第二日目 10月16日(日) 



 第一日目 10月15日(土) 平城宮跡 広大な「再建現場」

 第二日目 10月16日(日) 若草山山麓からならまちへ

 第三日目 10月17日(月) 佐保川縁から雨の薬師寺へ


エッセイ―散策思索28  「始まりの 奈良」


Day 2: Sunday, October 16, 2022

From Wakakusa-yama to Nara Machi


Day 1: Saturday, October 15, 2022 / Heijyou-kyu Palace Being Rebuilt

Day 2: Sunday, October 16, 2022 / From Wakakusa-yama to Nara Machi

Day 3: Monday, October 17, 2022 / Walking to Yakushi-ji Temple


奈良に来て最初に出会った鹿 / The first deer I encountered in Nara.

悠然と車道に出ている鹿。/ A deer was on the road facing cars.

鹿は神の使い、奈良の象徴。/ Deers are considered to be messengers of God and the symbol of Nara.

奈良県庁 / Nara Prefecutural Office Building


奈良国立博物館 / Nara National Museum

鹿は傍にいる人間にはまったっく関心を払わない。/ A deer paying no attention to human beings nearby.

三々五々、歩き回るでなく立ち止まるでなく、佇む鹿たち / Deers hanging about.

小鹿 / a calf

大、中、小、色々な鹿 / Big, middle, small deers

東大寺への参道 / The main street to Todai-ji Temple

「大華厳寺」(右から左へ)という揮毫が門の上に見える。「大仏様(よう」様式の入り母屋造りの五間三戸二重門 /In the middle of the gate we can see a big plate DAI-KE-GON-JI.

古びた木造の門をくぐる / We went through the huge old wooden gate.

門の木組みの様子がよく見える。/ I started observing the structure of the wooden building.

「奈良の古建築」という教科書を少し読んできただけで、実物を前に身が引き締まる。/ I said to myself, "These are what I read in textbooks of old architectures in Nara!"

丸柱、梁、桁、等々、これが本物の...ともう感激している。/ The visible inside ofthe buiding structure was very impressive.

東大寺中門。ここからいよいよ内裏に入る。/ This is the entrance into the inner garden of the temple.

初めて目にした東大寺大仏殿。/ This was the first glimpse at the Colossal Hall of the Great Buddha.

東大寺金堂(大仏殿)正面 / The facade of the Colossal Hall of the Great Buddha.

大仏殿に近付く / I was approaching the Colossal Hall of the Great Buddha.

大仏殿拝観 / We visited the Colossal Hall of the Great Buddha.

大仏と「虚空蔵菩薩」 / The Great Buddha and Kokuu-zou-bosatsu.


奈良の大仏様 / The Great Buddha

蝶の装飾が美しい花台 / A huge flower pot with the decorative sculptures of butterflies.

地上に置かれた「相輪(そうりん)」―本来は五重塔の屋根の上に載る。先端近くに「水煙」が見える。/ Sourin--it should be built on the top of afive-story tower in the temple. The decorative ornament near the end is called "suien" (literally meaning "water flame.") It is considered to protect the building from fire.

田向山八幡宮 / Tamukeyama-Hachimanngu

正倉院と同じ作りの小ぶりの建物(大きな三角材(校木)を井桁に組み上げている。東大寺西側の山道を春日大社に向かって歩く途上にあった。(名称未確認) / A small building located on the way from Todai-ji to Kasuga Taisha. This architecture is built in the same style of Shousouin.

若草山麓の門前町にある土産物店頭水場にいた鹿。/ A deer drinking water in front of a souvenir shop at the foot of Mt. Wakausa.

鹿は本当に穏やかな動物だ。静かに水を飲んでいた。/ A deer, drinking water, was really quiet and calm.

鹿がふと首を上げた。頭の角は切られている。かなり年を取っているかもしれない。こちらも手を出さないが、あちらも動かない。観光客におもねるでなく恐れるでなく、自然にそこにいる。/ The deer looked up. The horns were cut. It might be an old one. I didn't touch it and it didn't move. It would not ask for anything to a tourist nor was fearful. It was just standing there.

橋を渡ると、木々に囲まれた山道だ。/ A way into the forest.

鹿が歩いている。/ A deer was walking.

苔むす木の根。生い茂る羊歯。/ a mossy root of a tree and ferns.

路傍で寛ぐ鹿たち。/ Deers relaxing at the road side.

春日大社に来た。/ I arrived at Kasuga-taisha Shrine.

神社の朱色が鮮やかだ。/ Is this bright red color called "vermilion"?

石造りの灯籠が並ぶ。/ Stone lanterns were standing.


絵馬に幟。延命長寿が人類の願い―のようだ。/ Ema and banners were dedicated to the shrine.

百年杉と春日神社 / One-hundred years old Japanese cedar tree and the vermilion shrine.

春日神社 / Kasuga-Jinjya Shrine

新薬師寺本堂 / The main hall of Shin-Yakushi Ji Temple

地蔵堂 (入母屋造 本瓦葺 鎌倉時代 重要文化財)←( )内新薬師寺ホームページより引用) / Jizou-do Hall

境内には萩の花が咲き初めていた。/ In the garden Japanese bush clover (hagi) was starting to bloom.

内庭の池 / A pond in the garden.

見事な造園の内庭。/ The eautirully made garden view.

The poster warns not to keep the gate open so as not to let deers step inside.

新薬師寺南門。撮影は許されていなかったが、本堂に安置された薬師如来像とそれを囲む十二神将立像は息をのむ見事なものだった。/ Thesouthern gate of Shin-Yakushiji Temple. The statues of Yakushi-Nyorai and twelve guardians around him were awesome. Poto-taking was prohibited.

高畠町界隈を東から西に向かって散策。瀟洒な街並みが続く。 / I walked from east to west through Takahatake-mchi. This is a district of quiet reidential area.

「大洋庭園」をいう表札が掲げられた扉の向こうにはアヒルが二羽いた。/ Beyond the door with a plate, "Garden of the Sun," there were two ducks.

家と家の間に延びる路地。ふと迷い込んでしまいそう。 / An alley between houses. I felt like wandering along the lane.

そこここに格子戸の家が並ぶ。/ There were houses with wooden lattice.

平屋に格子戸。/ A single story house with lattice.

古い民家を利用したカフェ。 / A Café mking use of an old looking private house.

通りの先には山並みが見える。/ The low mountain range was seen over there beyond the lane beween houses.

「祈りの回廊」という建て看板があった。/ A board inviing to "Cloister for Praying."

奈良市指定文化財「青田家住宅」―古い町屋 / Aota-ke, an old town residence, designated cultural property of Nara City.

1847~1854年に建設された豪商の家屋との説明書きがある。 / The wooden plate says the house was built in 1847-1854. It used to be a house of a rich merchant.

町屋が改造されて観光客を集める飲食店となっている。/ Some of the town houses are reformed to be cafes and restaurants of tourists' attraction.


ならまちを行く人力車。/ A jinrikisha (rickshaw) was taking tourists around Nara Machi.

古民家の立ち並ぶならまちの閑静な通り。 / A quiet residential lane of Nara Machi.

小庭のアサガオ。/ Morning glory in a small garden.

奈良町の骨董品店。/ A curiosity shop in Nara Machi.

カフェへの入り口。/ An entrance into a carfe.

老舗 砂糖傳 増尾商店 金平糖の店 / Satouden-Confeito Shop

ならまちの街角 / A street corner in Nara Machi

「ならまち わらべうた」の幟があちこちにはためいていた。子どものためのイベントが開催されていた。/ Banners "Mursery Rhymes" were inviting childeren to fun events.

奈良市の施設「ならまち格子の家」内部―無料で見学できる町屋。情報提供と休息所も兼ねている。 / The inteior of " Lattice House in Nara Machi"-an old town house tourists can step in for observation and taking a break, run by Nara City, free of charge. A popular tourists' attraction and the Information spot.


「ならまち格子の家」の通り庭。/ A typical inner garden along the passage way of Nara Machi Lattice House.

左の写真と反対側から見た「ならまち格子の家」の通り庭。/ A typical inner garden along the passage way of Nara Machi Lattice House. (Seen from the other side of the left photo.)

Nara Machi
"Nara Machi" located in the east of the city center of Nara is a place with a long history; which developed along the streets on the foundation made in the days when the capital was in Nara. In medieval period, Nara Machi developed as a town of Buddhist temples and shrines such as Toudaiji-Temple, Koufukuji-Temple, and Kasuga-Taisha Shrine. In the early modern period, it prospered as a town of industries such as sarashi (cloth), ink (for calligraphy), Nara-dolls, and one-knife carving.
The town where are lines of stately estates, the suburbs where are farms, and the town where town houses were built from the end of Edo Period to early Shouwa Period, we call them all together as "Nara Machi."

The second floor of the house.

アーケードの下は「下御門商店街」 / Shim-mikado Arcade.

ちょっとレトロな商店街。 / A retrospective shopping street.

お客を歓迎する「せんとくん」 / "Sento-kun", the mascto character of Nara City welcoming visitors.

今では奈良名物となったかき氷。/ Now shaved ice is one of the local delicacies in Nara.

興福寺南円堂 / Nan-endo of Koufukuji Temple. (An octagonal tower)

興福寺五重塔 / The five-story tower of Koufukuji-Temple

五重塔正面 / The front side of the five-story tower of Koufukuji-Temple

屋根の造作が良く見える。/ The architectual details of the roof.

木組みの様子が観察できる。/ We can observe the construction of the combination of woods.

古建築の基本がよく見える。/ We can observe the foundation of the old architecture.

興福寺中金堂 / Chukin-dou of Kofukuji Temple

猿沢の池から興福寺五重塔を望む / The five-story tower of Koufukuji Temple observed form The Pond of Sarusawa.

猿沢の池から望む興福寺南円堂 / Nan-endo of Koufukuji Temple ovserved from The Pond of Sarusawa.


疎水の畔を歩く鹿たち / Deers walking along a stream.

鹿の親子 / Deer family

猿沢の池に写る興福寺の建造物 / The water mirror reflecting architectures of Koufukuji-Temple

興福寺南円堂 / Nan-endo of Koufukuji Temple

興福寺五重塔 / The five-story tower of Koufukuji

奈良公園のスターバックス / Starbucks at Nara Park

奈良公園脇、三条通り / Sanjou-dori street by Nara Park




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第一日目 10月15日(土) 平城宮跡 広大な「再建現場」

第三日目 10月17日(月) 佐保川縁から雨の薬師寺へ

Day 1: Saturday, October 15, 2022

Day 3: Monday, October 17, 2022 Walking to Yakushi-ji Temple