武蔵野 春のせせらぎ 野火止用水緑道

Nobidome Yosui Waterway

Early Spring in Musashino


Higashimurayama City (where I live) and the neighboring Kodaira City (both in Tokyo) linked three lanes (Tamagawa Josui, Sayama-Sakai Cyclists'/Walkers' Lane, and Nobidome Yosui) to call them "Kodaira Green Roads." They are all related to local waterways. The cities are actively taking care of the natural heritage. In the middle of March, when grasses and trees were getting back their lively colors, I took a walk along Nobidome Yosui. It is shallower than Tamagawa Josui and was in old days inseparable from the daily lives of local people. It was almost vanishing because of the urbanization more athan three decades ago, but people asserted the importance of the stream and worked hard to preserve it. Now you can find water birds, fish, and even fireflies here! We're living in the age when nature must be protected and kept with our efforts. Let me introduce how the stream is preserved and loved by people today.


Kodaiara Green Roads


The History of Nobidome Yosui and Its Reservation


How to take care of woods

You are able to enlarge the three plates by clicking here.


小平市、「九道の辻」/ Nine Way Crossing in Kodaira City.

「九道の辻」から野火止上水をさかのぼる。/We went upstream of Nobidome Yosui Waterway from Nine Way Crossing

流れるのは二次処理生活排水だが、充分せせらぎをなす。/ Purified domestic wasted water is running.

土のままの両岸には野草も生えれば花も植わる。/ Both of the banks are covered with wild weeds and planted flowers.

ムラサキダイコンに彩られる岸辺。/ The bank doecorted with murasaki-daikon.

西武国分寺線の小さな鉄橋 / A small iron bridge of Seibu Railway.

木製の護岸壁。/The wooden embankment.

樹木はまだほとんど芽吹いていない。/ Most of the rees are still bare.

道路から住宅へ木橋もかかる。/ A wooden bridge from the street to a house.

黒猫が水の中の魚をじっと見ている。/ A black cat watcing fish in water.

白鷺が木陰から現れた。/ A small white heron appeared from a bush.

眺めていても気にせず水の中を歩いていく白鷺。/ The heron payed no attention to watchers on the bank.

カモはどこでも大抵二羽ずつ一緒にいる。/ A pair of dabbling duck.

とてもきれいな羽のカモ。/ Dabbling ducks with very clean feathers.

意匠を凝らした橋が続く。/ You come across with ridges with unique design

沿岸の樹木を調べれば多種に及ぶだろう。いつか改めて。/ There are various kinds of trees and grasses on banks.

ホトケノザがびっしりと。/ Hotokenoza is growing thick.

仲良く水をのぞき込むカモのつがい。/ A pair of ducks looking into the water.

用水は主に住宅地の中を行く。/ Waterway goes through houses and apartments.

放流されたり持ち込まれた鯉が繁殖してカラフルに泳ぐ。/ Colorful carps, released intentionally and brought in by individuals.

野火止用水放流口は玉川上水からの分流。/ Nobidome Yosui comes from Tamagawa Josui.

流れは細くなったり広くなったり。/ The stream becomes norrow and wide again.

橋の名前も色々。/ Bridges have unique names.

デコイのような美形の鴨?/ Beautiful ducks like decoys.

瀬音を立てて流れる川。/ The stream going with cheerful sound.

この橋を見ていると「ほのぼのしちゃうのね。」/ You feel peaceful watching this small bridge.

所々に広がる保存林。/ Patches of reserved woods exist here and there.

示威するように羽をばたつかせる鴨。 / A duck demonstrating itself with the powerful movement of wings.

子どもたちが集まって何かしている。/ Boys are looking for something in water.

「何つかまえたの?」と聞いたら、「ハヤ!」と。/ "What have you got?" I asked and one of them replied, "A tiddler!"

「歴史環境保全地域」を示す標識。/ An indicator showing it's an area especially preserved for nature and history.

両岸を石とコンクリートで固め、水辺に下りて遊べるようにした箇所。/ A spot with banks of stones and concrete to enable visitors to go down by the stream to enjoy water.

自然の土が露出した岸。/ Banks of natural clay.

保存林の向こうは生産緑地。/ Beyond the preserved woods is the field producing vegetables and plants.

羊歯の生い茂る岸辺。/ Banks covered with ferns.

林の中のベンチ。/ A bench in the woods.

ところどころの堰で趣を変える流れ。/At some points the stream changes its running style.

ここからは平坦な浅い流れに変わる。/ Here a shallow and flat stream starts.

そのわけはホタルを育てているから!地元の小学生担当。/ Elementary school students are breeding fireflies.

ホタルの幼虫孵化のため立ち入り禁止の札。/ The board is warning fireflies are growing in water here.

近所の人たちは岸辺で花を育てている。/ Local people are growing flowers on the bank.

枯葉の沈む静かな流れ。/ The quiet stream running over the fallen leaves.

早咲きの桜に見えたけれど、桃?/ Is it the early cherry blossom?

こちらを見ていた猫。/ A cat looking at us.

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