[time 120] Re: [time 109] RE: [time 104] Re: [time 102] Re: [time 99] Spacetime& consciousness

Ben Goertzel (ben@goertzel.org)
Sat, 03 Apr 1999 11:15:47 -0500

At 07:09 PM 4/3/99 +0900, Hitoshi Kitada wrote:
>Dear Ben,
>I have read GOERTZEL.html It is most impressive paper that I have read


>I understand why you showed interest in my formulation: wholes vs. parts, when
>seeing the part:
>> Now neuropsychologists have shown that the role of consciousness
>> in perception and cognition is precisely that of grouping, of forming

Yes, precisely....

I have an intuition that

1) there is a homomorphism of some type between the structure of the
perceiving mind
and the structure of the physical world

2) this mapping is crucial to the loop by which objective reality is
created as the sum
(Feynman sum?) of the subjective realities of the minds within it

3) understanding this loop is going to be the key point to the next
revolution in physics,
& science as a whole

Because of this I am fascinated by specific mappings between physics &

The parallel that I see between your physics and my psychology is an
example of this,
and possibly an important one.

The analogy suggested is not a new one...

quantum : classical
unconscious : conscious

People have proposed this in the context of quantum computing and the
quantum brain
before, but in a purely formal way without any deep underpinning. Now we
are beginning to
see a real logical underpinning for this analogy.

But, there's a long way to go ;)


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