あお そらも あお うみも あお かぜも

Blue, blue, and blue...the sea, the sky and the wind

/ A trip to the seashore near futo and izukougen, 2008
photos taken by KK

橋立吊橋 / a cable suspension bridge called "Hashidate-bridge" (60 M)

吊り橋から眺める岩場。ダイバーや海水浴の人たちが見える。 / Rocks viewed from the suspension bridge. There were divers and swimmers.

目にしみる青。海原の輝き。海風の涼しさ。/ The ocean blue and glittering, with the wind so cool.

大海原を望む至福の露天風呂。/ An outdoor spa, overlooking the ocean. Bliss!

早朝の磯辺。波の音。/ The rocky shore in the early morning. Only the sound of waves washing the shore was heard.


凪いだ海の穏やかさ。猛々しい岩の様子に嵐を思う。/ The sea was so calm but the rough rocks were talking of the tempests.

富戸港。/ Futo Port.

入り江でダイビングの練習をする若者達。/ Young people learning diving.

海上から望む大室山(右)と遠笠山(左)。/ Mt. Ohmuro (right) and Mt. Tougasa (left) viewed from the ocean.

5000年前に噴火した大室山。/ Mt. Ohmuro was an active volcano 5000 years ago.

夏雲の下、天城山が見える。/ Mt. Amagi under summer clouds.

城ヶ崎灯台。/ Jougasaki Lighthouse.

門脇吊橋。/ A cable suspension bridge called "Kadowaki Bridge."

岬の上に延びる雲!/ Look at the clouds over the cape!

海上をゆく釣り船。/ a fishing boat going on the ocean.

微かな島影は伊豆大島。/ A vague view of Ohshima Island.

海洋公園にはパンパスグラス(シロガネヨシ)が揺れていた。/ Pampas grass (Cortaderia argentea) swaying in Izu Ocean Park.

海洋公園のプール。すいていて気持ちよさそう。/ The swimming pool in Ocean Park was not crowded at all. Looked very comfortable!

伊豆高原には小さな美術館・博物館がいくつもある。今回は「猫の博物館」と「テディベアミュージアム」に寄った。どちらもほのぼの。/ There are many kinds of small museums in Izu Kougen. We visited "The Cat Museum" and "Izu Teddy Bear Museum." Both were very cosy.

伊豆高原駅操車場には伊豆急行の色鮮やかな車両が多数集結する。特急スーパービュー「伊豆の踊子号」はスターだ。/ In the railway shuning yard at Izukougen Station, there were colorful trains. The Limited Express "Super View Odoriko" is a sper-star throughout the year.