







It's hard to say what kind of a city Tokyo is; even its inhabitants don't know.

Tokyo has been the forerunner to commit the environmental pollution and destruction; it has been criticized and ridiculed as "Tokyo Desart" for alienating people. Very often it is compared with scenic cities abroad and accused of its "ugliness" for lacking the sense of urbane design from the view point of good scenary. The lack of historical view is also the target of accusations.

Recently, people here are encouraged to discover the attraction of Tokyo by visiting nostalgic and futuristic sites of this megalopolis. (Tokyo municipal government seems to be fearful for the long disputed idea of capital relocation.)

A city does not belong to its inhabitants but visitors and short-term residents vitalize it. Residents may go out and visitors may remain. Numerous sotries have been produced from Tokyo and it keeps changing like a living creature.

Let me report momental impressions of Tokyo. For more info and details, please visit Walking in Tokyo. I'm going to upload here snap shots once in awhile with brief comments. Hoping to find responses form other places.




A Stone Cathedral

Shot on February 4, 2006


御茶ノ水駅の南、神田駿河台に日本ハリストス正教会「ニコライ堂」がある。/ Holy Resurrection Cathedral in Tokyo.

いかめしい石の建造物が、街にとけ込む。冬日を後光のようにまとって。不信心者に扉は開かない。/ The stately stone building is standing in winter light. Doors are not open to those who are not pious.





Elevated Bridges in Red Bricks

Shot on February 4, 2006


御茶ノ水から神田に向かって中央線が走る。煉瓦塀(上)は「万世橋高架橋」。神田川沿いに古色蒼然と。右の接写は「紅梅河岸高架橋」。いずれにもめダリオンがついている。関東大震災を生き延びた建築物だ。/ JR Chuo Line runs from Ochanomizu Station to Kanda Station on the brick wall (above). It is called "Mansei-bashi Elevated Bridge." The wall on the right is called "Koubai Riverside Elevated Bridge." Both have medallions They survived The Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923.






Tokyo Lighted Up

Shot on December 13, 2005


ライトアップされた東京駅。冬の夜に赤煉瓦が浮かび上がる。/ Tokyo Station Building built in redbricks is lighted up at night in winter.

Tokyo Dome Cityのライトアップ。ビッグエッグも光の化粧。/ Tokyo Dome City lighted up,. Big Egg behind the merry-go-round has a band of light.





Buildings Old and New

Shot on August 5, 2005



The red brick building of Tokyo Station. It was constructed in 1914. Everyday 1750,000 passengers are coming and going through it. Inhabitants in Tokyo, however, do not come here so often. Therefore, when we get out of the building, we can't help feeling ourselves to be "strangers"


One of the oldest bookstores "Maruzen" moved from Nishonbashi to the building in front of the north entrance of Tokyo Station. Business of all kinds are obliged to transform with the evercahnging city.


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