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Sunday 8/31, 2003


The last day of August has come, alas! We walked to Sayama Park, one of the western ends of Tokyo, to find the lakeside surrounded by walls. The signboard says nobody can approach Sayama Lake until 2009. (For 6 years from now!) I wonder what they are de/constructing. The cool wind brought a heavy shower on our way back. Today's uptade: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Friday 8/29, 2003


Countdown before the new season has already started. Summer holidays have swiftly gone. How have you been? I wish you refreshing days to come. New challenges and new encounters as well, dear old friends! Today's uptade: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Thursday 8/28, 2003


I feel like becoming an insect of a boy's collection for summer holidays. Escape! From what and which way? Taking a walk is usually a solution for me. Quite easy. Today's uptade: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Tuesday 8/26, 2003


A friend of mine teased me for my cowardice not being able to drive a car after taking the licence twice; once in Japan and once in Virginia. "What a waste! It's like riding on a bicyle! What would you say to your students when they are too shy and hesitant to speak English? Practice and experience will get rid of your fear anytime." Aha! A German site made a link to my Newfoundland cover page. There are marvelous photos in his site. Thanks! Today's uptade: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Monday 8/25, 2003


Summer is demonstrating its existence. I took a walk after dark. Impatience seem to explode in my mind although daily demands grasp me tightly. Yes, I know I have so much to do but just let my heart wander anywhere freely. Today's uptade: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Sunday 8/24, 2003


In summertime people come and go. After meeting one side of relatives, I met another side of relatives as well. Old uncle and aunt-in-law visited my mother-in-law. Serving tea, I joined their talk. In their casual conversation, World War II is still one of their contemporary topics. It's quite hot and clear eventually in Kanto Area. I've been travelling inside world. Today's uptade: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Wednesday 8/20, 2003


Quite different from the last summer when we went after the whales in August to Trinity, Newfoundland in Canada, we are pinned down in Tokyo. I still daydream for going out of the city even just for one day. Where there is the will, there is the way, isn't it? Today's uptade: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Monday 8/18, 2003

我が愚かしさ! ぼんやり操作していたら、あろうことかメールボックスを一つまるごと消してしまった。メーラーの中身と同様頭の中も真っ白に。幸いなことに、数週間前ハードディスクの中身を全部バックアップしたところだったので、被害は最小限ですんだ。デジタルデータの儚さを思った瞬間だった。とはいえ、責めるべきは私の迂闊さ。クリック一つで何もかも雲散霧消するのだから。その一方、74歳でパソコンを始めた母から初めてのメールが届く。健闘を祈りつつ、本日の更新は「一日一首」です。短詩ページの「街に刻む」からどうぞ。

My stupitidy! I happened to delete the most important folder of my mailer by mistake today. Alas! My brain became completely blank just like the software; however, fortunately I had backuped the whole contents of my HD a few weeks before. Thanks! (The loss was the minimum this time.) How helpless the digital data are! (My helpless brain should be blamed first!) With just one click, everything can disappear. By the way, I received the first e-mail from my mother who has just began using a PC at the age of 74. Good luck! Today's uptade: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Sunday 8/17, 2003


The rainy weather continues. It is so cool. The weather report doesn't give us a very promising news yet. Maybe in the middle of this week, we'll be in real summer hopefully. Yes, we like talking about the weather very muchin in this country.Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Saturday 8/16, 2003


The power failure in the north eastern parts of the United States and Canada is informed with much concern and curiosity via various media. I mainly read a Japanes newspaper and the web-news of New York Times. The difference between them is quite interesting. The former denies the possibility of any kind of terrorism definitely. People's voices in the latter still doubts the possibility. The latest photos in the web-news tell us how people's life is going. One of my nieses happens to be in Conneticut now. She arrived in Kennedy Air Port 24 hours earlier than the power failure. She is all right but I feel how the world is close to us. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Thursday 8/14, 2003

マザーグースの中でも特に有名なものの一つは「あめあめ やめやめ/おとといおいで」(谷川俊太郎訳)。名(迷)句と言うべし。本日の更新は「一日一首」です。短詩ページの「街に刻む」からどうぞ。

"Rain, rain, go away/ Come agin another day/ Little Johnny wants to play" is one of the most popular Mother Goose nursery rhymes. Quite true. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Wednesday 8/13, 2003

友人が都城から「万能茶」という17種類もの原材料(とうきび、大豆、大麦、はぶ茶、ハト麦茶、くま笹、柿の葉、プーアル茶、どくだみ、浜茶、霊芝、グァバ茶、クコ、車前草、あまちゃづる、甘草)からなるものを送ってくれた。熊本産とのこと。味も香りも色も独特で美味い。体にききそう。「祈りを込めて」というメッセージが嬉しい。毎食後飲んでいます。感謝!本日の更新は久々の「翻訳読書ノート 5・ダロウェイ夫人再び」です。映画と小説に関する短文がようやく配信されましたので。それからいつもの「一日一首」も。短詩ページの「街に刻む」からどうぞ。

A friend of mine from Miyakonojo sent me a large packet of "Allmighty Tea" which consists of seventeen ingredients such as corns, soybeans, barleycorns, several kinds of tea-leaves, bamboo leaves, dokudami (Houttuynia cordata), kuko-fruits (Lycium chinense), amachazuru (a kind of Mayweed), liquorice. etc. It's a product of Kumamoto. The taste, flavor, and the color are all pleasant and look quite healthy. Her message, "Praying for your good health" impressed me greatly. Thanks! Today's update: A very short review of books (of and on Virginia Woolf) "Mrs. Dalloway Returns." And as usual, Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Friday 8/8, 2003


I wonder if anybody can live calmly at all. A typhoon is approaching. The wind is getting very wild. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Wednesday 8/6, 2003

広島原爆祈念日。本日の更新は「一日一首」です。 短詩ページの「街に刻む」からどうぞ。もう一つは『東京散歩』中、「東京湾岸新開地 お台場」です。ファッショナブルな場所のちょっとくすんだ写真ばかり。よろしければどうぞ。

We remember Hiroshima. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems and a photo page "The New Land in Tokyo Bay, Odaiba" in Tokyo Walking.

Monday 8/4, 2003

友人の一人(母の世代の人)から電話があった。デンマークに国際電話するためのコードナンバーが知りたいとのこと。共通の友人が七年ぶりに、十月に東京再訪の予定。みんなワクワクしている。それぞれが人生のさまざまな局面をかいくぐってきたこの歳月。歳を取れば取るほど、話したいことは増える。会いたい人が会いに来る幸せ。歳を取ることはちっとも悪くない。本日の更新は「一日一首」です。 短詩ページの「街に刻む」からどうぞ。

A friend of mine (at my mother's age) called me to ask the new code number for making an international call to Denmark. Our mutual friend is planning to visit Tokyo again in October after 7 years. All of us are excited. We have gone through various stages of our lives respectively. The older we grow the more we have to talk about. The happiness to meet someone we really want to meet. Aging is not bad at all. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Sunday 8/3, 2003


(ふと思い立ってこのページをNetscape Navigator 6.0で確認してみたら、あらま、全くフォームが崩れて全然まともな表示が出来ていませんでした。ここは今でもタグ打ちしているから?多分最もシンプルなはずのtableのせいですね。今は直している余裕がないので、いずれまた。ご迷惑をおかけした方、ごめんなさい。そういえば以前に中味がないよーとお知らせ下さったMacユーザがおいででした。別のページのことでしたが。対応の遅い回転ののろい制作者で重ねてお詫びいたします。)

I bought an atlas of Japan. One of my hobbies is just to "read" maps which always give me tremendous pleasure. It's another problem whether I can trace ways correctly with them. At least they bring me to the world where I can hardly go by myself right away. Imagination is my vehicle. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.(It seems this page cannot be properly displayed by Netscape Navigator 6.0. Sorry for the inconvenience. Let me take time to repair it. Thanks for your patience.)

Saturday 8/2, 2003


Eventually the real summer is here. The sun is glaring and the air is heating. I was working at home all day long neglecting the new season; aha! Still checking exams/reports. The deadline is waiting. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Friday 8/1, 2003


August has come before the rainy season is over in Kanto District. Today's update: the cover photo (which I took in Odaiba) and Line of the Dayof "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Wednesday 7/30, 2003

有明・東京国際展示場(東京ビッグサイト)で開催されているe-learning World 2003へ行ってきた。オンラインでリアルタイムにネイティブスピーカーと話すことの出来る英会話システムを制作している会社の小さなブースで、ハワイにいるインストラクターとの会話を体験をした。僅かに時差が生じるものの、パソコンのモニターに映る互いの映像を見ながら気楽に話が出来る。コンピュータ・インターネットを活用した教育システムのアイディアは今や非常な勢いで現実化・実用化されてきている。本日の更新は「一日一首」です。短詩ページの「街に刻む」からどうぞ。

I went to a business/educational exhibition called e-learning World 2003 being held in Ariake Tokyo International Exhibition Hall(TOKYO BIG SIGHT ). In a tiny booth of a company which is producing a software thorugh which online realtime conversation is available, I had a chance to talk to an instructor in Hawaii. We were able to see each other on the monitor while talking. Various ideas in the filed of e-learning (computer/internet assited education system) have been actualized recently. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Tuesday 7/29, 2003


One of my pleasures is to watch alley cats in my neighborhood. I meet some of them regurarly. Today I found a new kitten beside a mother cat. I approached them slowly and quietly never to alarm them. When I was near enough, the mother cat stepped almost 1 meter away from the kitten but it did not follow her. It was half blind. Even in town animals live in a natural conditions. Nothing assures them survival. Today's update:Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Monday 7/28, 2003


It didn't rain anyway. A habit of mine in summer returns: to take a walk in the late afternoon. In the small woods that our city preserves I saw mizuhiki-sou (Polygonum filiforme). The plant makes me feel autumn's coming. (We haven't enjoyed summer yet at all!) Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Sunday 7/27, 2003


It is not very clear if the rainy season in Kanto District is over or not. We can live without air conditioning. Some PTA members patrolled the local festival last night. Junior Highschool students are considered to be at the most risky age; from 12 to 15. Juvenile, puberty, or adolescence? Remember the days when you were as young as they are. Did the world look bright or dark? It's beyond the mist. Today's update: Line of the Day of "Writing in Towns" at Poems.

Saturday 7/26, 2003

昨夜の豪雨、関東地方梅雨明けの前触れだろうか。流石にこんな冴えない天気には辟易している。変化が欲しい。夏は夏だ。夏の入り口で、性懲りもなくあれこれ画策中。(あっと言う間に休暇の最後の日が来るのは先刻承知なのだけれども。)とにかくなんやかや書きましょう。本日の更新は久々の「一日一首」(おそらく夏限定です)。この度は「街に刻む」と題しまして。どうぞ短詩ページからお入り下さい。もう一つ、『東京散歩』中、「都市のフォルム」(汐留 シオサイト)。例によって築地を起点に歩いてみました。

After the heavy rain last night, it seems summer is around the corner. We've been fed up with the dreary weather for such a long time. A change is definitely necessary. Summer is summer. As usual I have a lot of plans for holidays at the gate of summer. (I know well enough the last day of summer holidays will abruptly be in front of me too quickly. But what matters? I have the freedom to dream now.) Let me write anyway. Today's update: Line of the Day has come back (perhaps during the summer time only). It is entitled "Writing in Towns." I hope you will find the page from Poems. One more: a photo page "Forms of Megalopolis, Shio Site" in Tokyo Walking.

Tuesday 7/15, 2003


Now it's time for the watermelon and the peach. Figs, too. Time for terminal examinations. Students look much more serious and concentrated than usual. I talk to them in my heart, "Work hard now and you will win the wonderful vacation. Youth is the treasure. Good luck!" I'm keeping an old cat in my heart as well. Today's update: "Bistro Wildcat" in Aging of Poems.

Saturday 7/5, 2003


The rainy season is still going on. Humidity and humility are similar words, aren't they? Classes are going on. A lot of things to be done before holidays. My luxury is to buy a \350 ticket of an express train on my way back home. It gives me the leisrue of 20 minutes with a bottle of mineral water. Today's update: "Biwa" in Aging of Poems.

Tuesday 7/1, 2003


Since my youth or childhood, the sound of "June" has been alluring. In spite of having no particular plans for summer yet, I feel like departing for an unknown place. Between rains, the sky is bright and high. Green leaves are much deeper than they were in previous months. Today's update: the cover photo, a pastiche of snaps I've taken recently in my neighborhood. Wherever you are, the sky is boundless; a canvas for drawing visions of any kind.

Wednesday 6/18, 2003


Early in the morning I went out on a bicycle to see irises in Kitayama Park . This is where I visited on an early spring day. In three months the world has changed drastically. I was amazed to see the vitality of plants. How they grow as time comes! In flowers I retrieve the peace of mind. Today's update: "Irises in the Morning" in Tokyo Walking. The cover photo is replaced as well.

Sunday 6/15, 2003


My photo pages are not for tourists in general. They are neither informative nor useful. However, sometimes I receive mails concerning these pages unexpectedly. One day I received a mail from an American living in Los Angeles saying, "Thanks for Monja-pages. That's what I wanted to know." Well, I was glad to read his message very much. I got the mail many months after I had uploaded Tsukishima pages. Online communication is interesting. (There are those who are very critical!) People in distance can meet regardless of the Ocean in between and talk friendly. If we never meet offline while we live, what matters? Words sent by e-mails are as precious as voices ("People talking without speaking,/People hearing without listening," according to Simon and Garfinkel). Today's update: "Walking from Hongo to Nezu" in Tokyo Walking. A kind of "time-trip."

Monday 6/9, 2003


In the lounge of my workplace, I was talking with some of my colleagues at lunch time over The Catcher in the Rye and its latest translation in Japanese. One of them asked why people are continuously reading the novel for half a century and another answered perhaps people don't change so much. Others agreed that Holden Coldfield is a man who would never be an adult for ever and so is the author. "Adult children?" one said. "Oh yes, indeed. Salinger's really a strange person, isn't he?" I think everybody is strange nowadays. Nobody knows what "normal" is. An American colleague asked why the books of new translation are all piled up in bookstores everywhere. I opened up my mouth eventually, "I think it's because of the translator." To tell the truth, I read Haruki Murakami for the first time in my life after reading his translation of The Catcher in the Rye. I had not been interested in his works at all before. That sentimental sweet love story entitled Norwegian Wood made me dizzy. I picked up Kafka on the Shore, a juvenile story, and read it through in a few days. Well now, what have I found in it? A youthful fantasy. Do we need fantasy like this in our life? Maybe sometimes, yes. I have been overwhelmed with the amout of works that Murakami has written. Why didn't I apprach him before? I had no time or energy to be entertained by him; my life was occupied with various aspects of reality. Anyway, today's update: "A Big Harvest in the Field of Translation" in A Reader's Notebook of Translated Text (Sorry, the Japanese version only). I think I should ellaborate on this topic somewhere else.

Sunday 6/1, 2003


June is when we have to stand humidity in Japan although we know well enough that the rain in June produces water and rice in this country. June is the time when miracles happen in life once in a while (as they do in other months, aha!). After the beautiful May, let us have another chance. I am expecting a lot of.... Today's update: the cover photo entitled "Someday."

Friday 5/30, 2003


I was a little worried if the rainy season will start very soon before we enjoy no more sunny days. Fortunately, the sun has come back even if it is the matter of only a few days. The breeze is comfortable in early summer. It's inviting my spirit to fly high. I'm easily allured and go out for a walk after work. Yesterday I enjoyed walking in Koishikawa Botanical Gardens. Among trees I nearly found a passage to the time-tunnel! Today's update: "A Radiant Afternoon in Koishikawa Botanical Grdens." Please find it in Tokyo Walking.

Monday 5/26, 2003


The best season for roses. While in winter the rose was under the snow and now the world is full of the flowering roses. A woman was cutting a stem in her garden. It will be put in a vase and placed in the center of her dining table. What a luxury! Let me have a drop of its morning dew and the scent for my bosom. Today's update: "Tamagawa-Josui, A Waterway Revived " revised with some names of the plants in Tokyo Walking. My gratitude is to those who kindly informed me of the names.

Monday 5/19, 2003

明るい五月の陽気はどこへ行ってしまったのでしょう。関東地方はこのところ曇りと雨模様の日々が続きます。明日あたりカラッと晴れ上がって欲しいところ。本日の更新は『東京散歩』中、「再生の水辺・玉川上水」です。前回の「武蔵野点描 五月の光彩」に引き続き。上水と上水脇の緑道は東京にずっと残したい自然環境です。若い頃、感性の多くの部分を玉川上水縁で育まれたと自覚しています。

Where has the bright May weather gone in Kanto? It has been cloudy and rainy for many days. I eagerly hope it will be cleard up tomorrow. Today's update: Tamagawa-Josui, A Waterway Revived in Tokyo Walking. It is the second part of the previous photo page "Light and Colors of May in Musashino." This time I observe the stream and the path along it more in the view of environmental resource to preserve in Tokyo. I feel my sensitivity was greatly fostered by Tamagawa-Josui in my youth.

Sunday 5/11, 2003

五月の第二日曜日は「母の日」とやら。あらためて懐かしむ。「母」の入ったことばもいろいろ。曰く「母語」「母なる大地」それに「マザーボード」なんていうのも。ともあれ全てのおっかさんに祝詞を。本日の更新は『東京散歩』中、「武蔵野点描 五月の光彩」。我が母のましますところの風景です。感謝と愛を込めて、母に捧げましょう。

The second Sunday of May is considered to be "Mother's Day." Everybody has a mother. Some words have "mother" like mother tongue, mother earth, motherboard etc. Congratulations to all mothers anyway! Today's upload: "Light and Colors of May in Musashino," a photo page in Tokyo Walking. Photos are of the place where my mother is. A humble tribute to my mother with thanks and love.

Thursday 5/1, 2003

美しい季節の到来。日本のベストシーズンの一つは文句なしに「皐」。どうしてこんな時にくよくよと悩んだり落ち込んだりしていられるだろう。心身共にリフレッシュ。思索を暫し離れ、シンプルに心も軽くいられたら。本日の更新は、表紙の写真(「教育の森公園」で撮影)と 「短詩」ページは「エイジング」の中の二編(「めざめ」と「ラリー」)です。ご訪問にあらためて感謝いたします。

The beautiful season has come! One of the best seasons in Japan, May! How can I stay agonies and anguishes? Time to be refreshed in body and soul. Go beyond idalistic thought. Be simple and lighthearted! (Enough of self-encouragement.) Today's update: the cover photo, a shot taken in a park; two poems in Aging ("Awakening" and "Rally"). Please click poems. Thanks for your visit again in May.

Monday 4/28, 2003


A slight change in class schedule at the school I work for once a week gave me a spare time of about two hours, a splendid gift for me! The weather was good and the air was fresh. I wondered what I sould do for a while, and decided to take a walk. Starting from the campus in Hongo, I walked along Hakusan Dori to Koishikawa Botanical Gardens which I have been willing to visit for a long time. However, to my disappointment it was closed because it is Monday today! I walked along the wall of the garden, just looking up at the rich green trees. I was fascinated with the sparkling foliage. The alley led me to another wonderful place. I came to "The Forest of Education" (a park constructed in the land where Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku used to be) and "Senshu-en" (an old Japanese garden). Taking a walk in the green shade gave me the chance to remember and think of various mattes, a very precious moment of life. Today's update: "The Green Shade in Koishikawa." Please find it in Tokyo Walking.

Saturday 4/26, 2003

戦は終わったのだろうか。「The Waste Land (T.S.Eliot) はどこだったかしら」と独り言。直ぐには見つからない。あぁ、そうでした。オンラインテキストなら直ぐ参照できる。クリック二つ三つで目の前に現れる詩。「四月はもっとも残酷な月 血を流し/死んだ大地から蘇るライラック 混交する/ 記憶と欲望は 揺さぶる/ 鈍った根本を春の雨で」今夜はこの詩を読もう。読むことは書くことと同じように喜びであり同時に苦役でもあり。本日の更新は『翻訳読書ノート』に短文一編。その3、「解き明かすことば」です。長い中断の後、再び書き始める予感。

Has the war finished? I said to myself, "Where is The Waste Land (of couse by T.S.Eliot) and looked around in vain. Aha, I can find it on line now. Just by two or three clicks, the text is in front of you. "APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding/ Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing/ Memory and desire, stirring/ Dull roots with spring rain." I'll spend the night reading this poem. Reading, as well as writing, is a joy and toil at the same time. Today's update: a brief essay on translated text entitled "Words of the Trhilling Lecture" in A Reader's Notebook of Translated Text. After a long pause, I'll be coming back to writing.

Wednesday 4/2, 2003


The weather in spring is not stable. Yesterday, it was so warm that I could hardly keep my spring coat on; whereas, it was freezing cold today that I couldn't walk outside without my overcoat. In the rain, cherry trees in full bloom looked icy pink, another beauty of the flower. Our country seems to be in peace while other countries are under war. What makes the difference? Or are we going the same way? Be aware of the present situation of ourselves. Today's update: a poem entitled "Blooming" in Aging which you find in short poems. The beautiful scenery makes me think of another world, what I cannot easily see.

Tuesday 4/1, 2003


April is spreading the cherry blossom to towns in Japan from west to east. Schools begin and freshers are obvious. It is good to be new. Just remember when we were very young and knew nothing of the complicated rules of the world and the society. When all we have is "hope," life is simple and promising. Innocense is something we can never regain; however, experience is precious as well. In old age, too, we find hopes of new kinds very often. April is the season when we remember where we started. Today's update: the cover photo, a collage of the cherry blossom and a basket of pansy. The war in Iraq continues. Nothing can stop it so far.

Thursday 3/27, 2003


There seems to be no justification for the absurd military actions of USA. In spite of the existence of conscientious citizens of the country, it has lost all its restrictions, control, and rearon. We can hardly be indifferent bystanders. Seeds of antagonism are everywhere. We need to find alternative ways for peace. It's a day of strong wind at the beginning of spring. Today's update: a poem entitled "Medaka" in Aging which you find in short poems. Animals remind us of the simple and clear fact that we the human being are not the only life on the earth.

Tuesday 3/25, 2003


US military forces and the coalition parties have been attacking Iraq. We are living in the days under war. I wonder if we are on the verge of World War III. What a nightmare! Civilian movements against war are surging all over the wrold. I seriously hope the Internet will work as a medium for fair and free communication for people for ever. No censorship! No interruption of any kind! In such a situation, poetry writing seems to be out of date; however, spring comes whatever human beings are doing. It is not yet a silent spring fortunately. I feel the joy of feeling the new season with all my mind and body. Today's update is a new poem entitled "The First Flowers" in Aging which you find in short poems. May wishes for peace overcome the war right away!

Thursday 3/13, 2003


The wind is still very cold, but it is refreshing to walk against it. For all the difficulties, life goes on, which I humbly accept with joy. Yes, I just take it as it is. Today's update: "Early Spring in Kanto Area" in Tokyo Walking. I wandered in the field and woods near the border between Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture. I like both towns and suburbs. Unfortunately I rarely have the chance to go out of the metropolis.

Thursday 3/6, 2003


Cold days follow warm days. The heavy rain and stormy wind at midnight remind us that spring is just around the corner. A few more weeks to wait? I wonder if I could go out of the usual circuit even once before the beginning of the new semester. I would like to. If not, let me wander into the imaginary world as much as I like. Today's update: another essay on translated text entitled "The Sense of Word Selection" in A Reader's Notebook of Translated Text; and a poem "Stories" in Aging of poems.

Saturday 3/1, 2003


The beginning of a new month. March is a special time for me. My father passed away, I got married in March, and what else? Anyway I always find something special in everything. It's my habit. Cannot be helped. Well, after the most beautiful February, what can I expect of this month? Oh, anything. As long as your heart/mind is open, the morning light will come into you. Let me introduce a new page in this site: A Reader's Notebook of Translated Text. I've started writing short essays for a mail magazine of a publishing company. They allwed me to upload the essays in my own site. Thanks! The cover photo is also renewed. I wish all of the visitors a wonderful fresh spring.

Monday 2/25, 2003


I feel I was walking in a dream for a long time. February is a beautiful month in a year. Outside it's cold but inside it's the best season for meditation. I've been remembering various things, some of which I wrote in poems. If you please find my new writings in "Aging." Click the page of poems. Thank you.

Saturday 2/1, 2003

時折受け取る思いがけない便り。数日前、カナダからメールが来てるのに気付いた。どうやらNewfoundland 2002に私が掲載した写真の中にメールの主の別荘が写っていたらしい。その人は画家だった。彼女は自分のウェッブサイトのアドレスを示し、「訪問してみて、そうすればあなたが驚く絵がいくつかあるから」と書いている。早速お邪魔してみたらなるほど!画家エリザベスは彼女が別荘を建てているトリニティーをいくつも描いているではないか。彼女の夢はいずれトリニティーの家をギャラリーにすることとか。弟さんが家族にニューファンドランドの景色を見せたくて写真を探すうち、私のサイトに行き当たったという。姉の別荘を見つけた彼は直ぐ知らせたそうだ。彼女に依れば「あなたが『風に吹かれて』と題を付けた家、それから『四つ辻を見下ろす丘の上の家』とも。」私はエリザベスの素晴らしい「写実的で詩的な」絵の中にトリニティーを再発見した。オンラインでの出会いの不思議。私をオンラインで見つけてくださるみなさまに感謝。夢にも思わないところから届く言葉をかみしめています。本日の更新は表紙ページの写真です。他のビルを写すメタリックなビル。カナダのトロントにて撮影。

Unexpected messages arrive once in a while. A few days ago, I found a mail from Canada. According to the message, the photos I uploaded in the pages of Newfoundland 2002 include a summer house of the sender, an artist. She introduces me the URL of her website and predicts I would surely be surprised to see her pictures. Yes, indeed I was! The artist, Elizabeth, has been drawing the scenes of Trinity where she is building her summerhouse. Her dream is to make it a gallery someday in the future. Her brother was looking for photos of Newfoundland for his family who have never seen ocean and found my website. He informed Elizabeth of the house. She writes,"It is the one you entitled 'the answer my friend is blowing in the wind' and also 'the house on the hill is at a cross roads.'" I discovered Trinity again in Elizabeth's wonderful "realitic and poetic" paintings. The mystery of online encounters! I am grateful to those who find me on the web! I do appreciate your words, friends! Today's update: the top page photo for February. It is a metalic building reflecting other buildings in Toronto.

Sunday, 1/5, 2003

ずっと閉鎖回路に近かったこのサイトも今年は少し外に向かって開いていこう。先日写真家の川崎けい子さんのサイトへリンクを張ったら、ここのエッセイへの言及を見つけて嬉しかった。数日前書いた短詩「幻影」が、今日は作家秦恒平さんのサイトに掲載された。故Akikoさんが繋いでくれたご縁。このサイトへの過分なおことばも頂戴している。恐縮してばかりいるより、励ましのことばを率直に受け止めて書き続けていく糧にしたいと思う。秦さんに感謝。本日の更新はサイト作家 秦恒平 文学と生活」リンク集に収録したことです。同サイト中、日々更新される【生活と意見「私語の刻 闇に言い置く」平成十五年元旦より--1--/ * 正月四日】をご参照ください。尚、秦さんのe-Literary Magazine 湖(umi)=秦恒平編輯 には先年当サイトの<対話の窓>中、「窓越しの対話」――インターネットでことばを磨く―― をご収録いただいた。(ところでこのサイトの「短詩」ページの一部が秦さんのパソコンではうまく表示されていないことも判明。どうやらブラウザーの違いに依るようだ。改良しなくては。我々は自分の見るものが他者にも同じように見えていると思いこむ。おおいに反省しております。)

So far this site has been a sort of closed circuit. I feel like opening it to the wider world. I've found a comment on an essay here when I made a link to the website of Ms Kawasaki Keiko, a photographer. Today the short poem "An Illusion" which I wrote a few days ago was uploaded in the website of Mr. Hata Kouhei, a novelist. Late Akiko united our sites. Mr. Hata writes a wonderful comment on this site. I would rather like to accept his encouragement for my constant writing activities from now on. Great thanks to Mr Hata! Today's update: I made a new link to Mr. Hata's website in the link page. You can find his comment on this site in his diary there. You can also find a long essay of mine entitled "Dialogue Online" (in Japanese only) in his e-Literary Magazine umi. (Thanks to him, I've found some pages of poems here are not seen. It seems to depend upon the difference of browzers. Improvement is necessary. We tend to think what we see is seen exactly the same way by others. It's an illusion.)

Saturday, 1/4, 2003


"Powder snow is the medicine to let me forget" is a phrase of my favoite song. In Tokyo it snowed quietly all day long today. I stayed home doning nothing particular. Soon the bustling days will start again. Give me a little more rest. I like the new year because nothing has printed its trace yet. I think of the unrealistic purity. Today's update: one more short poem "Written Words" added to Memory. Please open the page from poems.

Thursday, 1/2, 2003


Time passes quickly. Memories fade away. When morning comes, it's a new year. Days in last year are already in a distance. A day in a new year passes quietly but something came back to my mind while I was walking to send postcards after the new year's celebration dinner. When I said to myself not to indulge myself in sentimetal memories, words sprang out of me. Today's update: a poem "Illusion" in Memories. Thanks for finding it in poems.

Wednesday 1/1, 2003


A new start. The fitieth one for me. However old we agrow, a new year starts as time goes. Welcome, a brave new world. We have another chance to start it over. To live is to renew oneself over and over again. Just like the waves. To the light, go. Today's renewal: the cover photo; one from Trinity collection. I like the dark blue of the sea. I used it for my delayed new year's greeting card. Also this "Latest Notes" page is renewed. A fresh start for my webpage. Thanks to your for your visit, friends!

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