
The flowering season
浜離宮散策/Walking in Hama-rikyu Gardens, Tsukiji, TOKYO

/ a boat for Asakusa and Hinode Pier

日だまりの鳩 / a dove in sunshine

水上バス発着所 / a boat station

梅林 / Japanese apricot

梅満開 / Janese aparicot in full bloom

ミツバチのささやき / a bee visiting the flower

雪柳 / Thunberg spirea

菜の花畑 / The field of na-no-hana (wild mustard?)

ビルの狭間に東京タワー / Tokyo Tower between buildings

なのはななのはな いちめんのなのはな /
a carpet of nano-hana

絵を描くひと/ a painter

白木瓜(ぼけ)/ white flowering quince

緋木瓜(ぼけ)/ red flowering quince

船だまり / boats waiting for sailing

カモメの町 / a town of seagulls

魚河岸の町 / a town of fish market

卸売市場の町 /
a town of the wholesale market

Photos taken by

date: March 8, 2002

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