Time: Hitoshi Kitada's Home Page

Stable Universe

From http://physics.aps.org/articles/v8/123

"... Yet more foreign to the usual way of reasoning in physics is the “free-will loophole.” This is based on the idea that the choices of orientations we consider independent (because of relativistic causality) could in fact be correlated by an event in their common past. Since all events have a common past if we go back far enough in time - possibly to the big bang - any observed correlation could be justified by invoking such an explanation. Taken to its logical extreme, however, this argument implies that humans do not have free will, since two experimentalists, even separated by a great distance, could not be said to have independently chosen the settings of their measuring apparatuses."

This argument shows that big bang theory defies the free will, while the violation of Bell's inequality established by these experiments shows that quantum mechanics is correct and guarantees the existence of the free will. From this follows that big bang theory is incorrect.

The experiments give a landmark of physics that delimitates the end of classical mechanics and big bang theory.