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Saturday 4/13, 2002

入院する数日前に最も古い友人の一人が思いもよらぬ病に伏せっていることを知った。我が自己憐憫など吹き飛ぶ。昨日夫君から「彼女はローマ史に関する本とゲーテの地質学の論文を毎日少しずつ読むのを楽しみにしているようです。そのような知的活動ができるようになってきたことは救いであり希望だと思います」という便りを受け取る。篤い病といえど人間の尊厳を剥奪することはできない。彼女のことを考えて書いた詩を一編。本日の更新は短詩ページの「寒緋桜(ひがんざくら)」です。短詩ページの表紙なども整理。最新作は「春 花集」として新たにまとめました。

A few days before I went into the hospital, I had received a news about one of my oldest friends: she has been suffring from an illness nobody ever expected. My "self-pity" vanished immediately. Yesterday I heard from her husband :"She is reading Roman history and Goethe's work of geology in bed little by little. I should be glad to find her intellectual activity coming back. This is the salvation and hope, isn't it?" Very true. Nothing can deprive her human dignity, even her serious illness. My tribute to her in today's update: "Scarlet Cherry Blossom" in Short Poem page. The covers are updated as well. The latest poems are under the title of "Collected Spring Flowers."

Thursday 4/11, 2002


I've come back from "a short trip to Tsukiji," which was to me virtually a travel to a foreign land. I met several brave young women fighting against illness. Our talk was about life and death really. Today's update: "Amazing Scenes beyond the Glass," a photo page in Walking in Tokyo. Scenes I looked out of the windows of the 17th floor of National Cancer Center, Tsukiji, Tokyo.

Monday 4/1, 2002


April. Update: the cover page photo. I always take a walk along the river: Karabori-gawa in Higashimurayama City, Tokyo. A scene in spring.

Wednesday 3/27, 2002

関東平野は冷え込んでいる。桜はまだ満開を保っているものの、桃色が足りず氷のよう な白に近い。夜桜の下を歩きながら見上げると、朧月が樹影と提灯によく映る。 本日の更新は「短詩」ページに表紙をつけ、過去ログへの目次をつけたことです。 思うまま書き散らすだけでは児戯にも等しいと反省しつつ。さてこれからどうしたものか。

It's rather cold today in Kanto Plain. The cherry blossom is still in its full bloom although the color is not pink enough but icy white. I walked under the trees at night. The hazy moon was suitable to the shade of flowers and lanterns. Today's update: a cover page of "Short Poems."

Tuesday 3/26, 2002

私のコンピュータと脳みその両方ともこの数日間いかれていた。 ネットにアクセスできないのも新鮮だった。(負け惜しみ。) ネットがなくても生きられるけど、でもあれば人生ははるかに違う! 「幽閉」を前に今少し書きたくて。私がいてもいなくても 世はこともなし。問題は世の中から隔絶されたくない私の方。何と 世俗的な人間なんだろう。無駄話はいい加減にして、本日の更新は「短詩」 ページの二編(5と6)。最近の(短歌を除く)短詩・目次は次の通りです。

詩/Poem 1 詩/Poem 2 詩/Poem 3 詩/Poem 4 詩/Poem 5 詩/Poem 6

そしてもう一つ。写真ページ「東京散歩」を開設しました。 「ことばだけでは通じない」とは、<写メール>のコマーシャル。 ことばだけでも通じたい。けれど、画像もまた雄弁です。どうぞよろしく。

My computer and brain as well were out of order for a few days. It's a new sensation not to access the Net. I know I can survive without it; however, life is more enjoyable with it of course. Before "confinement," let me write a little. The world will be all right without me. How small a human being is! The thing is I am not all right without the world. What a worldly person am I! No more nonsense. Today's update: two pieces in Short Poems (No.5 and No.6). One more: "Walking in Tokyo," pages of photos. Thank you for visiting!

Sunday 3/17, 2002


While I was watching one of the photos I took when I went to the town of Tokyo Disneyland for the farewell party of students, I felt like deforming it and then fell into a daydream. I wrote a shot poem. I am not very sure where it came to my mind. Only the photo made me write it. Anyway, today's update: "A Flowershop" in the page of Short Poems.

Wednesday 3/13, 2002


I've started to learn how to use "Fireworks" eventually. I need to master how to make use of both "Dreamweaver" and "Fireworks" by the beginning of next semester. Hard to say farewell to "ImageStyler" (of Adobe), which was quite simple and useful. Please find an excercise in today's update: "Seagulls' Town" from Short Poems page.

Tuesday 3/12, 2002


While I write, the date changes very often. How little I can do in a day in spite of the tasks I feel I must accomplish! Leave them alone and relax, syas a distant voice. Who? I feel myself so small and helpless recently. Not too pointless , perhaps. Update: short poems.

Saturday 3/10, 2002

またまた築地散歩。この度は「浜離宮」。「海岸」と呼ばれるコンクリートで固められた隅田川の支流に沿って歩けば、カモメが飛び交い鵜まで顔を出す。よろしければ写真ページ 「水ぬるむ頃」「花ひらく頃」をご覧下さい。本日の更新は「短詩」のページです。

In Tsukiji, I took a walk again. This time to Hamariky-Gardens along the concrete beach. Boats were sailing. Seagulls were floying and a cormorant appeared. If you please, take a look at my album of the wandering in "Tempted by Water" and The Flowering Season. Updated: Short poems.

Tuesday 3/5, 2002

Photoshop 6.0の使い方を練習中。娘が私の大変厳しい教師。Dreamweaver (これにも入門したて)で作成したウェッブページに画像を組み込んでみた。そろそろシンプルなタグ打ちから卒業しようかと。本日の更新は練習用に作成した詩画ページですが、ちょっと変? 「短詩」ページからも飛べます。

I practice the usage of Photoshop 6.0. My daughter is the very severe instructor. I am learning how to integrate images with the web-files made by Dreamweaver. ImageStyler was extremely easy compared to Photoshop. The first excercise is in the newly uploaded page with a poem. It is also linked from the page of Short Poems.

Monday 3/4, 2002


Now that it's spring, I open the pages of my short poems again. It won't be restricted to tan-ka nor updated regurally. Please let me write when/what I can. Thanks for your tolerance. Updated: Short Poems (once known as "Line of the Day")

Friday 3/1, 2002


Precious March. Flowers have started blooming; crocus, daffodils, winter daphne (what a graceful name!), not to mention Japanese aparicot flowers. I can hardly say it's real spring until I meet magnolia, of course. Preparation for several "enterprises" is going on. Hopefully they will be liked to each other to open the whole new world. Don't be afraid of making risks. We must be brave if we wish to be creative. The light of early spring is encouraging. Just survive. Update: the photo of the homepage. (The combination of a deformed picture of winter daphne and an amusement park plus a skyscraper, both taken in a town of Tokyo.)

Tuesday 2/26, 2002


I have been away from my homepage for many days. I was wandering smewhere else. It was not that I forgot writing but that I was involved in several outward activities. The joy and sorrow of everyday life repeated. Eventually I am at home for a while. I try not to be sentimental but I cannot help writing something quite emotional at home. Forgive me. Updated: "The Rose," a short essay in My WWW, which was originally dedicated to my old friend. The second version is here. Perhaps nobody remembers this page now.

Thursday 2/14, 2002


St. Valentine's day. One of the special days of a year. Comparatively a new custome in this country; however, it gives rather a big impulse to both men and women, young and old because love is always special to anybody. Love of many kinds of nature. There is no sufficient definition for it. I think of the lyrics of "The Rose" of which I've started to write a very short essay for my friend. For you, my dear visitors, I have a message. Please click here. Thank you. This is today's update.

Sunday 2/10, 2002


The calendar says it's already spring. Yes, it is "the spring of light." The busy days of the end of a school year. A short vacancy gave me time and energy to come back to writing for a while. Thanks! I know the peace won't last long but let me be lazy now. Soon enough I will be involved in an unknown world. Updated: "Views in and Out" and the small flowerpot (above) in this "latest" page.

Friday 2/2, 2002


The day of 2's! In spite of the coldest weather, February is a month full of love (hopefully). The beginning of spring (in calendar), St. Valentine's Day, someone's birthday, the shortest month of a year, etc. Yes, I find something good in every little thing. Don't worry, my friend! Thanks for your kind message all the same. My personal message to my dearest readers. Update: the photo of the top page, River Sumida viewed from Kachidoki-bashi Bridge, Tsukiji, Tokyo.

Monday 1/28, 2002


On my way to NCC in Tsukiji, I had a spare time for half an hour. Right away I walked to the embankment of River Sumida. Kachidoki-Bashi Bridge is there.  The surrealistic metalic-silver bridge is over the bright water of early spring. Forgetting my troubles, I watched the stream for a while and took photos. On the bridge, I remember various feelings I have ever had. The wind was blowing softly. I dropped in a British style tea room on my way back from Tsukiji. If you please, have a look at the mini album of my short trip today entitled Tokyo Waterside.

Friday 1/26, 2002


Although I have nothing particular to announce, I opened the file of this page and started writing. Tender is the night. Fly words, fly. I wish to talk to somebody about this and that for no particular purposes. Winter is the season for a quiet talk, isn't it? Good night, or perhaps, Good morning to YOU. Updated: a word in the top page. I believe nobody will notice it.

Sunday 1/20, 2002


In our traditional calendar, it is considered to be "the coldest day in a year" today. People are easily infludenced by the measure. The next date we expect is "the beginning of spring" in early February although it will be much colder then than it is now. Updated: the Japanese version of "Views In and Out" (eventually). I write in English first, wishing not to lose the sense of the language which is not my mother tongue.

Sunday 1/13, 2002


It has been rather warm for this season. While spreading the washed clothes on the deck, I closed my eyes to feel the sunshine in winter. Light makes people happy for no reasons. I can forget all under the quiet sky for a moment. Updated: The English version of Vies In and Out. (Japanese version will be coming soon hopefully.)

Wednesday 1/9, 2002


Various things prevent me from writing constantly. Please let me go slowly. I give a break to the page of One-line-poems for a while. Updated: Views In and Out.

Thursday 1/3, 2002


The first three days of the new hear have passed immediately. Visiting and visited, relatives had annual reunions. Children are growing up adults are growing older. The short festive season has given us a momentary relaxation. The hectic days will start very soon. Go for it but softly. Updated: Views In and Out; One-line-poems.

Tuesday 1/1, 2002


A happy new year! 2002 has started. What can we expect of this year? Not so much but just a little more peace. Peace in mind and peace on earth. Would you say I am a pseudo-moralist? Aha! I won't mind. I know now equanimity is one of the most difficult things that we can obtain. I'll look for it this year. How about you? Updated: The photo on the top page, and One-line-poems.

Saturday 12/29, 2001


A few brief but significant mails arrive. They tell me to look back at this year again. I cannot help thinking what I've been doing. Have I learnt to be "patient"? No, not yet. I am still sturggling to deny the reality and try to get away from it. I always wisht to say, "Oh, it's just a dream. I'll wake up tomorrow and find myself all right." Dreams are beautiful but we can hardly make use of them for excuses. Updated: One-line-poems.

Sunday 12/24, 2001


"At the end of 2001, we are just standing at the beginning of a new difficult age" is what I heard today in a slight dismay. I don't want to lose cheerfulness no matter what may happen. Why do I have to be always serious and strict? I want to smile and laugh a lot. I want to be positive. Call me simpleminded if you like, but I won't be defeated. "Smile and the world will smile back to you!" is what I heard when I was seventeen. I won't give up the naive philosophy. Update: Views In and Out; One-line-poems.

Thursday 12/21, 2001


The countdown for the new year has started. The year-end bustle is everywhere. I've finished my teaching duty a few days before. Different kinds of works have been waiting. Captured in the net of hospitals, I have been still sturggling. Words are falling on me from various corners. My responses are not effectively working. I feel like closing my lips at least for a few weeks. Let me have a short break for peace of mind, which I have hardly had since when...? Update: One-line-poems.

Friday 12/14, 2001


No excuse for my neglect of updating this website. Priority in life has been slightly changing for some reasons. In order to write something meaningful, I definitely need occasional silence; otherwise, this verbous writer leaves only rubbish to offend readers. One of my colleages, once working for a broadcasting company told me their motto in making good programs: a lot of information in a few words with attractive images. He insists "it works with webpages!" Quite true. Thanks to him, I will learn how to refrain myself from shooting bullets of vacant words. Alas, I am already getting away from his golden rule here! Updated: an image on the top page and One-line-poems.

Thursday 12/6, 2001


My 49th birthday. I've started walking the last round of my forties. Go slowly. I know I've wasted a long time just scribbling and reading rubbish online. No repentance. I've lost a lot and gained as much. Life never goes in a good balance. Still I love my life. Updated: One-line-poems.

Sunday 12/2, 2001


A baby was born in a symbolic family of this country, a girl. People had been evidently expecting a boy. The mother is a challenging person anyway. The daughter will go her own way in the eyes of the world. Somebody is born and somebody is gone. Time goes around. We are all passengers on the cosmic train. Nobody knows when to get aboard and out. Mysterious and thrilling. Updated: the top page with a photo of a tree; One-line-poems in a new page entitled "The Rest of Flowers"

Wednesday 11/28, 2001


I visited a few high schools to recruite students to the new department of our college. A softspoken. elder teacher, a gentleman, kindely accepted me and talked with me but gave me no hope nor expectation; yet, I did not feel so negative. Another teacher, of another school, comparatively a young man (from my point of view) was wordless. No conversation at all. He just received a set of pamphlet and turned away. Less than a five-minute visit. The wind was blowing up fallen leaves of the school ground. Updated: One-line-poems; Views In and Out.

Monday 11/26, 2001


When it rains and a bus doesn't come on time I take a taxi only for a few kilometers. I can walk the distance when I have time. Walking gives me the blessing of each season. Just look at the trees in autumnal colors along the street and in the huge campus of the university; particularly ginko trees now! Thanks for where I am and what I am. How I love to see the world full of surprises! My sensibility seems to be still alive; perhaps a nonsense for others. Updated: One-line-poems.

Thursday, 11/22, 2001


The bank clerk was working efficiently in perfect business manners, and she suddenly looked up and asked me a personal question; "Are you teacheing at a college?" She was reading a document I handed her. "Yes, what matters?" "Oh, I am graduated from the college four years ago." She showed me a smile which I know very well. A brief encounter and an exciting one. I felt proud of her. Updated: One-line-poems.

Saturday, 11/17, 2001


The biggest difference between a doctor of a large hospital and one in an individual clinic is that the former pays attention mainly to the data given by highly technological systems, and the latter won't hesitate touching the body of the patient. Is it my personal prejudice? Update: "One-line-poem" and "Views In and Out."

Sunday, 11/11, 2001


After the heavy rain, a beautiful day came back. We are on the border between the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. A gift from the heaven. By the way whose "heaven" is it? I find myself using words unconsciously. Metaphors include a lot of stock phrases. Coughing can be heard from everywhere. Take care not to catch cold. Update: "One-line-poem" and "Views In and Out."

Friday, 11/9, 2001


When I try to learn about the world far away from ours, for example about Afganistan, I cannot help resorting to books first of all. So little is written about women's life there. Their traditional life has been long destroyed by consequent wars. I am thrilled, however, to read about their art of embroidery. Imagine the beauty of their handiwork not for commercialism but to prove their identity. Richness to be back in the future surely. Update: One-line Poem.

Wednesday, 11/7, 2001


In Japnese traditional calendar, winter has come. It is cloudy and the cold wind is blowing. Leaves are turning their colors. With a cup of hot coffee, I try to remember what has passed and imagine what will come. Peacefulness in appearance and the war in reality. The discrepancy between them can only be felt by one's imagination and knoweldge of the world. The slow pace of my recent life has given me the chance to look back and to look a little farther. Go into the haze of winter. Feel the beauty of this season keen and clear. Updated: Views In and Out; One-line Poem.

Monday, 11/5, 2001


Heavy rain falls at midnight. The cold season is approaching definitely. What have I done so far these days? Don't seek acheivements but pay attention to what I still have. I should not be bothered by the fear for loss. Learn to take time and to be patient. No words solve anything. Look far. Update: One-line poems.

Friday, 11/2, 2001

二週間の休養の後、今週からゆっくりと仕事に復帰しました。同僚達や学生達の気遣いに感謝しています。「如何ですか、お大事に」ということばの暖かさ。以前のような元気にはほど遠く、医者からの診断はまだ何も下っていませんが、悲観するのは止めましょう。なるようになるさということにして。 「一首」を更新。

I've started working again slowly after the blank of two weeks. Colleagues and students are kindly concerned about my health. I'm grateful to their words. Not energetic as before but I'm feeling better in spite of having no diagnosis from a doctor yet. Let it be. Update: One-line poem.

Thursday, 11/1, 2001

更新の際に伝言や備忘録として、一言二言書いてみます。今月の表紙写真は東京大学本郷キャンパスにある「三四郎池」です。(「一首」のコラージュも。)中之島はセイタカアワダチソウに占領されていました。銀杏並木が色づくにはまだ暫し。銀杏の実は既に匂い紛々。それぞれの秋深く。ご訪問感謝。 「表紙」と「一首」を更新。「更新 短信」を開設。

Just a note or two on the occasion of update. I will write my personal message and memorandum briefly in this page. The photo in the front page of this month is "Sanshiro-Ike" in Hongo Campus of University of Tokyo. The small island in it is filled with "solidago altissima." Ginko leaves are not yellow yet; ginko nuts are smelling. Deepening autumn. Thanks for your visit! Update: cover page, One-line poem, The Latest Notes.

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background "midorin-no-kumo" by ao