
Tempted by the water in March
浜離宮散策/Walking in Hama-rikyu Gardens, Tsukiji, TOKYO

築地川 / River Tsukiji

潮入の池 / The Salty Pond

潮入の池 / The Salty Pond

中島のお茶屋 / Teahouse in the middle island

隅田川への水門/ a gate to River Sumida

海へ出てゆく船 / a boat sailing to the sea

船と鵜 / a boat and a cormorant

「海浜」沿いの道 / a walk along "the beach"

船着き場 / boats

レインボーブリッジ / Rainbow Bridge in Tokyo Bay

白い船 /a while boat sailing

水門 / a watergate

/ Rainbow Bridge viewed
from the top of a garden mountain

/ a wayout to River Sumida
and to the sea

「トーキョー・ウォーターサイド」へ / To "Tokyo Waterside"
「花ひらく頃」へ / To "Hamapark 2"
「窓ガラスの向こう側」へ / To "Beyond the Glasses"
「東京散歩」トップへ / To the top of "Walking in Tokyo"
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