[time 612] Re: [time 606] Worlds, Dimensions, and TGD

Wed, 25 Aug 1999 05:44:41 EDT

In a message dated 8/25/99 1:10:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
matpitka@pcu.helsinki.fi writes:

> > > In any case, the basic philosophy of quantum TGD is eliminative:
> > > this means that entire quantum physics (apart from quantum jump)
> > > is reduced to infinite-dimensional configuration space geometry
> > > with spinor structure. The success of this philosophy
> > > convinces me even more than indidividual applications.
> >
> > Matti,
> > An "infinite-dimensional configuration space geometry" subjectively,
> > but not an "infinite-dimensional space geometry" objectively?
> Infinite-dimensional configuration space geometry as something objective,
> pregiven, totally fixed by the mere requirement of mathematical existence
> implying huge symmetries fixing the metric and spinor structure
> completely.


I sorry to be so dense (and I mean that), but is your next level of
objective space that of 16-dimensions? Or do you effectively add
them on 1-dimension at a time? Does your observer located on
a 4-D sheet see what is objectively true? I'm still having trouble
with those extra dimensions being real and therefore not being
the creation of a subjective observer. If those extra dimensions
are real, I would expect them to be in the initial object; as you
know, where I would prefer them to be.

I am reminded of when I performed some simulations of insect
population dynamics. No matter what initial population ratio
of eggs : larva : pupa : adult, the final result always converges
on a constant ratio. If you then use the final ratio as an initial
condition, the solution never changes that ratio. Likewise, if
it was appropriate (and easy) to substitute your infinite-dimension
result for the 4-D surface in a 8-D space object, and again
substitute the result obtained by the previous substitution,
over and over, would not this procedure converge on a final
objective infinite structure requiring no further modifications?
I believe such a structure would interpret itself so-to-speak.
I speculate that the converged on structure would be a
doubling structure consistant with your initial object,
consistant with my analysis of particular infinite product
identities, and preserving the most important predictions
of TGD.


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