
A Cycling Road Around Lake Tama


On the first perfectly sunny day in January 2006, I made up my mind to go cycling around Lake Tama. I hadn't run through Sakai-Tama Cycling Road, which is not far from my home. Although I had been to the east bank of the lake quite often before, recently we are prohibited to approach it because of the long-running countermeasure construction against earthquakes for banks. It's a pity we cannot enjoy the lake in spite that we're very close to it. Since I wrote an essay "Tamagawa Jousui and Waterways in Tokyo," I was interested in Lake Tama and Lake Sayama, both of which are considered to be "the aristotles for Tokyoites." While I'm curious to see the beautiful Lake Sayama, I stared to see Lake Tama first anyway. On the well maintained quiet cycling road with a slight up and down, I met very few people, I felt as if I had run into a different world. Viewing the silver peak of Mt. Fuji in a distance, I went round the lake by bike with all my might.

多摩湖畔狭山丘陵から西方を望むと、晴天の日には秩父連山と富士山が見える。/ Westward from Lake Tama in Sayama Hills. Mt. Fuji beyond Chichibu Moutains is visible in a sunny day.

東京の西部中央、北端の埼玉県との境界に狭山湖(北側)と多摩湖(南側)が並んでいる。上の図赤い点線部分が保谷狭山自然公園自転車道。/ In the middle of western Tokyo, near the northern border with Saitama Prefecture exist Lake Sayama (north) and Lake Tama (south). The red dots in line above indicate Hoya-Sayama Natural Park Cycling Road.

狭山湖と多摩湖付近の地図、クローズアップ。左右とも自転車道の休憩所の看板より。/ This is a map showing Lake Sayama and Lake Tama. The left map and this one were both in a rest spot.

狭山公園脇の自転車道。平地を離れ、ここからが丘陵地帯の道になる。/ The cycling road beside Sayama Park. Here the road starts to run in the hilly area.

しばらくは左手に住宅地が続く。住宅地の向こうは段丘になっている。右手フェンスの内側が多摩湖。/ On the left side of the road is a residential area beyond which are hills. Inside of the fence on the right side is Lake Tama.

ところどころフェンス越しに、木々の合間に多摩湖東側が見える。耐震工事のため水位は低く、岸壁の赤土が露出している。/ Behind the fence you can see the glimpses of the eastern half of Lake Tama. Because of countermeasure construction against earthquakes for banks, the level of water is quite low and the red clay of the banks are exposed.

多摩湖名物の「取水塔」。湖下堰の向こうに見えているのは西武園遊園地。/ Lake Tama is famous for its in-take towers. You can see Seibu Yuenchi Amusement Park beyond the northern bank.

自転車道途中に「東大和市立狭山緑地」がある。今はすっかり葉を落とした雑木林がひろがる。/ Beside the cycling road is "Natural Green Space of Higashiyamato City." At this time of the year, most of the trees have fallen leaves

丘陵地帯を自転車で行くと、ところどころで視界が開けて空が近い。自転車道もアップダウンをくりかえし、ギアナ無し自転車にはちょっと辛い。/ While I was going up and down the cycling road in the hilly land, I came out to the open space sometimes to find the huge sky. For my bicycle with no gears, the hilly road is quite hard to go!

湖水周囲の「自転車道」絵図。本日の行程は、図の中央より右側、萩山(西武線との交叉部分あたり)から赤い線をぐるりと辿って、多摩湖東端の堤防下を通り、再び自転車道に戻る約11キロ余り。/ A picture map of the cycling road in the lake area. Today I started from Hagiyama (near the spot where the road crosses Seibu Railway Line) and went round Lake Tama following the red line, through the road below the eastern bank to return to the cycling road. I ran more than 11 km.

木漏れ日の狭山緑地。この季節、緑のものはあまりない。斜面をおりていきたい誘惑に駆られる。/ Sayama Natural Green Space in light through bare trees. We cannot see much green plants. I felt like exploring in the woods downwards.

雑木林越しに狭山丘陵の住宅地が見える。/ Beyond the small woods, you can see the residential area on Sayama Hillss.

赤く塗られた「鹿島橋」。この脇に休息所があり、サイクリストやウォーカー、ジョッガーが腰を下ろしている。(自転車道とはいえ、徒歩で行く人、ジョギングする人、様々である。)鹿島橋の下を右(北)方向に行くと自動車道が多摩湖中央を突っ切る。自転車道は前進。/ "Kashima Bridge" painted red, beside which is a resting spot. Not only cyclists but also walkers and joggers are having a bleak there. Under the bridge runs a road for cars vgoing across Tama lake to the northern shore. Bikes should go straight.

東京都水道局が厳しく管理する湖畔には木が生い茂り、外側を柵が取り囲む。湖水はホンのたまに断片的に見えるだけ。/ The Waterworks Department of Tokyo Municiapl Government is watching the lake and itsr environs closely. It's surrounded thichly by trees and bushes outside of which is the wire fence. You can have glimpses of the lake only here and there occasionally.

この日の湖水は快晴の空色に染まっていた。/ The lake was coloed by the clear blue of the sky on the day.

突然目もあやな朱塗りの塔が現れるので驚く。山口観音五重塔。/ Suddenly the red gate and five-story pagodaof Yamaguchi Kannon Temple appear.

境内から絶えず梵鐘の音が聞こえてくる。/ The sound of the temple bell was heard continuousl.

多摩湖橋。この真下を橋と直角に走る道路が多摩湖を東と西に分けている。(右に南方向へその道を行くと、前述の鹿島橋に至る。)/ Tamako Bridge. The bank and road going under this bridge separate Tama Lake into two: the east lake and the west lake. The road leads to Kashima Bridge.

多摩湖橋の上で一休み。ここからは湖水がよく見晴らせる。(ご覧の通り、普通の買物用自転車によるサイクリングです。^-^;)/ I took a brief stop on the bridge. I could have a grand view of the lake there. As you see, my bicycle is an ordinary one for shopping.

取水塔の一つ。/ One of the in-take towers of Lake Tama.

手前は桜の木。花の季節には桜の名所。/ The bare trees are sakura. In spring, it's a famous spot for watching cherry blossoms.

写真は暗くなってしまったが、実際には清冽な風景だった。人造貯水池の宿命で俗化されず観光施設もなく、静寂だけが湖面に漂う。/ Unfortunately this picture does not demonstrate the bright clarity of the scene well enough, but the lake was purely beautiful indeed.. As it is for water supply, it is never vulgarized. Only silence prevails over the lake.

私のカメラでは望遠でもこの程度なのが残念だ。富士見日和だった。私にとっては今年の「初富士」。/ My camera did not catch Mt. Fuji clearly enough. It was serenely beautiful. It was the first view of Mt. Fuji for me this year.

ところによっては、木の間に見え隠れする湖水はエメラルド色。/ Some parts of the lake was colored emerald.

一部凍結していたのか、他とは異なる光り方。/ Partly the lake seemed to be frozen. The glitter was slightly differnt from other places.

多摩湖橋北側の茅葺き屋根。/ A thatched house on the other side of Tamako Bridge

西武ドーム球場。/ Seibu Dome Stadium.

湖下堰付近工事現場。/ The construction site near the western enclosing bund.

午後の光の中でだいぶ薄くなってしまったけれど、富士山の稜線が山並みの向こうにすっくりと聳えているのが見えた。/ Although the view were dim already at this time in the afternoon, Mt. Fuji was dominant over purple mountain ranges.

日だまりの木立には緑が鮮やかだった。/ In sunshine, trees were freshly green.

湖下堰付近。水位が低く、工事の車が行き交う。 / Near the enclosing bund of the lake. The level of water was low. Trucks were coming and going.


今までのものと逆方向から見た「自転車歩行者道」絵図。左上の囲みにあるように、この道路の下を水道管が通り、貯水池の水を東村山浄水所、武蔵境の浄水場まで運ぶ。この図では、多摩湖が上下の二つの貯水池から出来ていることがよく分かる。右側の堰が多摩湖橋のところ。左側が湖下堰。/ The overview of the lake and the cycling road looked the other way round. As you see in the box on the left side, under the road runs the pipes for water supply going from the lake to filtration plants in Higashimurayama and Musashisakai.

狭山公園の落葉樹。目の覚める美しさだった。/ Bare tree branches in Sayama Park.

狭山公園内、「たっちゃん池」。/ "Tachyan-Pond" in Sayama Park.

たっちゃん池には半分氷が張っていた。/ A half of "Tachyan-Pond" was frozen.

水と氷の境目。浮いているのは落ち葉と木片。/ The border of ice and water. On the surface fallen leaves and chips of wood were floating.

たったゃん池を北側から見ると、氷の面積の方が多い。/ "Tachyan-Pond" viewd from the north shore. Ice covered the pond widely.

【参考】弥生の風 「多摩湖自転車歩行者遊歩道」
In the Wind of March on Tama Lake Cycling-Walking Road 

1. 早春サイクリング/Cycling in the Early Spring
2. 桜咲く日/ Cherry Blossoms in Bloom

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