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クロカナブン/ Rhomborrhina polita

ヨツボシケシキスイ/ Librodor japonicus

朝ごはんの木のうろに、まるで焼きたてのパンみたいなものがくっついていた。キノコの一種だろうか。手を延べて突いてみる勇気がなかった。/Colorful goldbugs were observed most frequently. When you watch closely, you can see numerous tiny grubs over tree sup.

キマダラヒカゲ。 目玉の模様がある。雑木林の中にはたくさん飛んでいた。地味だけれど、連なって飛ぶところはとても優雅。/ Are they Lethe sicelis? There had patterns of big eye-like circles. They are quiet butterflies. They were beautifully flying in the forest.

Insects coming to "The Breakfast Tree"

During the summer, I made it a custom to take a walk early in the morning. Wherever I went, I started the morning from a small forest near my house. I named one of the trees (quercus serrata) "The Breakfast Tree." It is always dribbling sap, which is quite unique in other dry trees nearby. Insects, bees, butterflies come and suck its juice and sometimes dig holes on its bank. It's really a busy tree. I met many kinds of bugs there. I collected insects by a camera!


カナブン(上),シロテンハナムグリ(下)/ Rhomborrhina japonica (above), Protaetia orientaris (below)

色とりどりのカナブン。よく見ると、別の虫の幼虫らしきものが樹液にビッシリ群がっている。果たしてなんという虫だろう。/ Colorful drone beetles were observed most frequently. When you watch closely, you can see numerous tiny grubs over tree sup.

どう猛そうな、オオスズメバチ。3センチはあった。側によると、仕事を休んでホバリングしながら警戒するので、刺されたらたいへんと退散した。/Vespa mandarinia. They looked very fierce. While I was watching them, they noticed me and they left the tree and looked threatening me, hovering. Certainly I ran away.

August 31, 2007

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真っ白な花の木(早咲きのサクラなのか遅咲きの梅なのか、近くで見ると桜のようにも思え、遠景の枝振りは梅のようにも思える。調べが付いたらこの部分は削除しておきます。-3/18, 2007)に二羽三羽と飛んできてしきりに蜜を吸っている。近くでケキョケキョ、ホーホケキョと啼く声もきこえる。鶯色のからだや目の周りの白い縁取りを捉えたかったのだけれど、逆光だった。ぐるっと木の反対側に回れば良かったと気付いた時には後の祭り。気まぐれな鳥たちがじっとしているわけもない。

Birds in March

To the white blooming tree (I was not sure whether it was a kind of cherry tree or a plum tree. Closely watched, flowers looked like cherry blossoms, but when looked in a distance, the branches were like those of plum trees. I will delete this ambiguous explanation when I succeed in finding out the correct name of this tree. -3/18, 2007) white eyes in twos and threes flew and started sucking the honey. I could hear the characteristic chirping of "ho-hokkekyo" from trees not far from this one. I wanted to take photos of the birds in their soft green color with eyes surrounded with white rings. Unfortunately they were in backlight. I should have walked round to the other side of the tree. I was not quick enough, alas! Birds never waited me.


花に埋もれた姿は青空に良く映える。よーく見ると、辛うじて目の周りの白い縁取りが見える。確かにメジロだ!/ The bird surrounded by flowers against the sky was very charming. Watched carefully, the white circles around eyes were there! Yes they were white-eyes, indeed!

なかなかこちらを向かなかったメジロが、ようやく正面を向いた。でも、逆光に阻まれてやっぱり全身まっ黒け。 / It is not a blackbird. It is a white-eye.


This photo on the right side shows a gathering of doves. They flew down on a sunny open space and were relaxing. Then suddenly they flew up together and started circling overhead in a perfect formation. They did it again and again. Then again they flew don on the same ground quietly. I just watched them wondering if doves are quiet and peaceful birds or wise and sly animals acting in groups.


March 18, 2007

人間の手が届くわけもない高いところにいるのに、注目されていると察すると鳥たちは敏捷に逃げ出す。/ Birds were up above in the tree, far away from humans; however they flew away quickly when they felt they were watched.


おしりの白い羽毛がよく見える。失礼!尖ったくちばし、きゅんと突っ張った尻尾、丸っこい体型が何ともご愛敬。/ The soft white down was seen clearly. The curve of the bird's shape was really attractive.

目の回りに微かに日が当たった。羽の色は写せなかったものの、花の白さを際立ててくれたことで、感謝しよう。ありがとう、メジロ君!/ White-eye circles were seen in this photo. Thanks to the bird, white flowers look so beautiful.



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5月の虫絵本/ Bugs in May




An ant standing upsidedown
In a withering flower of raspberry
Knows where the sweetest honey is.

木苺: Rubus


What a long hose you have!
Is it a straw to suck honey?
In your transparent wings of shadow
You look brave indeed!

May 23, 2006


A hungry cabbageworm visiting erica
Enjoys dinner with its shining green back

erica: Erica canaliculata


A tiny spider
Has a shadow on the grass
So horrible


A gold beetle, or a ladybird?
Under the stamens of clematis
Now ready to go for something delicious

Clematis florida


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