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December 11, 2009

ここ数週間にわたって授業にインターン生をアシスタントとして呼んだ。インド系イギリス人なので、風貌はアジアの青年だが、口を開くと紛れもないイギリス英語が流れ出す。但し、発音にはいわゆるブリティッシュとは少し違うエキゾチックな特徴も混じる。日本人の学生たちは、英語のネイティブ・スピーカーの教員に対するのとは異なる親しみと驚きを表していた。「こんなに若い、先生?」「いや、学生だよね。」「英語、分かりやすい。」「いつもより授業は面白い」などと、様々な反応。インターンに十分経験を積ませるには、こちらの力量が問われる。学生の状態を把握しつつ、アシスタントの出番をうまく確保しなくてはならない。若者同士が緊張感を保ちつつ呼応し合っているのを見るのは、これまでにない楽しさだった。困難も多いが、教職には人間と関わる面白さがある。幾つになっても謙虚でありたいと思う瞬間だ。本日の更新は前回に続き、「翻訳読書ノート 47」。配信されたばかりのメルマガからの転載です。

For a couple of weeks, I've been asking an intern to assist my classes. He's Indo-British and so he looks Asian but speaks British English. His English, however, has a slight flavor of an exotic characteristic. Japanese students were quite impressed with this young man, saying, "He's so young. Is he really a teacher?" "He is a student, isn't he?" "His English is easy to hear," "Today's class is more fun than usual." Good reactions! In order to let the intern experience a lot, we the teachers are supposed conduct a class more skillfully than usual. Watching students on the one hand, we've got to offer sufficient opportunity to the intern to have experience in class. Anyway it's so nice to see young people talking to each other in an atmosphere of slight tension. With various difficulties, teaching is a rewarding occupation because it gives us new experience related to human beings. It also gives me the chance to feel the importance of being humble to others. Today's update: a short review of a book entitled The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga. Sorry, it's only in Japanese. It was just published in an e-mail magazine.

December 9, 2009


I won't say anything beyond my power. I just want to go out to see a grand view which will expand my sight both physically and mentally. Alas, that seems to be beyond my power right now. I've been working with websites almost everyday but I can't get time to come here. I know I should not complain. Instead, let me think of something good, such as I finished reading a wonderful book last night and writing a review for it this morning. Also of the movie which led me to read the book. Inside of me is the grand view. BTW, I've forgotten uploading a review which I wrote a month ago. I've also forgotten uploading a photo of a wonderful tree which I took last month. I should stop to tie up the loose ends now. In front of me is an enormous peak which seems to be too high for me to go over in a couple of weeks from now on. Ah, stop saying anything so negative! Be positive and assertive to drive my life so that I can go forward! Well, well, I am watching my inner world only today. Let it be. Today's update: a review of a book (only in Japanese) and the photo above (Idesia polycarpa) which I took a month ago. By now I guess all the red beans have fallen on the ground. The feast is in a moment. The photo in the index page is a view of a trail in Hachikoku Hills in my neighborhood,

November 28, 2009

霜月はどちらかというと目立たない。神無月と師走に挟まれて、秋から冬への通過地点のような時なのだが、どうしてどうして実のところ多彩な催事や記憶すべき出来事にあふれている。今年もそうだ。こうして自分のページに立ち返り、あれもこれも書きたい気持ちに苛まれながら、力不足・時間不足を嘆くばかり。いずれ形にしていきたいとは思っている。このところ、これまでにはなかった役割が増えたため、ページの更新が滞っている。エイジングとそのケアという課題は、誰の上にも降りかかる。今は私がケアする立場。でもいずれは私がケアされる立場に。だから、「相身互い」という我が国の伝統を納得して受け止めることが出来るようだ。本日の更新は、若い友人たちに薦められてみた映画の感想。"THIS IS IT"について。長い間放置していたページがあるのを思い出して一文加えてみた。あちらこちらへのご無沙汰をこんなところで申し述べても虚しいが、ご訪問に心からの感謝をいたします。

November in between October and December seems to be a month not very remarkable. In fact, it IS a remarkable time for me every year full of various events and personal memories. This year the situation is the same. I haven't been able to come back to my website to write all the impressive things in my mind. I would really like to but time and energy I have is so limited. Gradually I mean to write some of them. Recently I've got a new role at home; my mother-in-law needs a lot of care for aging. Aging is "pre-installed" in all of our life. Right now I am to care another person, but I'm destined to be cared in the near future by someone else. Thanks, in this country, we have the tradition to take care of each other in tern. I accept my new role quite naturally. BTW, I would not give up my leisure time either. Some of my young friends recommended me to see Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT. Today's update: a brief review on the movie. Sorry, it's only in Japanese for now. I was quite impressed with MJ challenging (seemingly) impossible mission.

November 4, 2009


It took me nearly one month to complete the photo page for "The Festival of Sakuragi Shrine" which was celebrated by the people at Hongo Oyokochou, Tokyo. This page belongs to a website introducing Hongo Oyokocho Lane, which is uploaded at the web-server of Toyo Gakuen University. However, I work for it mainly at home, and so I have a mirror site for that at hand. The photographer of the page is mainly Mr. Sekiguchi, the master of a bakery "Kimura-ya" at Hongo. I arranged them. (Only a few of mine are included.) Four of my seminar students helped out hanging "mikoshi" (a small shrine for the festival) voluntarily. I selected photos out of more than 150 pieces. It was hard to choose. All looked very interesting and attractive. Watching those photos, I was deeply impressed with the vivacious expressions on people enjoying the festival, and with lively children as well. The collection of photos makes a kind of drama. I am really fond of the touch of Hongo Oyokocho. Today's update: the photo page "The Festival of Sakuragi Shrine." Let me write the caption for the page another time!

November 1, 2009


One of the old students who I taught almost 20 years ago visited me recently. After she graduated from our college, she worked with a big company for 3 years and then she went over to the United States, where she enrolled a state university. After graduation, she found a job there and built up her career. She became a vice president of a company. Meanwhile, she got married to an Asian American and had a child. As a working woman and as a mother, she looks very attractive. This time, however, she told me how she was fired from the company she worked more than 14 years. She also talked about how businesses have been in low tone since last autumn. Nonetheless, she believes she will surely find another job very soon with all her network she has created for years in business. She told me she's now in a break before a fresh start. Good! Wherever we are, let us be flexible and tough! We'll manage to survive. Let's keep going, Today's update: KKHP-LINKS ; also the photo in the index page (Kachidoki Bridge) and the one here (Sumida-gawa Terrace). Thanks for your visit! The film proved he was an incomparable entertainer. Well, thanks again for your visit, fiends!

October 20, 2009


A friend of mine living in the United States e-mailed me this morning. According to her, her relatives in Australia found a gray ball of fur(like a Persian cat) on their premises, and it was a koala! It walked to a tree nearby and climbed up about 2 meters. She received photos of the koala and kindly forwarded them to me. How lovely the koala on the tree is! It was the first occasion for them to witness a wild koala in the past 19 year years on their land. It reminded me of a bear which was shot dead a few weeks ago at the ropeway station in Mt. Norikura. It was a devastating encounter with people and a wild animal. Both of them got into a panic. I wonder how we can live together. Compared to a koala and a bear, the mantis "on my land"(!) was just so tiny; however, it looked perfect as it was. Where has it gone? In honor of wild animals, today's update is a photo page of the koala. Special thanks to the photographer in Australia and my friend in the United States.

October 19, 2009


There was a visitor to my dried towel when I was about to take it indoors. It was a mantis whose body was turning to the color of a fallen leaf. It kept watching me, not escaping. So I took a photo. I don't want to personalize an animal, but it looked as if it wanted to talk to me. BTW, talking about a photo, I remember a young friend of mind was talking about "a toy camera." It is a simple camera to produce retrospective flavors to images. She said, "First I thought I was joking to buy such a thing as a toy camera, but I've fond it a best buy recently. It's so interesting to take photos with it. I love it." I feel like purchasing one myself. Recently I'm not taking photos as often as before, which is a pity. I hope all my worries will be blown in the wind while playing with a toy like that! Today's update: The photo on the cover page (The main gate into Heirin-ji Temple) and this mantis. It's a season to be pensive, not talkative.

October 10, 2009


Due to the typhoon we had an extra day off; and then came a long weekend including a holiday on Monday. My daughter has started job hunting. She bustling went out in "the recruit suit" to a small conference of enterprises. The conference is held in a university where I was once working as a part-time instructor; so I told her the shortest way. That's the only thing a mother can do, At my working place, my students are also starting job hunting. All I can do there is just to encourage slow starters to jump in activities. A few weeks ago, I had a chance to meet their parents in "a family gathering." I was astonished to see them much younger than me. Recently I have an impression that college students are more immature than those of the past. Is it because they are exactly of the same age with my own daughter? Today's update: this note only. The breeze is really cool today.

October 6, 2009


While walking in town, sometimes I notice the smell of ripe persimmon. I guess it's rising from fallen fruit. While going through Kanto District by the Musashino Line in rain, I see big rivers running in haze. For a moment I forget the bustling metropolis. Then all of a sudden, to my dismay, newly built huge malls and shopping buildings appear in my view. They are built in lots which were all covered with wild grasses for years. I've been to IKEA Shinmisato twice. After you eat at a cafeteria, you've got to walk a long way through a huge shopping floor. It's strategically very well-made although all I can buy are tiny things. Well, nothing stays same. Today's update: this note only. Reportedly a strong typhoon is approaching Japan. It's an unquiet autumn everywhere.

October 5, 2009


It's the season of autumnal coolness. The sky changes its colors so suddenly. This morning it is covered with dark heavy clouds. Short sleeves are all right indoors but outdoors you need long sleeves. I was astonished to find an advertisement about the reservation of new-year dishes, but it might be the sign of winter coming very soon. Recently both my mother-in-law and my mother are not feeling well; I've been spending a long time with my mother-in-law in waiting rooms at hospitals. It reminds me of the days when I took my daughter who got fever, endless coughs, injured etc to hospitals. A small child got well soon and grew up strongly more for the minor diseases; however, in elder people difficulties are added one after another. We can't help going over them together. From, autumn to winter--this is the natural turn of seasons for everybody. Today's update: this note only.

September 29, 2009


I never imagined September is such a busy month. In addition, we had "Silver Week Holiday" this year! I should think we're lucky. Well, well. I've read some long books recently. The Looming Tower by Lawlence Wright and Mt. Tsurugi by Nitta Jirou. I felt both of them bid me not to pay attention only to what I can see in front of me but to see time and space far away. I was taken away from my daily life by the force of words. Today's update: a short review on The Looming Tower in Japanese and photos in the index page (a float and a portable shrine for children going through back alleys in Hongo, Tokyo) and the one in this page (flowers of sage in front of our house). I resized the photo of egret and put it at the head of the previous entry. Now we're in the middle of beautiful autumn. Fruits are so delicious!

September 2, 2009


After the typhoon, there came back the tremendous heat and we had one real summer day again. But today we had a quiet rainy day. I guess autumn rain will continue. Yesterday, while it was hot and sunny, I went cycling along the Karabori River down toward Kiyose. I like the natural environment of the river very much. Through the grasses the river ran with water slightly increased by the typhoon. The view was very refreshing. Near the point where the River Karabori and the River Yanase meet, some birds were gathering in the water. I approached them quietly but the didn't fly away. We often find little egrets in this river, but yesterday I had a chance to see one from an exceptionally close distance. I stayed still, listening to the sound of the stream, watching the little egret until it finally flew up with an elegant motion to the air. Today's update: the photo in the index page (the River Karabori, Kiyose City, Tokyo) and the one up above (a little egret in the River Karabori). I reduced the size of the photo of Anemonopsis macrophylla and put it at the head of the previous note. I will miss summer.

August 31, 2009


Heavy rain attacked Tokyo in the morning and early afternoon. It could've been a more serious typhoon. Day one after the election was dump. Confined indoors, people kept watching TV news shows which lasted all day. A newspaper was thin; nothing other than the election was in it. Am I feeling hilarious, shocked, or excited? Not very much. I've taken the change of political map calmly. The next stage will be difficult. Many female candidates were elected. Astonishingly they're young. I hope they will keep the seats in diet and work continuously for people. I hope tomorrow will bring us a sunny day again. September starts. Students are going back to school and so are teachers. Let me join them. Today's update: this note and the photo beneath; an orange cosmos in a park. All right, August is over now!

August 28, 2009


Before the end of summer comes, I wanted to go to Mt. Mitake to observe "renge-shouma" (Anemonopsis macrophylla). It took me just one hour and a half from my house to the JR station "Mitake." Why I hadn't act much earlier? Near the summit of the mountain, in the bush the tiny flowers were "hanging." The way they bloom looking down resemble Japanese dog's tooth violet (katakuri). In the soft light falling through woods around, they looked like lovely girls dancing shyly. But it was hard to capture them by my camera. Afterwards, I found most of the photos were dim and out of focus, Alas! Thanks, I breathed the air of the mountain deeply and prepared myself for the new seasons to come. I would really like to return to the mountain again and again. Next time I will walk longer. Today's update: a photo in the index page (a view from the summit of Mt. Mitake toward Tokyo) and the one above (Anemonopsis macrophylla). I reduced the size of the photo of sunflower and put it at the head of the previous note below.

 August 25, 2009


At the end of summer various things are happening. I get impatient, shocked, and worried. However, I know life never goes on smoothly. I should fan myself and calm down. (I am old enough to know better!) If we think anything in egocentric ways, the world will look dreary. But if we throw away our worries at some points, the world look brighter and we can feel much better. All right, today at a fish market, a fishmonger sold me a cup of salmon roes with such an epithet as "brilliant as jewelry." His words made me laugh, but surely he was right. They were really like jewelry. I ate them with relish. They must be high-calorie too, What matters? Today's update: this note only. I reduced the size of the photo of western Higashimurayama City viewed from the bank of Lake Taka and put it at the head of the previous note below.

August 24, 2009


The rest of August is not long. Time has passed so quickly since the beginning of the summer break. Every year I'm astonished to feel the shortness of summertime. While sunflowers are bending, crape myrtles are blazingly in full bloom .Once a month an elderly scholar reads my short essay (on English education) for a mail magazine. He makes really sharp comments no matter what the topics are. Thanks to him, I can rewrite the essay (in Japanese) before publication. I've written 28 essays already. I wish I could upload them someday here in this website. Today's update: the photo in this page (a sunflower in withering summer).

August 22, 200


One afternoon, I walked into Hamarikyu Park and stood under trees. Noise of the town was far away. The cool wind was blowing through the green shade. The wind smelled of the river, no, it was of the sea. I took the boat bound for Asakusa. I had to attend a meeting in my workplace in Hongo. If I take the subway it would have taken me only thirty minutes: whereas, it took me more than an hour and a half by boat. It was wonderful on the river, completely different from going on the road. Perhaps because I was born in downtown beyond the River Sumida, I am fascinated by the river. Today's update: phtos in the index page (a boat in Tokyo Bay) and here up above (Foeniculum vulgare).

August 18, 2009


I visited my mother. It takes me only 30 minutes to go to her house by bike, but I can actually go once in a few months at most. We don't see each other very often but we think of each other in many ways. She sometimes visit this website, and sends me e-mails. She's now 80 years old. Thanks, she's fine so far. Today my daughter joined us and we made "inari-zushi"(vinegar flavored steamed rice ball wrapped in fried bean curd) for lunch. I was surprised to find a pot of "renge-shouma" in her garden. I was happy to hear my mother's voice full of energy. My mother-in-law at home is also fine, Thanks! She can live without using the air-conditioner. I can't grumble small things of life, now that these elder women live so neatly. Today's update: the photo in the index page (a view of the western part of Higashimurayama City from the bank of Lake Tama). I reduced the size of the mote of the Imperial Palace which was in the index page yesterday and paste it at the beginning of the previous note below.

August 17, 2009

\100-DVDフィーバーが続いている。今日は『しゃべれども しゃべれども』を見た。二つ目の落語家と彼の落語教室に集まる三人の話。東京下町の情景がよい。、ことばを語ることの難しさ楽しさ辛さなどが、達者すぎる少年、無口な美女、強面の中年男、そして若い落語家から伝わってくる。決して饒舌な映画ではない。むしろうまく語れない者達の話。題名に惹かれた。「しゃべれども しゃべれども」の後に来るのは何ということばか。私自身がよく陥る深い穴。あそこでも、ここでも。夏の空は哀しいほどに明るい。本日の更新は、このページの写真(咲き初める萩の花)です。ミツバチの写真は小さくして昨日の短信に貼り付けた。このスタイル、いつまで続くだろう。

I'm still in the DVD (\100/1) fever. Today I saw a Japanese movie "Shaberedomo, Shaberedomo" (literally meaning "Talking and Talking, for What?") about a young "rakugo" entertainer. "Rakugo" is one of the Japanese traditional arts of humorous story telling. You have to serve apprenticeship for so many years under a master. Three people (a talkative boy, a quiet young woman, and a difficult middle-aged man) gathered around the young rakugo-ka to learn how to talk. They have difficulties in verbal communication respectively. It's a movie describing how difficult it is to express oneself in words. I know how it is like. I talk too much for nothing very often here and there, Oh, the summer sky is too bright for words. Today's update is the photo above in this page (Japanese bush clover: Lespedeza bicolor). I reduced the size of yesterday's photo of a bee and pasted it in the last entry. I'm not sure ow long I can continue this style.

August 16, 2009


After working on papers in concentration, I'm continuously watching DVD. At a rental shop in my neighborhood, I can rent an old DVD by \100. Their stock is not large but "\100" is tempting. For a few days I've watched Oliver Twist, A River Runs through It, A Quiet Life, Cafe Lumiere (Coffee Jikou), 911. It's almost like I'm making "brain trips" instead of going on trips in real life. Now it's incredibly hot and clear. Inside of woods, Polygonum filiforme is growing in weeds. It reminds me autumn is coming soon. I'm enjoying the brief break. Today's update: a photo up above (a bee and Polygonum filiforme). I reduced the size of the lily and put it in the previous note (like in a blog!).

August 15, 2009


Completely for one month I have been lost from this website. I'm really sorry my pages were not updated at all and thank you very much for coming to this page again. I've been working hard day after day, perhaps harder than I should have. I couldn't help it. That's the way people grow exhausted and burned out! Caution! Also I was trying several new systems on the web (at least new to me, a slow learner!) Now that the seemingly endless rainy season was worn out: the sun is coming back somehow although it's already autumn by the Japanese traditional calendar. Anyway, let us be positive. We still have glorious summer days ahead (maybe). I'll come back to my website, too. Thanks again for your visit. Today's update: the photo on the index page (a mote of the Imperial Palace) and the one up above (a lily, Lilium speciosum, in my garden.) I've learned recently writing a bit every day is better than a long message after a long interval in terms of the website.

July 15, 2009


The rainy season is over and it's clearly summer. I went cycling to "Megurita-no-oka" (Megurita Hills) in my home town, Higashimurayama City. At the head of the hill, I asked the way to "Seseragi-no Michi" (the Lane along a stream) nearby. The farmers told me that it won't be so fantastic as its name; but I thanked them and followed the way I was instructed. Soon I found myself in a narrow lane in the bush. There was nothing like a stream but an old pond, dark and quiet. The lane had steep ups and downs. I had really a hard time pushing my bicycle. Finally I got out of the hill, thanks all perspired and hard to breathe. It was amazing that such a natural (not well taken care of) lane remaining in our town anyway. Today's update: the photo in the index page (a view from Megurita Hills) and the one here in this page (Hibiscus syriacus). I've finished with classes of this semester although other workload is still very heavy. Sigh!

July 10, 2009


For more than 10 days, I've caught a summer cold. The worst thing is I've lost my voice. Feeling a little better, I start talking and make my condition worse. No matter how many people I'm talking to, I feel impatient if I cannot be able to talk articulately to others; that is I feel my whole existence is lost. In fact because I don't say nonsense, I may make people around me happier. I know now how much I usually depend upon my voice. I'm ashamed of myself being contented with myself by talking aloud unconsciously and irresponsibly That's why I've not been able to change photos of this website. Today's update: this note only. I'm longing for the real summer day.

June 24, 2009


On the lane where our campus is located, in Hongo, Tokyo, an Asian restaurant is newly opened. I dropped in on the first day. It should be called "a diner" not exactly "a restaurant." I found quite a few people who looked like a family or relatives were working together busily inside of the simple open room. I ordered a plate of naan and curry. Sticks of incense were lit and photos of the Himalaya Mountains were on the wall along with pictures of Buddha. All of a sudden, an exotic space has appeared on the Japanese traditional lane! Well, how long did I have to wait before the food was served? At first I was enjoying myself, watching the people working and talking to each other in a foreign language, but when I got really hungry, my patience was almost gone. Moreover, there was not working the "first come first serve" rule. Those who came later than I were served before me! Finally, what I got was not much different from the curry stew I make. Anyway, this place may become popular on our lane. Students can get discount. It's all right to keep talking there as long as you like. Today's update: this note only. It's good to be tolerant.

June 20, 2009


When I read in a newspaper that tomorrow is the day of summer solstice, I couldn't believe it immediately. I rushed to check the calendar and had to admit it is. I'm sorry to think that daytime will start to decrease little by little from the day after tomorrow. In the evening, my daughter called me to go shopping; she wanted to buy "a recruit suit." (In Japan, students are supposed to wear dark suits for job hunting.) Although I thought it's too early for that, she told me she would attend a joint company information session for those who will graduate in 2010 and 2011. Certainly I know job hunting has been very competitive since last fall; however, I was not very much conscious of the pressure myself in spite that I'm teaching students and I also have a daughter of that age group. The sales clerk of the department store we met today was surprised to know that third grade students start job hunting now. According to her, the new designs of "recruit suits" are usually released at the beginning of autumn every year. We bought a year old design today. In my old idea students could spend 4 years doing whatever they like as much as possible. Probably my idea is out-of-date, to my dismay. Today's update: this note only. I'm longing for the bright summer sky.

June 14, 2009


We're in the middle of the rainy season in Kanoto District, Japan. "Festival of Irises" is ongoing at Kitayama Park in Higashimurahama City, Tokyo. Every year it's not very easy to go there when flowers are in full bloom. This year 80% of the whole stocks were in bloom, which was certainly awesome! Under the cloudy sky, irises were sheerly fresh and elegant. They look much better in rain than in sunshine. In spite of the busyness in my daily life, I was overwhelmed by the sprit of plants standing in the field of irises. Though I have no idea how far I do have to go on until I can get a pause to relax, I was blessed with the flowers of the season at least. Thanks! Today's update: the photo in the index page (Kitayama Park, Higashimurayama, Tokyo) and the one above (irises). Also I would like to upload a mini essay on books of Mother Goose's nursery rhymes on which I gave a talk at Roudoku Bunka Kenkyu-jyo (NPO Institute of Recitation) in Tokyo in May. It was my great pleasure to share the joy of reading rhymes aloud with the participants. We really had a good time. (Sorry, the review is only in Japanese.)

June 5, 2009


I've been away from my homepage for a month. I had so much to do in spite of my worries about it. (Sorry for no uploading for such a long period!). I had a couple of chances to talk in front of people. I had spent a long time for the preparations. Finally I've been through the tasks and here am I with relief. I've been willing to get a view in a large perspective; however, I can hardly get out of the routine works and the fixed (closed) circuit. Therefore, I've got to satisfy myself taking photos of flowers in my small garden. It's a season in which pale colors fit. It rains a lot. At last I'm feeling at home and starting to prepare for next peaks. Recently they talk a lot about "the critical situations." I wonder what it really means. When we think of the long history of the earth, our worries and troubles are nothing. But we can't see what will become of us at all. All we can do is just to look back at yesterday, endure challenges of today, and worry about tomorrow. Blooming and withering flowers seem to laugh at our disturbances. They just live and die. Dissatisfaction is our disease, perhaps. Today's update: a photo in the index page (a rose named "Penny Lane") and another in this page (hydrangea holding a spider). Let's sing in rain!

May 8, 2009


On my way back from Nagareyama Campus in Chiba Prefecture, I had no interest in stopping by anywhere for shopping and/or having fun at all because as long as I took the Musashino Line, all I could see was the monotonous plain scattered with sporadic similar towns here and there. However, recently this area has been rapidly developed and new suburban shopping malls have been constructed. (There is one which boasts itself to be the largest in Asia!) I had not paid attention to them very much while I was taking a nap and reading books on the train. I happened to go to newly built IKEA's today. Wow, it was an awesome place! The interior was just enormously spacious. It was full of colorful and stylish merchandise. When I saw the huge floor just like storage, I was almost shocked. They think well of the movement of shoppers. Shopping here seems to be a sort of entertainment. I was impressed with the space more than anything else. The Kanto Plain is a good location for this kind of store. I've heard that the place has been crowded with shoppers since it opened. It is no longer an age when people rush to the central part of Tokyo for shopping. Including the cafeteria-like restaurant, I felt like traveling abroad for a moment. Unless you have a car, it won't be very convenient to go shopping to such a suburban mall, but people are far more imaginative than the world thinks them to be. People know how to enjoy themselves. None can underestimate the power of the newly developed places wherever they may be. Today's update: this note only. Certainly these places have different aspects according to observations. Let's keep watching.

May 5, 2009


I continued gardening. This time I took care of a tiny patch of flowerbed (as small as 1.5 sq.m.) between two azalea trees inside of our garden. However, it was a hard work for me to pull weeds, dig a hole (0.5 cu.m.), put the soil mixed with dressing, pour the special soil for roses, and plant a young rose tree, surround it with more special soil, shower the water, and cover it with the soft soil, and I patted the soil gently. I felt like I was patting the blanket of a bay for sleeping. Theoretically, scarlet small roses like little princesses will blossom. I planted small flowers around the rose like guardians. Moreover, I planted flowers of several kinds in pots deserted for a long time in corners of our garden. (I know I should start with seeding, but forgive me for the shortcut to begin with!) I started gardening because recently a greengrocer's shop run by a cheerful wife and her quiet husband was closed in my neighborhood. It was a unique shop not only with their fresh vegetables but also handicrafts made with dried vine from mountains, tasty wild vegetables fresh in each season, marvelous "bonsai" (miniature trees in small pots, one of the most subtle Japanese crafts in gardening), and medakas swimming in a small water tank, etc. I really enjoyed visiting the shop. They were forced to close the shop due to the development of the quarter in front of a railway station. When I asked where they were going to open their new shop, they said, "Who knows? We'll meet again someday, somewhere." I didn't know whether they were so gracious and courageous or it was the attitude of resignation. However, I decided to make our garden suitable for a small bonsai of a cherry tree which I bought from them when we met for the last time. The cherry tree encouraged me to start off something new related to the mother nature and the soil. I'm looking forward to meeting the greengrocer's again. Today's update: this note only. Alas, it's the end of "the Golden Week Holiday"!

May 3, 2009


We're on the Golden Week Holiday in Japan now. I declared to my family that I will start gardening today. They were astonished because they know well how lazy I have been with our garden. There is a small flowerbed beside our tiny iron gate. It has been occupied by the growing sage. The grass is so tough and looks just wild. I had to do something it anyway. I went to a flower market and found myself in the middle of "the rose garden corner." I said to myself, "Roses are too difficult for a novice like me. I should look for something easier to take care of." However, I couldn't help keep watching one entitled "Penny Lane Climbing Rose." I decided to buy two pots of it with a packet of dressing and a huge bag of soil for roses. Thus I began my gardening lesson. I will be sure to write on the soil, grasses and flowers from now on. Sorry if I bore you so.

April 26, 2009

あまりの好天にじっとしていられず、また多摩湖にサイクリングした。「5年も待ったのだから」というのが言い訳になる。風強く、湖水は波立ち岸辺に打ち寄せていた。人工湖とは言え、天に応えて白波も立てる。豪快で爽快だった。こういう日には秩父連山もクッキリ見える。樹木のもえ立つような新緑。空の青。この季節は本当に何もかもが生気に溢れて美しい。木立の中からは「ホーホケキョ」と山ウグイスの歌も大分うまくなった。風に心身を洗われて、「いざ生きめやも」と言うしかない。本日の更新は先月アップし損なっていた「翻訳読書ノート 43」です。また刷新した表紙の写真は東京都東村山中央公園の鯉のぼり。このページの写真は多摩湖堰堤から西の方角を望む。白くUFOのように見えるのは西武ドーム球場の屋根です。広大な水辺の景色が嬉しい。

The perfect weather did not allow us to stay home; we went to Lake Tama by bike again. "We had waited for 5 years" is a good excuse for going there frequently. It was blowing so hard that waves were rough and was washing the shore. Although it is a man-made lake, the wind makes the water wild with white headed waves. The scene was so dynamic and amazing. In such a windy day we can see the mountain range far beyond the lake. The fresh green of leaves all around and the blue of the sky; they are all so lively and splendid. In the woods, songs of birds are joyous! I cannot help saying to myself, "Oh, let me live by all means!" Today's update: a short book review (only in Japanese, sorry!) and the photos in the index page (carp-streamers in Higashimurayama Central Park, Tokyo) and the one up above (Lake Tama) in which you can find a UFO-like roof of a baseball stadium. I'm so happy to watch such an huge space at the waterside.

April 12, 2009

春嵐。天候ではなく、人間界の。ようやく林の中に自生するスミレを何種類かみつけた。そっと近付き、風に揺れる小さな花が静まるのを待って撮る。ようこそ今年も、と思わず声をかけながら。短い命故に愛しさが募る花。"Spring ephemerals"とはなんと美しい呼び名だろう。忘れ得ぬことば。そして桜が豪華に咲き競い、華々しく散っていく。長年の堰提工事を終え、遂に姿を現した多摩湖を自転車で一周した。給水塔を見に来た自転車乗り多数。走っていった先に広がる湖水のある嬉しさ。こころも広くなっていく。本日の更新は表紙の写真(東京都の水源の一つ多摩湖)とこのページの写真(雑木林に咲くスミレ)です。いやはや新学期の忙しさ。落ち着こう。

Spring tempests! NO, I'm not talking about the weather but human society. I finally had time to go into the small woods to find naturally growing violets. I waited, and waited until the wind stop shaking the tiny flowers to take their photos. I couldn't help talking to them, "Welcome back"! Because of their short life, we can't help loving them more. What a beautiful phrase, "Spring ephemerals" is! I'll never forget the expression. Then the gorgeous cherry blossoms demonstrated themselves everywhere in Kanto District for two weeks. Now they are almost gone. After a long-term construction of the banks, Lake Taka has appeared fully again. We cycled around the lake. There were many of those who came all the way to see the brick towers in the lake. What a bliss it is to arrive at the lake after cycling! With the lake, our mind is enlarged. Today's update: the photo in the index page (Lake Taka, one of the water bases of Tokyo) and the photo above (a violet in the small woods in my neighborhood.) How busy I am at the beginning of the new semester! Let me calm down.

March 27, 2009


I expected flowers to bloom all of a sudden in March, but the season has not proceeded so easily. We're now waiting for cherry blossoms. We've got to be patient. Before cherry blossoms, however, we cannot forget Japanese dog's tooth violet (what a name! Erythronium japonicum in Latin.) in woods. I went out to look for the flowers today. There they were in the special reservation area in Kiyose City, the neighboring city of Higashimurayama where I live. We can go there by cycling along the River Karabori. Japanese dog's tooth violets were blooming on the hillside. Volunteers of Kiyose City welcomed us. Fully grown flowers were very charming but the shy-looking, bending buds were also very attractive. I wish they will bloom year after year! Beside them were smaller, humbler violets starting to bloom too. They were celebrating the secret feast of spring. Viva Ephemerals! Today's update: a photo in the index page (a scene of Kasai Seaside Park, facing Tokyo Disney Resort area) and the photo above in this page (Japanese dog's tooth violets in Nakazato Green Reservation, Kiyose, Tokyo). Watching small flowers, I felt the clouds in my heart were going away!

March 16, 2009


I went out with my new laptop PC. I thought it might be more convenient for me to take it out than to bring all the documents in paper, and easier to take notes by PC than to write memos in pen. However, my bag not only with the PC but also with variety of things along with it was quite heavy as a whole. At the meeting today, I forgot about the machine and went on talking; meanwhile the PC went asleep. On my way back, I opened the machine again in my seat. It was very good. I like its quick response. Because it's not fucked to the Internet, all I can do is just to write this and that for myself. Then I fell asleep, tired of the day's work. It's not already the age to hang around with a laptop. Today's update: this note only. Not everything gets lighter.

March 15, 2009

年に二度は必ず高尾に行く。春秋の彼岸の墓参である。季節の変わり目なので、いつも一寸物足りない気がする。春先は未だ百花繚乱にはほど遠く、秋口は暑さが残る。少し早めだったが今日お墓のある小山に登ると、見渡す限り墓地が周囲の山肌を覆っている。その上の空は青い。昨日までの荒天はどこへやら。ほのぼのとうららか。だが、何かもの悲しくもある。こうしてめぐる季節をやり過ごすうちに何も果たさず終わるのかと、ふと頼りない心持ちがする。線香の煙がどこへともなく消えてゆく。Memento Mori.本日の更新は短信のみにて。

I go to Takao (the terminal railroad station of the Chuo Line in Tokyo) at least twice a year. It's a custom for many of the Japanese (mainly Buddhists) to visit their family grave at Vernal and Autumnal Equinox Days. Because they are at the turn of seasons, we cannot fully enjoy the best of the seasons. In spring flowers are not yet in bloom, and in autumn it's still rather hot. Although today was a little early for Equinox Day, we climbed up the hill to visit our family grave. All around us were hillsides covered with numerous gravestones! But above them the sky was clear after the terrible weather for a week. It was really peaceful spring blue. Well, the pale blue made me a little sad. I might do nothing particular just passing time, following customs and daily chores. The smoke of incense sticks goes up diffusing somewhere. Memento Mori. Today's update: this note only.

March 14, 2009


Reportedly today is (in Japan) "Mathematics Day" just because circle ratio is 3.14 (Aha!) It doesn't mean today mathematicians are to be awarded with prizes, rewarded for their hard work, nor any epoch-making discoveries are to be announced. Nothing happens in terms of mathematics. In the country where school children were taught "circle ratio is about 3" for several years (what an ambiguous and carefree time it was!), who wants to distinguish 3.14 from all other days? I wonder if the world will ever know how mathematicians are deeply in thought away form rewards. They keep studying to prove truths where very few could hear him/her say, "Eureka!" What they pursue is not very useful immediately in daily scenes. Today's update: this note only. I hope it will be fine tomorrow.

March 13, 2009


At the very end of winter, the weather has been extremely rough with the wind, the rain, and the sleet. I can't go out even though I hear the Japanese apricot woods are in full bloom now. All I can do is to go on web-surfing, watching photos of mountains, of ocean, of flowers, and of villages. There are people who climb hundreds of mountains, travel overseas, wander chasing flowers; there are people who never get out of their daily circuits and just watch what others are doing. Each has his/her own life. It's really wonderful to see all kinds of images through eyes of other people on the Internet. I take in variety of truths and lies of this trick again and again. Today's update: this note only. (Surely someday I'll go out again.)

March 12, 2009


I wrote "See you soon!" and didn't write again for nearly 20 days. Sorry for my silence. In Japan, March is the end of a school year; and so we have a lot to do, lot more than at the end of December. Flowers are still pale, green is dark, and the wind is cold, but the brightness of the light is very different from the one in winter. When I stand still on a bridge, looking over the river, blown in the wind, I feel really relaxed. Although I have no time to indulge myself in retrospection, I am living quite slowly these days. I listen to the call from the inner world, and it tells me what really is important. Today's update: a photo in the index page (the riverside with Tokyo Tower) and another one in this page (weeping twigs of cherry tree at Namiyloke Shrine in Tsukiji, Tokyo). Thank you so much for your visit to this slow website.

February 22, 2009


February is running away. Cheated by the bright light, I hurriedly jump out in thin clothes. How stupid of me! Small ducks are swimming, little egrets are flying up; the stream is full of small animals. How lively! But somehow, I feel impatient. I wish time to stop in vain. Where am I, grumbling such a nonsense? Today's update: this extremely short note only. See you soon!

February 18, 2009


Newly blooming narcissuses are swinging in the rough wind. They are gorgeous as a host. Narcissuses are attractive when they are all together along the waterside or the hem of a flowerbed. Thus the season of narcissuses has come to our campus in Nagareyama, Chiba Prefecture. There is no more host of students. They have all gone. Next time they get together, the cherry blossoms are to be in full bloom. Well, well, we've come to an end of an academic year. The campus is vacant and clean. Certainly I've a lot to do; however, I'm enjoying a period of relaxation. It occurred to me suddenly, while I was watching narcissuses, that the Musashino Line will take me to a seashore if I keep staying in it passing the station where I usually get off. If it is dreary colored, it is the Pacific Ocean anyway. If my work finishes earlier than I expected, how about going to the seashore? This is what I've been thinking for years in vain. Today's update: the photo of narcissuses in the indexd page and this page. I nearly forgot to finish the documents for a meeting tomorrow! Wake up from the drowsiness in early spring!

February 13, 2009


Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day. Along with my daughter, I visited so-called "Chocolate Paradise" at a department store in Tokyo. The huge space especially settled for this event was packed with numerous sales counters of chocolate vendors. In the show cases, there were colorful chocolate boxes, most of which were over several thousand yen each! Even sales clerks looked very handsome. The atmosphere of the place was brilliantly gorgeous. I saw a camera crew shooting the bustling hall. The chocolate rhapsody is played yearly here. Women are stirred up to participate in the frantic market. How do they choose the right chocolate for them? The price is not a suitable index. Nor are the brand names. (What if her boyfriend does not know the name of the elaborately chosen brand?) I wonder how women are selecting the best one? I guess what makes men say, "It's really good!" cannot be bought with money. Heart-melting sweetness comes only from love. (Oh, what nonsense I'm writing!) Ice cold wind was blowing outside. The real spring is far yet. Today's update: this note only. A Happy St. Valentine's Day for you!

February 10, 2009


I like going to bookstores. Whether I buy or not, "browsing" makes me happy enough. It's all right as long as you don't have any particular target; however, this is not the right way to capture a game surely. In fact, I've recently been looking for certain books in vain for over a month. I decided to make a search on the Internet. It took me just for a few seconds. I threw the books into a virtual shopping cart with a click. That's it! The books will be sent to me in a few days. Too easy. Moreover, several other related books were introduced too. Thus I bought five books at one time. "Long tail" is a wise marketing theory but I fear I'll be eaten up by a wild cat someday if I indulge myself in running after rats' tails. At the beginning, we are modest and careful, but soon we get used to anything and go fearlessly. So are we with the Internet-shopping. I'm already captured by the Net. Today's update: this note only.

February 7, 2009


I was so busy for weeks that I didn't clearly notice the transition of seasons. Now I can see the brightness of sunlight. I'm fascinated with the coming of the new season. The first tint is the subtle white of Japanese plum tree flowers. How I wish I could go to the forest of the plum trees! One of my friends told me that I have to be ready for the crowds of flower watchers too. Frankly I feel a little reluctant to see people rushing to the flowers; however, she laughed to tell me we're destined to see people anyway in this country because everybody longed for flowers throughout the monochrome seasons. BTW, there is a gorgeous plum tree with weeping branches on my walking route. I had expected to see it in bloom. I succeeded in encountering with the best of its blossoms. Today's update: photos of the Japanese plum tree in the index page and here above. The long winter has been slowly melting into spring finally. Thanks!

January 28, 2009


Late at midnight yesterday, I realized the counter on the home page of this website indicated a few more than 60,000 I have been maintaining this website for more than 11 years.. The number shows that there have been about 15 visitors each day. (My own access is not counted. So 60,000 does not include me,) Certainly it's just nonsense to compare this humble number with eminent blogs which call millions of visitors. But for me, personally 60,000 is so precious and sweet. I disconnected BBS when it was bothered by the troll; ever since this website has been one-sided. Only the counter shows the existence of visitors/readers. My policy of running this website is to brush up my language by writing openly although I never take up complicated topics, my privacy, nor specific themes. Probably visitors might be puzzled by the purpose of this website. I write just because I appreciate the liberty of expression in spite of myself being an unrenowned individual. So I thank you, visitors, for your interest in this website. I'll go on writing. Today's update: this note only.

January 26, 2009

同じ方向に帰る同僚の女性と武蔵野線の道中あれこれおしゃべりしながら電車に揺られた。二昔前同じ年に産休・育休を取ったもの同士、気が付けばそれぞれの娘は成人した。その分私たちは二人とも歳を重ねた。あの頃と比べて何が変わったのだろう。無鉄砲なところはなくなったかもしれない。悩みが尽きないところは同じ。彼女の軽やかで優雅な立ち居振る舞いは往時のまま。優しい微笑みも繊細な感性も。同じ駅でそれぞれの方向に向かう別れ際に、「じゃ、また」と慌ただしく挨拶を交わし、小走りに自転車に向かう。永遠に続くような気のするこの習慣もいずれは終わる。それまでの間、私たちはこうしていつも忙しがって暮らしていくのだろうか。本日の更新は「翻訳読書ノート 42」に久々のミニエッセイです。春よ来い。

I enjoyed talking with one of my colleagues on our way back from Nagareyama on Musashino Line. Both of us took the maternity and child-care leave on the same year two decades ago. Both of our daughters have become 20 and both of us have grown older as much. What has changed in us compared to what we were then? Probably we are not so daring. But we are still disturbed by various things in life. Her graceful and elegant manners have not been changed a bit. Neither have her gentle smile and sensitivity. When we said "See you!" hurriedly to each other on parting to each direction, I wondered for a moment how long we would go on like this. I know it will come to an end someday. But until then, we'll be in a hurry all the time. Today's update: a short review on a book in translation. Sorry, it's only in Japanese. I wish spring will come soon.

January 19, 2009


All the classes of this school year have finished. Examinations are going to start. In Japan, entrance exams are given in this season. Meanwhile, teachers are very busy with various kinds of meetings. Isn't it surprising if we have no classes, it does not mean freedom? On my way to and from work, I often stand in front of posters inviting us to snowy countries, old towns, flower beds along beaches, mountains covered with thick snow, spas, foreign countries, historical sites, and so on. I am easily fascinated by bullets trains and express trains. How I wish to go on a trip! It doesn't matter if it's a trip to far away places or just neighboring towns. I simply want to ride a train (not for commuting). The reality is, however, I can hardly leave where I am. I always have a paperback in my bag. I can go beyond time and space while I'm reading. I like this kind of trip too. Today's update: this note only.

January 18, 2009


I found questions related to an electric-assist bike in the exam of natural science at The National University Entrance Examinations today. I smiled by myself while I was supervising the test. (I am an user of the bike!) It is really helpful although people of the world might be interested in the release of electric car more. Electricity gives us just a little bit of help, but it is really helpful for me. I am riding my new bike comfortably everyday. Watching high school students attacking test seriously, they reminded me of my own youth. How foolish I was to believe that something good would really happen if only I could enter a university. Later I found out that it was just the beginning of the life and world full of difficulties and challenges. BTW, I am terrified with the murder case that happened in a university in a town next to ours. I am telling myself that something good will surely happen again. Be patient and open your heart! Today's update: this note only.

January 6, 2009


I'll start commuting again. For two weeks, I was relaxing at home; accordingly, my body has released from all kinds of stresses and miraculously the consistent stiff shoulders and neck pains have gone! Relaxation saves life. I wish I keep relaxing even if I have to work. Can't I keep this relaxing condition hereafter? The only thing I think of right now is that I go to bed early even if I have to do lot more for the next day. "Tomorrow is another day" could be my motto this year. Let it be. I'll take care of my work after a good sleep. It will be much better to sleep well than to work until late at night. Life should come first. Today's update: this note only. See you tomorow!

January 5, 2009


The town after a short break has started moving. The fresh atmosphere of the new year days have gone. It's been quite cold. I've been riding an electric assisted bicycle since the end of last month. It works with a battery. It won't move unless you work the pedals by yourself. Electricity just "assists" you to work. It's quite effective when you climb up a slope. You only have to work the pedals with the same strength you go on a flat road. You won't pant, struggling with the uphill at all! It's not necessary for the young, but for me now it's very helpful. Because I have to ride a bike for 15 minutes with all my power just to reach the nearest train station of the Musashino Line in the morning and mount the heavy food on my way back in the evening, electricity will be a great help. Hopefully I'll be able to save my energy, which I will preserve for something else. I need to do anything to decrease my fatigue for healthier life. The small help will make a big difference in a long term. I want to go on riding my bike this year with a little innovation! Today's update: this note only.

January 1, 2009


A new year has started. Behind me on a cable TV a "count-down" live concert of a rock group is going on. It is said that 22000 people are gathered at Makuhnari, Chiba. Tireless musicians keep playing and the audience crying out with enthusiasm. What a peaceful scene it is! I've heard that wars are going on in foreign countries. Also at our feet, various kinds of waves are coming. It depends on our sensibility whether we feel them or not. We shouldn't be defensive but we should keep watching. Today's update: the index page with a photo of the rising sun at Futo, Shizuoka Prefecture, and this page with a photo of "roubai (Chimonanthus praecox f. concolor)." I wish this will be a wonderful year! Thank you very much for your visit to this website.

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