[time 521] Self and Binding

Matti Pitkanen (matpitka@pcu.helsinki.fi)
Sat, 7 Aug 1999 11:34:04 +0300 (EET DST)

Below qmind message about self and binding.


Several almost simultaneous discoveries have led to a dramatic
progress of TGD inspired theory of consciousness.

a) The so called zero modes of configuration space (of 3-surfaces)
characterize spacetime surface macroscopically. The requirement
that quantum measurement is *local operation* at the level
of configuration space implies that localization in zero modes occurs in
every quantum jump. This implies *classicality of the world of conscious
experience*. As a consequence also the long standing problem of
*psychological time and its arrow* is finally solved: simple order of
magnitude estimate suggets that the average increment of geometric time
in quantum jump is roughly 10^(-40) seconds (10^4 Planck times): also for
other estimates consciousness in biological length scales is an
essentially macroscopic phenomenon! The contents of the sensory experience
is determined essentially by the localization in zero modes and
the earlier identifications of the quantum correlates of sensory qualia
find a better justification and become much more detailed.
In particular, the quantum model of vision becomes rather detailed.

b) The notion of *self as a subsystem able to remain p-adically
unentangled* in the time evolution U involved with the quantum jump

Psi_i--> U Psi_i --> Psi_f

is a completely new element and I could have discovered it for 10 years
ago unless I would not have been so damned dogmatic in my belief
that single quantum jump determines the content of conscious experience!
In the real context vanishing of p-adic entanglement means that
the entanglement generated by U remains below the critical entanglement
specified by the unique pinary cutoff associated with the mapping of the
real geometric structures to their p-adic counterparts playing key role in
quantum TGD. Self is a critical phenomenon as one might expect
(TGD Universe is quantum critical system).

c) The realization that the contents of conscious experience of self
is 'sum' of the experiences associated with all quantum jumps
occurred after the wake-up of self: this makes possible genuine
*memories about previous conscious experiences* (subjective memory).
*Geometric memory* in turn is made possible by the cognitive
spacetime sheets having finite time duration and corresponds to
temporal intentionality of the conscious mind. The comparison
of what happenened with what was expected to happen is an
irreducible mental activity of the conscious self.

d) *Summation hypothesis for the binding of experiences*. The experience
of self X is 'sum' over the experiences of its subselves Y_i:
in the 'sum' the experiences of subselves Y_i are replaced with
abstractions, kind of averages <Z_{ij}> about the
experiences of the subselves Z_{ij} of subselves Y_i. An
immediate prediction is an *infinite hierarchy of selves*, with God, the
entire universe, at the top. A connection with the computationalistic
theories of brain emerges naturally: cognitive acts are hierarchical
temporal cascades of selves (self wakes up, then some subselves wake up,
etc....) forming program like structures. Subselves provide symbolic
representations for the objects of sensory experience.

e) *Binding of experiencers by entanglement* making possible enlightment
by entanglement. Geometrically this corresponds to the formation of
join along boundaries bonds between the cognitive spacetime sheets
of two selves belonging to two different levels in
the p-adic hierarchy of selves. This makes also possible communication
between various levels of self hierarchy and provides a general
model for extended states of consciousness.

The new picture leads to surprisingly detailed general theory
of consciousness. The basic new elements are the
 *concepts of self and subjective memory*. They allow to give up the idea
that the concent of conscious experience is determined by single
quantum jump: this solves long list of problems of the earlier approach.
Progress means also that some chapters of 'TGD inspired theory of
consciousness...' are now somewhat obsolete. This will mean painstaking
updating taking month or two. This is the price paid for real
progress but I am happy to pay it: TGD inspired theory of consciousness
has matured from a bundle of ideas to an elegant theory during single
adventurous year! Absolutely crucial for this progress have been the
extremely inspiring discussions with Stephen King making it possible for
me to realize the strengths of computationalism and the weaknesses of
the earlier TGD approach and to relate the revised quantum TGD approach
to computational approach.

The html-article 'Self and Binding' at


summarizes the new formulation of TGD inspired
theory of consciousness and provides a bird's eye of view
about the phenomenology of quantum consciousness.
Below the table of contents of the article.

  1. Introduction

1.1 Self as subsystem able to remain unentangled
1.2. Is genuine subjective memory possible?
1.3. Binding of experiencers and quantum entanglement
1.4. Binding of experiences and summation hypothesis
1.5. Consequences

  2. The problem of self

2.1 Self as subsystem able to remain unentangled
2.2 Self can perform two kinds of quantum jumps
2.3 Is genuine subjective memory necessary?<BR
2.4 Basic properties of self
2.5 Self and the arrow of psychological time
2.6 Self and macroscopic quantum phases

  3.Binding of experiences and binding of experiencers

3.1 Binding of experiencers by entanglement
3.2 Summation hypothesis and binding of conscious experiences
3.3 Binding geometrically
3.4 General structure of conscious experience
3.5 A simple model for cognition
3.6 Differences between left and right brain
3.7 Music and summation hypothesis
3.8 Biological realization of the dynamical self hierarchies
3.9 Ageing and death

  4. Geometric and subjective memories

4.1 'Memories' with respect to geometric time as simulations
4.2 Intentionality and geometric memories
4.3 What is the temporal extension of cognitive spacetime sheets?
4.4 Short term memories and long term memories as subjective memories?
4.5 Other manners to realize long term memories
4.6 Procedural memories

  5. Various types of conscious experiences

5.1 Basic structure of conscious experience
5.2 Sensory experiences
5.3 Volition
5.4 Directed attention
5.5 Emotions
5.6 Waking-up and falling-asleep
5.7 Altered states of consciousness

  6. Quantum computationalism

6.1 Computationalism and connectionism
6.2 How connectionism emerges from TGD framework?
6.3 Computationalism and TGD

Matti Pitkanen

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