから、記載し忘れていた同エッセイ「3 氷河と銀嶺 (1) (2) 」もあります。 まとめの「新作エッセイ」入口ページから入ると全体の進行が見渡せます。

Intermission. It takes me time and energy to sort out the photos and upload them in a good size for a photo album page. I know I'm not efficient for a web-designer. But it's true I enjoy dealing with photos and website-building. How about throwing them all together into Instagram? Perhaps you don't have to think about retouching them at all. I see every day how people are uploading their photos to Facebook freely. Why can't I do that? Am I too conservative? May be. Compared to photos, essays are easier to handle as long as I have the drafts. Today's update: an essay on my Journey to New Zealand, Going out for Lights "4 TranzAlpine Railway (1) (2)."(I skipped to introduce an essay on my Journey to New Zealand, Going out for Lights "3 Glacier and Silver Peaks (1) (2) the day before yesterday.) Thanks for checking them

June 3, 2018

本日の更新はニュージーランド旅行の写真ページを追加。「2 ルートバーントラック」です。実に爽快で多くを感じることのできるトレッキングだった。

Today's update: I added a photo page of our journey in New Zealand, "2 Routeburn Track." It was really a refreshing and inspiring walk.

June 2, 2018

昨日ニュージーランド旅行の写真ページをアップロードした(つもりだった)が、失敗。おそらくフォルダー名の付け方が間違っていたのだろう。再度試みたら、今度は画像が表示できた。その後、NZ紀行の続きを掲載した。梅雨り前の汗ばむ陽気に、三月末の旅行を記録していると、季節が混乱してくる。写真を見る限り凍える寒さだったことが蘇る。今やっておかないと永遠にまとまらないとの思いで、断続的ながら作業を継続。いつものことながらまたぞろ漂白の思いに駆られる。本日の更新はNZの写真ページ、それからエッセイの最新ページ「光を観に行く 2 降っても照っても (1) (2)」です。 そしてまとめの「新作エッセイ」入口ページ

Yesterday I failed in uploading the photo page of my journey to NZ. Perhaps naming of the photo folder was wrong. I tried it again and this time image files are visible. Later I also uploaded the second part of my essay on the journey to New Zealand. While I was working with my photos and essays on the journey in March when it was rather cold, I got quite hot now right before the rainy season here; the mixture of seasons confused me! Unless I do the work now, I won't do it for ever. As usual I really feel like going somewhere again! Today's update: A page for NZ Photos, and an essay on my Journey to New Zealand, Going out for Lights 2 “Rain or Fine.” And the cover page of Essays since 2018.

June 1, 2018

既に6月。まことに光陰は矢。日々できることはごく僅か。学生は英語と格闘している。私にできる援助はあまりない。今日は教室でタイタニック号のことを説明した。教科書に出てきた話題だったので。1997年に公開されたジェイムズ・キャメロン監督の映画『タイタニック』 を見たことのある学生はほとんどいなかった。それもその筈、当時彼らはまだ生まれていなかったのだ。(殆どの大学一年生が生まれたのは2000年。) 主演のレオナルド・ディカプリオに興味を持っている学生もいない。この頃学生の関心を引く話題を見つけるのが難しい。気が付けば1912年に北大西洋上で巨大客船タイタニック号がどのようにして沈んだのか説明することにエネルギーを費やしていた。英語のトレーニング本筋と違うのを自覚しながら。本日の更新はNZの写真ページです。とてもゆっくりした進行なので、全体の形が現れるにはしばしの時を要する。

It's already June! Time flies indeed. I can do so little every day. Students are struggling with English. I can help them not much. Today I was talking about Titanic in class. That was a topic in our textbook. Very few students have seen the movie Titanic by James Cameron released in 1997, when none of them were born yet. (Most of the first year students were born in 2000.) They are not interested in Leonardo DiCaprio. It's hard to find a hook for them recently. I found myself explaining how the passenger steamship sank in the Northern Atlantic Ocean in 1912. Oh, I knew I was going away from our main target of English training. Today's update: I've started the page for NZ Photos. It's going on very slowly, so far away from the complete shape.

May 31, 2018

どうにか表紙からエッセイページへのリンクを張るところまで行った。同時進行で写真ページを連動させようとしている。要領悪く、サクサクとは進まない。デザインも今ひとつ。まあ、欲張るのはよして、少しずつ改築を重ねよう。本日の更新は新作エッセイ のページです。やはり「家」はメンテナンスをし続けていないとならないものらしい。庭の手入れも!

Somehow I've come to set up the link between the top to Essays since 2018 page. Now I’m working hard to open the photo pages. It really takes me time to finalize new pages. I'm such a tedious web-builder! I'm not satisfied with the designs either but let me not go in a furry. I'll improve my HOME step by step. Today's update: Essays since 2018. (Home really needs constant maintenance. So does the garden.)

May 30, 2018

4月に始めた田崎清忠氏主催のオンラインエッセイシリーズWriters Studiosへの、私分の原稿配信がひと段落したので、あらためてこのサイトに掲載することにした。題して「ニュージーランド紀行 光を観に行く」全6編である。旅行から帰った途端に(新鮮な印象を忘れないよう)書き始めて、すぐさま投稿した。読み返すとあやふやな記憶、正確さを欠く記述、冗長な描写など、いずれ修正しなくてはならないところが気になるけれども、先ずは荒削りでも表現しなくてはと。写真も少しずつエッセイに連動させようと計画中。両方の形が整ったら、勇気を出して宣伝に出かけなくては。今はまだここで密かにつぶやいているだけ。 本日の更新は「ニュージーランド紀行 光を観に行く」1 海外旅行に行く理由 です。表紙からのリンクも数日中には。

I wrote essays on my journey to New Zealand in April, which I sent to Writers Studios produced by Professor Kiyotada Tazaki. Now that the series of 6 essays have been all uploaded, I would like to include them in my own website here. (For the moment, I wrote them only in Japanese.) I started writing the essays right after I came back home from the journey before fresh impressions are lost. When I review what I wrote now, I recognize the vagueness of my memories, incorrect descriptions, and longish passages and more defects in my writing. However, let me express what I found and thought through the journey in words. I'm also preparing photos to go along. When both are ready, I'll surely go out for advertisement! I'm just grumbling to myself here now. Today's update: Essays on my Journey to New Zealand: Going out for Lights (1) The Reason for Traveling Abroad. I have to set up a link directly from the cover page soon.

May 29, 2018

映画DALIDAを先週末友人たちと観に行った。1960年代から1980年代まで活躍したシャンソンとフレンチポップスの歌姫ダリダの生涯を描く。Lisa Auelowという 女性監督の作品。彼女はMarie Laforetという知る人ぞ知るフランスの映画女優の娘だ。恋愛依存症のようなダリダにいささか食傷気味で映画館を出たが、買い求めたサウンドトラックのCDを繰り返し聴くうちに(これはダリダ自身の音源を使っているから正真正銘のヒットメドレー)、歌に惹きつけられている。ライナーノーツの入っていない輸入盤だったのでただ耳で聴くしかないのだが、フランス語には独特の(英語とは異なる)魅力がある。何でも昔日の記憶と結びつけて懐かしむのはやめておきたいが、70年代にフランス語に夢中になっていた自分の幾ばくかを再発見したように感じている。死滅していない感性と知識の再生。 螺旋的回帰としておこう。本日の更新は短信のみにて。

I went to see a cinema DALIDA last weekend with my friends. It describes the life story of the chanson / French pops singer DALIDA, who was exquisitely popular in 60s, 70s and 80s. Lisa Auelow directed the movie. She is a daughter of French movie actress Marie Laforet. Tempted by these peripheral information as well, I expected the movie to be fantastic. In fact when I went out of the theater, I was a little fed up with love affairs occurring to DALIDA one after another. However, I am fascinated with the soundtrack CD. All the music pieces are genuine DALIDA's. With no liner notes included, I am obliged just to listen to the sound. French attracts me in magical ways. I don't want to connect all I write here with my retrospect but really I remember myself having concentrated on learning French in 70s. I've found (hopefully) my sensibility and knowledge has not totally been dead. Let me call it a spiral development. Today's upload: this note only.

May 28, 2018

数年前に同僚が始めた"Business Reading"という授業を今年引き継いだ。私は既に退職者の身だから週に三つきりの授業のうちの一つとして。所属学部の専門と英語を合体してBusiness and Englishという切り口の、ほぼ講義形式のクラス。登録した受講生は80余名。およそ文学からはかけ離れたジャンルだ。World Businessに関する英語の読み物を題材に、周辺事情を明らかにする資料を加えて、現時点での新鮮な話題も取り込んでいくという3, 4年生対象の、一般教養的科目といえる。 この春学期のトピックはまずSONYから始め、オーストラリアのBHP BILLITON(天然資源の会社)、そして目下Apple。学生の大半が持っているiPhoneがどのように生まれたのか、歴史的背景を概観するために紹介したドキュメンタリー「スティーブ・ジョブズ対ビル・ゲイツ ライバルたちの闘い」は面白かった。久しぶりに80年代、90年代の若々しい二人の姿に感慨を覚えた。学生たちにとっては生まれるはるか前の出来事ばかり。あんな時代も遠い過去だ。Jobsが亡くなって既に7年。歳月人を待たず。ひたひたと足元に打ち寄せる波。本日の更新は短信のみにて。

I took over a class entitled "Business Reading," which one of my colleagues had started a few years before. (As I'm already retired, I have only three classes a week and it is one of the 3.) In curriculum, this one is regarded as a combination of 2 subjects; business and English. More than 80 students registered. Actually it has the feature of general education offered to the 3rd and 4th grade students. In fact we take up topics in world business written in English, adding materials that clarify relevant matters and that feed up-to-date news in the field. This semester we started with reading about SONY, then BHP BILLITON (a global company of natural resources in Australia) and now Apple. Majority of students in my class own iPhone but they don’t know where it came from, its historical background. I introduced a documentary video "Steve Jobs VS Bill Gates, the Rivals," which was extremely interesting especially for me. I was quite impressed with the scenes of the development of personal computers in 80s and 90s, with the youthful entrepreneurs. For students both of them belong to the age far before they were born. Those days are already in the historical past. 7 years have passed since Jobs died. Time and tide stay for no man. Waves are rippling toward my feet. Today's update: this note only.

May 27, 2018


It was a very tiny "aquarium" at a corner of Lake Wakatipu, Queensland, New Zealand. It was called "The Underwater Observatory," a window open to the bottom of the lake. Salmons (really salmons?) came together swarming. There was none else but two of us when we visited the observatory. It was early in the morning. Quite chilly. Before we went aboard TSS Earnslaw, we took a walk around the quay stopping by at tables of morning market run by residents nearby. In the morning everything was fresh. I could forget all the troubles. Sailing makes you feel hilarious. A Chinese woman offered to take a photo of me, which I made my portrait for Facebook. I wish I could return to that morning. Today's update: the cover photo, a ship I saw from the Earnslaw during our sailing. The photo above is a shot at Underwater Observatory. I'm still in the middle of sorting out the numerous photos of the journey. Along with the essays I've already written, I'll upload them very soon (hopefully)!

May 26, 2018


It might be an extremely exciting experience for tourists from abroad to go across the scramble crossing near Hachi-kou statue in front of JR Shibuya Station, Tokyo. Hundreds of pedestrians start walking to every direction at once when the signals turn green. Amazingly there won't happen crushing or bumping among them. Seemingly people instinctively escape from collisions or fighting. After one minute when the signals turn red, waves of people cease and cars start going immediately. The fantastic movements of people and vehicles attract amateur photographers' attention naturally. If you nearly bump into someone, s/he is surely taking photos in the middle of natural streams, raising her/his hand high up in the air holding a camera to capture the crowded scene. There are also those who are trying to shoot themselves in the stream. To residents, however, the curiosity is nothing but a whimsy bothering their daily life. Perhaps this is exactly what we're doing while traveling by ourselves. Who can blame the rocks in the stream? Today's update: this note only.

May 25, 2018


A lot of things happen only once in one's life. I don't think I have lived long enough yet, but I've grown to know that much. When I was young, or in my childhood, I used to have a notion that anything would happen again and again in the future. Although I had nothing special, I felt was full of various possibilities. What a dreamer, an optimist, simple -minded and a fool I was! Gradually I've developed a tolerance for despair and resignation. Never let me down being hurt severely. Maybe I've just become impudent. But I feel the innermost of my heart has not changed a bit. The sensibility I had almost half a century ago is not lost. I often feel that way. Perhaps, I'll remain like this as long as I live. Today’s update: this note only.

May 24, 2018


Suddenly the light of my neighbor's door is lit. I look up to find beyond the window a vague figure of a black and white cat walking slowly on the wall between two houses. Soon after the cat disappears, I can hear the cat jump softly down on the outdoor unit of an air conditioner. Then the light is out and the silence prevails again. Thanks to the electronic sensor of the neighbor's house, I can observe a few kinds of cats walking on the wall once in a while. During the daytime, I have to be more careful about the slightest movement on the wall for catching cats on the wall. It's good to meet cats face to face in town, but this kind of secretive observation is more thrilling for me. Isn't it nice to have an animal trail (yes, it is!) at home? Today's update: this note only.

May 23, 2018


Yesterday I wrote about Mt. Fuji. I checked the photos I took during the weekend trip and found out there was no M. Fuji in its perfect shape; instead all were partly covered with clouds or deformed by some obstacles. In my memory, however, the mountain was in its ideal shape. Perhaps my brain had corrected the image of Mt. Fuji to make it an expected from with fixed ideas preinstalled by old memories (most of which should be the stock of pictures I had seen before). To my embarrassement, this is the best shot I took on Sunday. Human mind is strange. They say we see and hear what we want to see and hear. Does that mean we go on a trip for ideal photogenic scenes? Where is the real discovery and surprise? Get out of the framed photos first to go on a real trip!

May 22, 2018


During the weekend, I joined a group excursion and went to Gotenba and Hakone. It takes us Tokyoites only a few hours to visit these places but I hadn't been there since early 60's. One of the great attractions of this area is to have the great view of Mt. Fuji. However, I learned it depends on the weather. On the first day, Mt. Fuji was covered with heavy clouds and mist so that we couldn't see any part of the mountain at all. On the second day, it was sunny. When we had the first view of Mt. Fuji, all the members of the group cried out with joy! Covered with a little bit of snow on the top, the elegant ridgeline of the mountain was clear. Why is Mt. Fuji so attractive? Is it because of its independence and isolation? I wonder which is better to see Mt. Fuji in a distance or to climb it and see the world from the top of Mt. Fuji? Today's update: this note only.

May 18, 2018

もうひとりの興味深いニュージーランド人はエドモンド・ヒラリー卿だ。1953年に世界最初のエベレスト山登頂を果たした人物。マウントクック山麓のハーミテージホテルに「エドモンド・ヒラリー卿アルパインセンター」がある。館内の店で私はView from the Summit(『山頂からの光景』)という彼の著作を購入した。私はもともと紀行文学が大好きで、とりわけ世界の秘境を旅する冒険家の本には目がないものだから、このタイトルに強く惹きつけられた。まだこの分厚い本の最初の方しか読んでいないのだけれど、彼の真摯な文体とユーモア感覚に溢れた書きっぷりは素晴らしいものと感じている。(別の本で、ヒラリー卿の初登頂以降、エベレス山には夥しい数の登山家が押しかけ、商業化されてもはや純粋な探検の地とは言えなくなっていると読んだことがある。では、探検とはなんであるか、ヒラリー卿の本を通じて自分なりに考えてみたいと思う。)本日の更新は、この短信のみにて。

Another personality from New Zealand I'm interested in is Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to have succeeded in climbing to the summit of Mt. Everest in 1953. At the foot of Mt. Cook is Harmitage Hotel in which Sir Edmund Hillary Alpine Center in honor of him exists. I got a book entitled “View from the Summit” (Corgi edition, 2000) at a shop in the hotel. Because I'm a great fan of travel literature, especially of expeditions to unknown spots on earth, I was attracted to his life. I'm just at the beginning of this voluminous book yet, but his writing, sincere and with sense of good humor, is splendid. (I've read in other books that since "the first climbing," Mt. Everest has been trodden by so many alpinists that it's commercialized and popularized to be no more a sacred place for genuine explorers. I would really like to think of what expedition is through Sir Hillary's book.) Today's update: this note only.

May 17, 2018


The only eminent personality from New Zealand I had known was Katherine Mansfield, a female novelist who wrote mainly in England at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. She was born in Wellington in 1888 and died in Fontainebleau in the suburbs of Paris in 1923. (Her life lasted only for 35 years like many others of her age.) Her biography says she didn't like to remain in New Zealand in her prime but that she remembered a lot about her home country in her last years. From her intellectual and cultured mind, New Zealand might have looked too rural: however, she might have realized the preciousness of her country at last. I would like to study her life more in depth. It will be one of my important themes to come. Today's update: this note only.

May 16, 2008


When I go on a trip regardless of the distance from home, I'm inclined to take photos all the time. Sometimes I have to tell myself not to see the world from the finder of the camera but to spned time waching sights firsthand. Because of the numerous photos, I have to take time afterwards dealing with what I bring back by camera. It is really my pleasure to sort out and select good shots from the numerous stock. It's the best way to remember the journey itself. I think I'm spending time much longer than the journey just for taking care of my photos! What a craze! Today's update: A Brief Report of my journey to New Zealand in March.( Longer essays will come soon.)

May 15, 2018


It's just Tuesday and I have no work out of home, which is still incredible. I tell myself not to be lost, instead I encourage myself to do what I always wanted to do positively. So I went to Shibuya to see a movie by myself in the afternoon of a weekday: "Call Me by Your Name. "I've read some reviews, which all told me I should see it. However, on my way to New Zealand in the airplane, I had choice to see it, fastened by the seatbelt. I could hardly concentrate in the movie and gave it up in the middle. At that time I saw "The Shape of Water" instead. It was all right. I saw it all but not very impressive.) "Call Me by Your Name" I saw today in the movie theater was completely different from what I saw in the air. It was beautifully made; a love story between young men. They say it is a story of universal love. Can there be anything like that? It was an aesthetic romance, fascinating and dream-like. I should write a kind of review somewhere else. As an experiment for me to go out on a weekday, it was a great success I should say. Today's update: this note only.

May 14, 2018


So far nobody has ever visited my website since I restarted it on May 11. I will leave it as it is until I get the rhythm and the pace suitable for writing. I have a vague plan for new pages and reconstruction of the site as a whole. For a long time this "Latest Notes" was the only column which I was writing irregularly. Actually I had been conducting a lot more varied pages including poems, photos, essays, book reviews, and even a record of e-mail correspondence with a friend of mine. I spent hours and hours doing things like that. But suddenly I was fed up with all those things and quitted. I became “a nursing care worker” for my family. I was working really hard. Online activities seemed unreal and just time-consuming. I had to survive in the real world. But now that I’m liberated from my family requirements (really?), I feel like beginning such virtual activities again. Surely I need to start new pages to show why and how. Today's update: this note only.

May 13, 2018


Most of my friends who are keen about online communication (of any kinds) make use of SNS including Facebook and /or Twitter. So did I a few years ago. I was curious and willing to engage in challenging whatever was new and interesting. However, I was too busy doing my duty at home mainly and was getting away from the Internet. Now that I have time, I am quite fearful of approaching it. My daughter encourages me to try it again as long as I'm brave enough. I know it's one thing to go into the world wide web and to be secluded in my tiny website is another. Anybody might know which is worthy to do but I need time a little more yet. Today's update: this note only.

May 12, 2018


It's as if I returned to a complete beginner of website building. I should say I really am. I've forgotten even the very basic HTML script, so that I have to check "ancient" files to remember rules. Certainly I must recognize that my knowlege of web-designing is an old-fashioned, archaic one: I was far behind from today's stylish techniques. My daughter told me to give up such an unefficient way as this is, sticking to the first version of HTML. Yes, I know it well enough. To make use of ready-made, commercial blogs would be much easier and more attractive. Whythen have I decided to continue this old website which I started in 1997? Because it is my home. I can feel how elder people love their old houses. Let me maintain my tattered house as long as I live. Yes, I'm an old person now. This place fits me well at present. (Maybe I might change my mind someday like women of all ages!) Today's update: this note only.

May 11, 2018


Finally I've decided to open my personal website again, after 5 years' closrure. Various things prevented me from writing on the web. However, I think it's time for me to start it again anyway. Life is not so long--this is one of the things I've learned recently. (You may say, "You learned such a simplest thing NOW?") Yes, I am a slow learner. Today's update: The cover photo, Lake Wakatip in the morning, and the photo on the top of this page, a huge weeping willow by the lake. Perhaps I will write a lot about my recent jyouney to New Zealand to start with. Thank you for visiting my new-old website!

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