根津神社 躑躅三昧

Deep in Azalea
of Nezu Shrine






"Todai-mae" station of subway Nanboku Line is in Hongo Oiwake. Take the lane between the station and the campus of Department of Agriculture, University of Tokyo, you will find a chapel of "Church of St. Timothy." In front of the church starts "Gongen-Zaka Slope (or S-shaped Slope)." It goes steeply at its end. The steep slope forms "the Hill of Azalea" in the estate of Nezu Shrine. All over the hill you can see the gorgeous blossoms of azelea of all kinds of colors in April and at the beginning of May. Thousands of people visit the shrine every day to appreciate the flowers. Azaleas viewed from both far and near fascinate them. As well as azalea, crowds of visitors are famous in this season. One dayI went to watch flowers in the crowd.




聖テモテ教会の尖塔。/ The chapel of Church of St. Timothy.

急勾配の「権現坂」(別名S字坂)。左手が根津権現。/ The steep slope beside Nezu Shrine.

根津神社手前のペンキ塗り木造家屋。和洋折衷の不思議な趣。/ A wodden house painted pale blue right very close to the shrine. A mixture of western and Japanese styles.


ペンキ塗り木造と向き合う、モルタルモダン家屋。/ A mortal modern styled house facing the painted wooden house.

根津商店街から神社へ向かう見物客。/ Visitors are coming through Nezu Town.


神社正面大鳥居。/ The front gate of Nezu Shrine.

「元祖勅祭 根津神社」の文字を大書した石塔。/ On the stone pole is written "Nezu Shrine"

参拝客、というよりツツジ見物客が楼門(重要文化財)に向かう。/ Visitors are heading for the inner gate(an important cultural asset).

毎年出る、木陰の「つつじまつり」表示板。/ A wooden sign board indicating "Azaela Festa."


「つつじヶ丘(つつじ苑)」に上ろうと列を作る見物客。/ Visitors are waiting in line to climb "Azalea Hill.

「つつじヶ丘(つつじ苑)」遠望。/ Azalea Hill.


至近距離で見るつつじ。/ Azalea viewd closely.

二色が一株に咲くつつじ。/ Tow colors are in one azalea tree.


全てのつつじの株には典雅な名前が付いている。私は今回もメモもせずただ色と香りに酔っていた。/ All the azalea trees have graceful names. I didn't take notes of the names and was just fascinated with their colors and scents. (Again as usual!)


つつじの間の小径を静かに上っていく人々。/ People are climbing the hill quietly.


手入れの行き届いた色様々なつつじの株。/ Azelea trees of various colors, all extremely well taken care of.

びっしりと咲くツツジもみごとだが、つつじの間に鈴なりの人々もまたみごと。/ Azalea thickly blooming are remarkable and so are the azalea watchers!


つつじの中に設営された小屋では野点も行われる。/Tea seremonies are available in the hut specially built for azalea festa.

花の色と葉の艶やかなみどり色が混じって鮮烈。/ The mixture of various colors of azalea and fresh green leaves.


優勢な赤系統に混じって、黄、白、オレンジ色なども。/ Not only the dominating red but also yellow, white, and orange colors are appealing themselves.

つつじヶ丘と背景の家並み。都心の神社の宿命。/ Houses are surronding Azalea Hill; in the cntral part of Tokyo it cannot be helped.


高台からつつじと人を見下ろす。/ Azalea and people viewed from a high point of the hill.


根津神社全図。/ The whole view picture plate of Nezu Shrine.


つつじヶ丘を映す手前の池。/ A pond in front of Azaela HIll.

根津神社神池。昔は馬蹄形をしていたという。今はその西半分が残る。/ The main pond of Nezu Shrine. It was once hose-shoe shaped. Now only a half of it remains.


緑一色の池はつつじの季節に涼味を添える。/ The cool spot of the shrine in the season of gorgeous flowers.

楼門(宝永三年建立)。「江戸の神社の楼門で残っているのはここだけ」と説明書にある。/ The inner sacred gate of the shrine constructed in Edo Era, the only heritage of this kind still existing.

舞殿。/ A stage for sacred dance.

名前をひかえてこなかったのは残念。色と形も様々なつつじをどうぞ。/ Sorry I did not take note the names of all these colorful and unique shapes of azaleas.

清楚な白。/ Purely white.

豊かなはなびら。/ Rich petals.

これは針葉樹。/ Needle leaves!

典型的ピンク。/ Typical pink.

複数の色が混じる。/ Colors mixed.

雪の白。/ Snow white.

桜色。/ Cherry pink.

鴇色? / The color of Nipponia Nippon?

くっきりと黄色。/ Clear yellow.

木の芽の緑。/ The most fresh green.

植木屋の店先で。/ At the stall of a flower vendor.

オレンジ色も。/ Orange colored azalea.

クリームイエローも。/ Cream yellow.

日をいっぱいに浴びて。/The sun shines on flowers.

葉陰の花。/ Flowers in the shade.

珍しく下を向いた種類。/ A kind looking down.

さわやかな黄色。/ Fresh yellow.

つつじヶ丘のてっぺんから隣家の古木を望む。/ From the top of the hill, an old tree of the neighbor house is viewed.

濃い影を落とす新緑の銀杏。/ A huge ginko tree makes the shadow.

銀杏とつつじはこの土地のシンボル。/ Azalea and ginko are the symbols of thsi area.

本郷弥生交差点の大銀杏。/ A huge ginko tree at the crossing of Yayoi Dori Avenue.

東京大学正門から見る銀杏並木の新緑。/ The fresh green leaves of ginko trees viewd from the main gate of University of Tokyo.


緑の蘇る本郷通り。/ Green leaves enlivens Hongo Dori Avenue.

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